The What’s What, Volume 132

The McDonalds in the UK recently had a “Tastes of America” showcase with 4 week-long specials, like a taco burger, some texas bbq thing, and a new york classic.  Does the US ever have “Tastes of the UK”? -amard1

Yes, they do. But they just put the filet-o-fish on the menu 4 times.  Pip pip, Im making jokes at your cuisines expense.  But seriously, isnt “Tastes of America” at McDonalds kind of redundant? 

Was “Back to the Future” the best time-travel movie in terms of continuity?  -RachelloValentine

For a guy that spent the first 90 minutes of the movie warning about the horrors of messing with times destiny, Doc Brown sure wants to do something about their kids in the last scene.  Changing the past to keep the present the same is very dangerous, but changing the present to change the future is kosher? MORAL PARADOX.

It’s embarrassing when you fumble with a girl’s bra for so long that she just takes it off.  don’t make you feel any better when they sigh loudly and roll their eyes  sportsbras ftw -slyguy5676

Having class doesn’t need hooks or snaps. I was a fan of pulling the bra cups down and toward you, letting the boobies softly plop out, sliding it up over her head, and either;

A.) Continue sliding off the arms toward freedom, or

B.) Once you get to the elbows, violently bring the bra down behind her back.  Now her arms are tangled within her own rubber band trap, plus you have a free hand and are face to face with the boobies.  If she’s laughing, you are free to motorboat or  playfully nipple flick until you can extort food and favours from her.  Otherwise, you should probably apologize and leave before the cops come.

Theres some 60 dollar pair of underwear that would have a separate pouch for your boys and its supposedly incredibly comfortable. Have you, would you try it? -yahoodusty

I haven’t yet, but I would have to buy my own pair, and $60 is a lot for something you arent sure of and cant return.  I’ve recently discovered Old Navy boxer briefs. The patterns are ridiculous, but they feel like junk armour. Ready for sexing or running at the drop of a shorts.

There are infinite number of universes in which everything is different, they are created by our actions. for every decision you make, there are all other possible actions and infinite number of alternative scenarios happening in parallel universes. If I died this universe would cease to exist and everything in it would disappear as it is only just another universe out of infinite number of them. -Tripz

I think the “yous” in those dimensions respond to your current characters likelihood of making those decisions. If there was a 2% chance of you being a serial killer on Earth, then only 2% of those other dimensions contain serial killer Tripz. But it’s not like those worlds are filled with serial killers of everyone else. Ted Bundy is a stand up guy over there in 98% of universes.  Also, it’s important to note, that a vast majority of these alternates, look exactly like you do now and are doing exactly what you are doing now, and are simply waiting for your next decision to veer off your path. So, they really aren’t that all interesting to you after all.  You wouldnt be able to tell the difference between you and them if you saw them, anyway.

What do you think of people dont use Facebook?  -nuttyitalian88

I’ll admit to a small level of instinctive distrust to these people. My Dad included. They’re always talking about the people they don’t want to hear from. Or complain that everyone thinks they are too important, documenting what they had for breakfast every day.  You try to tell them you can take care of that with a couple clicks, and they interrupt you to tell you about this new shampoo they love and you stare at them, partly in disbelief, but mostly hoping they pick up on your clue that they are doing the same thing they were just being critical of in others.   They’re all hiding from something in their past, and it has nothing to do with breakfast cereal.

Yes thats exactly what i want to do at 730am come into work and talk about traffic either shut up or talk about something worthwhile -C_HOX518

Hey, C-Hox, did you see last nights baseball game last night? That shit happened.  And how about that weather, huh? Hey temperature, what the fuck, right? Boy, that local politician sure put him/herself in some hot water, didn’t they?  *shakes head* Congress, I tell you.

Pooping is basically reverse anal sex. You have to admit that it feels good And once you admit that it feels good You have to admit that you’re kinda gay -RedBreakfast

If the orgasm feels great coming out of the penis, it must be great when it’s crammed back in there?  Is that really your argument?

My wife makes fun of me because I start off with “I need” at the drive thru.  Every time she says, “You need it, huh?” What do you say? -porsche4268

“I’ll have” or “I’d like” for me.  I rage when the box asks my wife how shes doing and she ignores them and just outs with her order. I’m all “The box is trying to be nice to you. It asked you a question.  Theres a person with feelings in that box, maybe they really care about your well-being.  You don’t have to ask the box how it’s doing, but at least give it a ‘Fine, thanks.’. HAVE SOME COURTESY FOR THE BOX, ITS AN INTEGRAL CONTRIBUTOR TO THE COFFEE PROCESS.”

The Whats What, Volume 6

That show Intervention on A&E is intense . . . . . . you can watch entire episodes online now . . . f’ing intense. -tearsforbeers

Do you know how this show works? They tell the Junkie that they are doing a documentary on drug abuse, they give him/her a bunch of money to get zooted for a week, and then they televise the most personal thing anyone ever has to go through on national TV.  Disgusting exploitation.  Makes me sick of the families that agree to this.

I just watched the video of Ed Dwyer shooting himself. I don’t understand why people willingly watch these things as entertainment. You’re putting a permanent impression on your psyche by doing so. -SSgohan31

Honestly, I think that I react better in emergency situations because I damaged my psyche as a child by watching Faces of Death. Im less in awe of the situation when it arises, leaving me a clear head to make quicker, reasoned decisions.

Whenever we get into a fight, not an arguement, we basicly stop talking to each other. We don’t yell or scream but we walk around the house like neither one of us exist. We don’t say goodnight, but we remain courtous in front of our son. We kiss each other goodbye and say, have a good day and all that, but when she gets home it’ll be back to the same thing, no talking, no how was your day, just she does her thing and I do mine. 

So here’s my question. Is this healthy? Everyone fights in a relationship, that normal. But should I, knowing that she isn’t going to resolve it till she’s ready, just give in and let it slide until we can talk about it later, or should I continue to stand my ground and make her admit that she’s wrong so we can have resoloutn the the problem once and for all? -DeePiddy

Play her game. Not a word, and you can’t let her see that it bothers you. Go out when you usually don’t without a word, come home hours later and sit down in a common area without eye contact. It sucks that you both dont have the same way of working out problems, but your method only makes things worse for her. So make her method worse for her. You are already doing it now, without it being your choice. Make it your choice, and then own your choice. You are now better at it then her. When shes ready to talk, you still need time. Make her options suck for her.

Why do you smoke weed? I’m not going to try to sit here and act like some elitist douche about it all, I just don’t understand it. A couple of my friends that have smoked can’t give me a definitive reason for why they do such a thing. -projectshadow21

Because I don’t like alcohol, and I find sobriety a mundane chore.

be honest: Have you ever pooped and NOT washed your hands after? -mishtahdeeze

 I have pooped outside before, so yes, I guess.  I washed my hands when I got home.  Whats the time alottment for washing traces of poop from your hands?  I’ve never had pink eye, anyway.

Were you kidding when you said there was a sex video of you on the itnerenet? –  hayzeedayzee

Me and my girlfriend were illegally taped in a motel having all sorts of weird sex play during a trip to her prom. It was on the internet for a few weeks before the guy was caught.  I took a settlement check and had to sign a bunch of papers.  It was out there, Im sure some poeple got it to their hard drive before it was removed.  I never called and told my ex-gf.

When does McDonald’s breakfast end around you? 10:30 or 11? -E11ios

6 hours later, in my toilet.