The What’s What, Volume 33

How do you like your eggs? -CowPlow

Benedict > McMuffin > Scrambled

Should I sue my company for only giving me 2 days off every month? The pay is good, but this is rediculous…
My spine can’t take much more. -samurai_ninja

You won’t find a lawyer, your effort would be better rewarded finding a new job.

Seriously, WTF @ Puerto Rico, wtf is it’s purpose? What does the U.S. get from PR? Why is it still “part” of the U.S.? I honestly don’t know besides moderately hot bitches, what the **** does puerto rico do besides use their government benefits? -MannequinPenis

I had an excellent time in my three hour layover to Saint Thomas. I gambled and got drunk with pleasant friendly people. It didn’t dawn on me to ask them their purpose as Americans.

This chaffing is unbelievable. I just went running and my thighs are killing me. Do you know how to stop this? -Gabriel_Vagoda

Corn starch, an old kitchen trick, for summer days over the oven. Works like a charm. Don’t let someone trick you into using flour unless you want a nut slurry thing happening. It’s turns your nuts into dumplings.

It’s funny when people look down on college students who have their tuition paid for by their parents. There is nothing wrong with it. tons of parents save up to pay for their kids schooling. you wouldnt turn it down if offered -WendyMcDonalds-King

While there is nothing wrong with it, I think its very fair to say that if you work to pay for your own college tuition, you’ll get more out of schooling. Im my experience, you could say this about 99% of college students. People who get their college paid for by Mommy and Daddy are more likely to slack, I guarantee.

How would you survive in prison? i would either go the “crazy man” route and eat as much as my cellmate’s face as i could before being sent to solitary OR would use my devilishly good looks and become the biggest black dude in the joint’s moll cuz what happens in prison stays in prison amirite? -remembertheheroes

Kill them with kindness. Instead of rapings, offer alternatives, like “snuggle time”.

Better Black Star Wars character? Lando owned a city in clouds, rescued Han Solo and destroyed a Death Star.
Mace killed Jango Fett, but got killed by Palpatine. Lando wins. -CloudyRoddyPiper

Lando was a traitor though, can’t omit that. He turned Han in, so at least rescuing him is a wash. And technically, you could say that it took the Emporer AND Darth Vader to bring down Mace. Its closer than you think.

do you get depressed when it rains? normally im in a good mood around this time of day, but today i just feel like shit. -HazyTrain

I enjoy rainy days, and thunderstorms make me feel spiritual. So, no, I don’t get depressed because of the rain at all.

Are there any nude scenes in The Shawshank Redemption? I plan on watching it on the plane when I go back home.
I’d rather avoid awkward moments with the people next to me. -Ericle556

It’s only the greatest movie of all time. Make sure your hang-ups prevent you from seeing it, though.

Can I get a haiku on the Sox new uniforms? -Tammyqube

New threads for Red Sox,

Though the conflict continues,

Red Sox clothes are blue.

had an interview last week and I was just called back today and asked to come in for a second interview. I am just wondering what to expect in this second interview, what is generally talked about or asked. In the first interview they just explained to me about what I would do, asked why I thought i would be a good candidate, and if i was comfortable with certain tasks. -Poggingfuriously

You should learn what you can about the company. That shows that you are serious about the job.
Plan to ask your own questions about the company, not too cheesy. “I noticed you have been in business for 40 years. Has it all been in this building?” Try to come in with knowledge of the job you would be filling. They might want to know how easy your assimilation will be. Also, there might be tricks. “What colour tie was I wearing on Monday?” Was someone there that isn’t for the second round of interview? “Where is Tracy? I hope shes okay.” Good luck.

The What’s What, Volume 32

Whats the context in Loving v. Virginia? I understand that it’s somewhere in the middle of the civil rights movement, but how far along was the movement? Were blacks seen as equals? 16 states (how many states were there in 1967?) had anti-miscegenation laws, which is the minority. This would lead me to believe that blacks were at least recognized as equals in some matters.  Can you help a Canadian out? -StapleLeaf

It was ratified that by a 6-1 state supreme court vote in 1968, that indeed, Virginia is for lovers.

I love how infomercials make the most mundane process look like rocket science. You know what I’m talking about…infomercial for a new can opener showing the ”old” way to do it and makes it seems impossible to do.

Theres always a drawer or cabinet full of the most inefficient way to stack anything you own, also.  Add in the shot of someone somehow hurting themselves after a menial task, and you’ve got yourself an infomercial.

The hardest instrument to play in Rock Band? My roomate says guitar, I say drums, you decide. -ProfPhil

In my experience, Drums are the hardest, I get shin splints trying to play the bass drum. If you dont know the song, vocals are tougher than guitar. Bass is always easiest.

my ex-roommates from 06. they used me for my money. i used them to get girls. i get their drunken sloppy seconds. – ApprenticeofOrder

So, what you are saying is that you exchanged the loss of money for a gain in pussy. Way to buy your trim, loser.

How often do you pray? I have to pray every School morning, they make us, other than that I don’t. -tunabomber

I don’t pray, but I hope a lot. I find the results are the same.  Also, no one can force you to pray, you can use that time for introspection or imaging the girl praying in front of you is naked, if you choose.

How can anyone say the quality of Family Guy has gone downhill?  The characters have changed from the stale ones to something more random, yet occasionally hilarious.

Because every show always does. Welcome to life.  That being said, I’m still a big fan of free TV delivered to my house that makes me laugh, and Family Guy still fits that bill.

What are the attitudes of most Christians you’ve met like? -DairyReam

The same as my dealings with any other group; 20% genuinely interesting, 80% taking themselves too seriously to care about anything else.

Has a girl ever told you she was older, then turned out to be, much much younger? Without getting too specific, this happened to me recently, and besides flirting with felonies, was very embarrassing. -abolutelyperfect

I met a girl online who lied about her age. I was 18, she told me she was 17. One day she came and picked me up from my college in her car. I thought she looked young and teased her about it. After weeks of having sex she told me she was 14. She stole her moms car and didn’t even have a license, all just to get me to date her, and impress her friends.  I felt taken, for sure.

Um, have girls ever mocked you while you were having sex with them? Like not “LOL YOUR PENIS IS SMALL AND INADEQUATE” but like almost motivational like “what’s wrong too much for you to handle HUH HUH” or things along those lines. _Nishmo

When a girl did that to me, I just put a little weight on her neck with my hand.  In my experience, I have found that girls who like to talk dirty, also like to be shut up.

Who’s your favourite Star Trek Chief Engineer? -Trekkerie

Geordi > Welshy > Scotty > Don’t know anyone else.

Ok, so, I like to consider myself a storyteller since I’ve been a fictional prose writer for years now.
But the way I get story ideas is different than any other method I’ve ever heard of, and that’s what makes me unique I think. Because of this method I use, I rarely have the issue of writer’s block (that’s not to say I never have it – every writer goes through writer’s block once in a while).
I’m not boasting, but I’m really amazed and the extent of ideas I get through this method alone. Looking back, my greatest story ideas come from it. It’s easily and by far my greatest method for getting story ideas.
And you know what? I’m not going to reveal it. I’ll only reveal it once I’m a successful writer. -Sean_David

Well, you’ve got the attention whore quality of a true successful writer.  Unfortunately, your prose sucks. So, your “method” only increases your how much you suck and your ego of which will cause only a bigger crippling of misfortune in your eventual downfall.  Good luck with that, though.

Is sexual content in horror movies always necessary? Only scary movies. Ones that didn’t contain teen sex and boobs, boobs, boobs in order to grab audience. -FDS_Woman

The sort of people who watch horror movies are the sort of people who enjoy cheap and easy visual stimulation of violence upon others, so they would also enjoy the cheap and easy visual stimulation of nudity, or at the least, an attractive lead female.  The perversion of violence is more ensickening to some, than the nude human form.

How many jobs have you had? I’ve been working since I was 16 and a half. And I’ve had a total of 5 jobs (+ a summer internship and private contract work) in the span of the last 6 years. -CannonReed

I started working at 14, probably had a dozen jobs in my life so far, I’m 31.  Full disclosure, 8 of those were restaurants, where in the cooking field more jobs means more experience, where an office thinks more jobs, less stable.

You watch House, right? Thirteen or Cameron? -MelonCollie

Yes, please.

The What’s What, Volume 31

Think Fast!!!! First five words that come to your mind when you hear the word…….’Mormon’ -jt6667_usa

I only need 2, cause its the two I only ever think about; Magical Underpants.

Bukake is sexy? I have no idea why I’m watching this.  Also, Blacks on Asian, oh yes. -.Served.

I don’t get it either.  Doesn’t look very personal.   I didn’t even know Blacks on Asians was something to be down with, either.  So, thanks for the knowledge drop, I guess.

Have you ever cussed out your employer? I did but in a jokingly manner. Otherwise no. I would get fired obviously. -DaNagotiatior43

When I worked in a kitchen this happened from every employee on a daily basis, to their face and everything, sometimes while working during a busy rush.  It hasn’t happened yet in my office job.

And after telling yourself you won’t go back, you give in and she really convinces you she messed up and it won’t happen again. But then, a few days later, she says she needs time to think about the relationship, because she doesn’t want to “hurt your feelings like that ever again.” You do what? -Rambo9914

I like how her re-leaving you is actually a sign of her maturity.  Dump the drama.

You like your girls with heels?  Or do you want someone who can run fast if a gunshot breaks out and who you don’t have to carry?  -DairyReam

Sneakers or flip-flops, 90% of the time. Heels don’t do it for me at all, they just look too uncomfortable, and I don’t find discomfort sexy.

Which do you believe has the highest probability of actually existing: Aliens or God? -HisPrezzence

If God exists, he probably created aliens.  Even a test planet Earth, at the least.  Aliens cannot create God, unless you consider him a human creation to begin with.  I’m gonna say aliens, just based on the math.

What’s with all the Twilight hate?  Some nerds went to see the Bond movie without girls, then you saw all the couples and hot girls in line for twilight and you got jealous, right?  -supervamp

It couldn’t possibly be that the author re-wrote 400 documented years of some of the greatest villains of all time to make her teenage girl drama fest, could it? No, of course not, its because people are jealous of others being in happy relationships, as always.

but a bunch of the seniors think it is hilarious to roofie pledges and just see how f***ed up they are. I think it’s f***ed up but as a sophomore I don’t have alot of say in what goes on. I mean some of these kids are literally on the ground. Oh well all in good fun, hazing ftw.  -HEY_NICE_SHOES

This forum wasn’t created so you could try out excuses for why there is a cabinet full of the date rape drug in your frat house.  I’m sure none of those pills make their way into girls drinks, its just to give to other guys, of course.  As long as we can agree that it’s okay to drug someone without their permission as long as theres no penis smuggling involved, we’re all clear here, shitcaker.

Are you Atheist to any notion of a God or Creator or just Theist God’s? -DelcarmenAce

Though I don’t believe there is any God, I don’t have a problem with people who choose to do so.  If someone believes they had a spiritual experience in their lives, who am I to disagree with them?  I do have a problem with a lot of religions, in particular, the problems that are caused or perceived as solved FOR a God.  I think if God had a problem with a situation he could solve it himself, and doesn’t need humans talking for him.