The What’s What, Volume 1oo

I live on the gulf coast and I have some investment capital.  You consider yourself smart, any ideas to capitalize? -Roarseed

I’m omitting purchasing stock in BP.  Sure, its at its lowest and will go back up, but let’s say you have a conscience.  Also, I’m going to forgo any idea revolving around capitalizing on desperation, ignorance, and fear.  Granted, there is A LOT of opportunity if you have no scruples about screwing your neighbor who’s already broke, but I’d rather not advocate them.  Boil it all down, I come up with a half dozen ideas.  The one I think would make the most profit is investing in Freshwater Sportfishing.  Right? Marine Sportfishing is a billion dollar a year industry.  All these people will have to find new hobbies. Changing your hobby from saltwater to freshwater fishing doesn’t take a lot of knowhow adjustment, but it will cost uber dollars. Lures/Bait, poles and especially, boats are very different. Hell, even the line is different.  That’s what I got.  Good Luck with your life down there.

what will people think of Derek Fisher in 10 years? one of the best ever or just in the right place at the right time? most people thought kobe couldn’t win a ring without shaq, i think he can’t win one without d fish -kid_chilly

An astounding number of people I hear talk about Derek Fisher didn’t like him until they hear about his daughter, and then they don’t talk about how much they hate his personality anymore and instead talk about his daughter.  Right now, I think he’s an asshole who exploits his daughters condition for America’s good graces. 10 years? I’m not sure.  Hit me back in 10 years.

Your stance on abortion? -g4m3rg1rl

I can’t believe it’s taken 100 updates and three years for this question to make an appearance.  Weird.  Men have a habit of leaving pregnant women instead of manning up, so women should be allowed to have abortions. Personally, I’m disgusted by women who weigh it as an option while rationalizing having unprotected sex, which happens a lot more than we’d like to admit.  Ultimately, it’s a woman choice, and I feel like only women should have the right to vote on this issue.  The globe can’t afford more unwanted people in the resource sink.  Its voluntary population control, so bring that on in full effect.  I find it hypocritical when people don’t want abortions, but then don’t want to support the social programs to give the baby a fair shot at a decent life.

Did you get a chance to play the new Super Mario Wii?  Reaction?  -Glocktypus

Awesome and challenging when playing alone. Frustrating and a disaster when playing with friends.

Diane Lane is the hottest cougar on planet, currently.  All other opinions are currently invalid.  -EcklesBee3

Something about her trusted roles as strong mothers that always put her in weird territory with me. Also, her spot on Boston accent might have something to do with it. I’m sure others have a celebrity that they recognize the physical attractiveness of and just don’t have a sexual urge to plant. Like resembles a sister or ex that you hate or something.

Kobe Bryant has some of the ugliest children ever. -lezzeeneeus

They are remarkably ugly. I said the same thing when I saw those things on his lap, as anyone in the room with me at the time can attest.   They look like trolls.  Not mythical trolls, but actual “Trolls” those pencil toppers from the 80s.  It’s a good thing they’re rich.

I kind of hope a solar flare destroys a bunch of satellites.  I’d love to watch people’s reactions when their GPS doesn’t work, their cell phone can’t make calls, and when they can’t dick around on apps all day. -Corrosieve

I geocache, so the GPS would completely disassemble my favorite hobby. But, it would allow everything to start over from scratch and I bet there would be a lot of improvements.  Would I take the destruction on my hobby for a year or so if it made things better?  That’s a tough one.

This dude in the stall next to me had no brotiquette.  I’m trying to take a piss, and he’s trying to discuss the decor of the restroom with me. Dude, you do not talk to the guy next to you in the bathroom. -WhoresShoeChamp

The decor? Thats an offense of brotiquette as it stands. What the hell could have possibly been so amazing about that bathroom that he started talking to you?  I mean, if he asks you for the time or if you know a local sports score, that’s one thing.  But wall treatments and shit?  You should have peed on his shoes.