The What’s What, Volume 111

Are you Overweight? *just curious* -CHIPMUNKGIGGLES

My WiiFit claims I am.  I’m 5’11” and weight 180.  I don’t feel or look  fat though.

Is paying for dinner a good enough birthday present? -BROntosaurausMax

Depends. Lady friend you want to slide something inside? No.  Family member or platonic friend?  Yeah, sure. As long as they pick the place.  If its a milestone birthday, you might consider picking up a little extra; card, lottery tickets, chocolate or something, though.

Bill Nye the Science Guy collapses during speech. Students text and update Twitter rather than help him!  -Melonchomfortable

Was he speaking to medical students? Because if I pass out on stage, the last thing I want is a bunch of kids crowding around me thinking they can help, gaffling my wallets, and taking pictures of me with a retarded look on my face.

explain what’s going on in Harry Potter up to the new movie. I’m going to see it with my friends and I haven’t seen any since the Goblet of Fire I think -BroncksBommahs2

Something about Baltimore, I mean, Voldemort putting his power into objects, called horcruxes.  Potter & Company have to collect 7 for the final showdown or something, they already killed 2 or 3 and need to find the rest.  Everyone is exiting puberty, getting horny and prepping to link up with each other.  That, seriously, is the summary of the first 5 movies in terms of long term plot in two sentences.

So why is CNN calling those Chilean miners “heros”? -GMAustra1ia

Because they can’t spell “heroes”.  I kid. Has it been that long since I’ve updated.  I feel bad now.  But I don’t really care about the miners.  I’m glad they got out.  That’s all, really.

What parts of the US Constitution does the government hate? -Superman242

For the people, and of the people.  They really like by the people.

I have a crap load of kief, how exactly are you supposed to smoke it? I would like to optimize the potential of this kief. -5harkBoy

Do NOT smoke it as is. Packing a bowl is going to waste a lot of keef because youll suck the dust through whatever piece you are using. Plus it’s harsh, and it will get you crazy high, so its best to portion it thusly.  Couple ways.  As a sundae topping on crappy weed bonghits.  Make tiny balls of sticky resin, and roll them through keef, making “truffles”. This is my preferred method when I’m out of green.  Licking the ends of your cigarette and dipping in, for enlightening yourself in stealthy fashion.  Enjoy.

Have You Ever Been Or Are Now a Bandwagon Fan?  I haven’t been on any teams bandwagon. -B_Alone

Maybe?  I root for my teams until theres no chance of making the playoffs, then I’ll jump on another ship just to keep the season exciting. Usually an underdog or something, never a rival of my chosen teams. Just something to keep my interest.

Italian food is one of the bases of all culinary mastery, behind French cuisine. -Rob922004

You sound educated, but are spewing lies. Probably told to you by someone trying to enhance their heritage.  Italians didnt invent any cooking techniques. Pasta was invented by the chinese. Everything classically Italian has tomato and cheese on it. Everything. If you go to a Italian restaurant and order something without tomato and cheese on it, (ie Marsala, Madiera, Picatta) its Italian wine. Those dishes are actually French.  A famous running joke for DOUBLE DIGIT CENTURIES is to put sauce and cheese on something and call it “<Meat> Italiano”.  It’s delicious and foolproof, I’ll give you all that.  It’s just not original cuisine, nor a basis for culinary mastery.

The What’s What, Volume 1o5

When you told someone to go to Red Robin, I thought you were kidding.  I thought the place was a kids party place like Chuck E Cheese.  But then my wifes friends made us go and I had a great burger, they had a bar with drafts and everything! ajent007

I’m not sure how you could get that impression, what with the giant cartoon bird, commercials that never show anyone over the age of 12 and buildings that looks like a god-damned neon and glass casino extravaganza.  Get past the wacky attempted retro burger joint vibe and the burgers are still amazingly delicious.  Stay away from the shakes.  Don’t go there without kids.  Just get a couple Bonzai burgers to go and sit in a park or your car, like we do.

Nice predictions, Uri Gellar.  Could you have had a worst week 1?  CJ Spiller + Laurence Maroney = Fail. -FluffyBuster

I also went 0-3 fantasy in Week 1.  But I haven’t given up on Spiller.  I certainly admit I have no idea what happened with Maroney.  It must have been personal or something.  He could still put up exciting numbers for the Broncos, now that he has an axe to grind.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending myself, I suck.  I never claimed to be sitting on a perpetual success festival over here.  I’m saying we just don’t know how badly I suck yet.  Let’s give it the proper time to really compost down to shit, is all.

After all these years, I still think Melissa Joan Hart is pretty good looking.  Not mind blowingly hot or anything but there is something nice about her. -hbkny2j

She was my first celebrity crush, like 25 years ago. Sill hot now. I’m not gonna watch her show or anything, though.  Too hokey.  And I didn’t watch her dancing, either.  She needs a good role.  I bet she could pull it off if someone gave her a legitimate shot.

NHL 11 will be the best sports game of this generation. -OkravinaOfTime

Passing is pretty fail in ’11.  Loading up speed by holding pass is a complete disaster.  It needs to be done with analog, the harder or quicker you push the button, the faster the pass goes.  Its a shoulder button for a reason.

Why would Brady watch the Jets on Hard Knocks? He already has tapes of their practices. -Corks

LoL.  Good line.  However, If I was their competition, you damn right I’d be watching it to find out something to get in their head with. I’d probably be calling Mark Sanchez cheap for putting the screws to some poor college kid over a fucking 75 cents cup of ranch dressing.   Hes a damned millionaire, and he’s griping this poor kid over the coals for something Rex Ryan has bottles upon bottles of stashed in his mini-fridge for chugging.

Have you ever received a hate message from someone after playing online with them? -blurnahn

When I played Galaxies as a spy, I got them all the time.  Like, daily.

Lost got absolutely screwed by the Emmys. Even if they didn’t deserve to win the acting awards (seriously though, Terry O’Quinn should have won), at the very least Michael Giacchino should have won for the music direction. Instead 24 won. Absolute bullshit.  -StealthyMission

Everyone knew this going in, this was not a surprise.  The ending really crapped in everyones collective mouths.  So, blame the writers of that travesty for the residual negativity towards everything else related to the show.

LOL Poor People. OH NOEZ $10 MORE FOR XBOX LIVE! HOW WILL I AFFORD IT!? -wareagles91

It’s what the $10 is for is whats making people upset.  ESPN? Twitter? Facebook? Anyone with an internet connection gets that stuff for free, including 99.9% of the XBox audience. Makes no sense.

Preseason week 4 NFL > Regular season week 1 NCAA -IntimidatingPresents

College football is generally more exciting, but the NCAA is corrupt.  Pro Football is just so much more meaningful competition.  They both have merits, but still, your opinion is correct.

The What’s What, Volume 97

as every summer approaches, I hope and pray that it is the year where jorts enter extinction and every summer I am disappointed. -_Deeze_

I actually had to google “jorts”.  That’s how old I am.  Turns out, they’re “jean shorts”.  Now it all makes sense. After consideration of the issue, I’m going to vote to continue letting women wear jean shorts, but only the kind made from old jeans.  Never hemmed at cuff.  Men can’t do either.  If you have a penis and are wearing jean shorts, you should leave your trailer for an hour and get yourself something that isn’t embarrassing you for the summer.  Treat yourself, and the rest of us.

See the Evans/Rampage bout? -Grapedrinker

I did.  I understand when people who pay for the fights get upset by what they call “lay and pray”.  Also, I completely agree that these fights are wholly unexciting.  However, I just cannot fault Evans for using the strategy to win.  In a successful career, winning and limiting damage are pretty much the two necessities.   It’s boring, but landing 2 jabs and snuggling is technically fundamental.  Which is why the undercards are always more exciting.  Less fundamentals, more opportunity for mistakes.

i mean, like these dudes are bitches. i make one comment and they remove me from their friends list lol.    i could understand when girls do this, but like really what little bitches.  so what if i drop f bombs and shit, who the fuck cares, its the goddamned internetz. serious bizness. -smoke_dust_rising

So what if you drop f-bombs? The people who dropped your ass care. How about using a little god-damned tact and consideration for the people you consider friends? Some peoples Facebook pages are the social equivalent of a childrens birthday party on the internet. You run into the inflatable bouncetty-bounce, start swearing and dropping retarded jokes next to people that were born this decade or lived through the holocaust or something and you wonder why you don’t get invited back?

I don’t care if you want to be a retarded asshole in front of people that could eventually offer you help in your life. Your reputation is yours to piece up all you like, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to listen to you complain about it like your butthurt, and then act like you don’t care when you admit it’s all your doing.

In about 15 years, J.K. Rowling will probably make a lotta “greatest author of all-time” lists… Even though she probably doesn’t deserve to be there, she is single-handedly responsible for igniting an entire generations love for literature. Not many, if any, writers have ever been able to do that in their lifetime.  ColLexSanders

“Most successful” =/= “Greatest All-Time”.  Plus I’m going to take issue with your claims of her turning a generation onto literature.  Kids waited for the next HP book.  They weren’t pick up any Ginsberg or anything.

SCENARIO: Qui Gon Jinn never goes out & gets Anakin Skywalker. How do things change? Does the original trilogy still happen? Is there still civil war? Does Palpatine still become all powerful?  -RoyaleSithCheese

It’s a prophecy. Anakin would have found his way into the situation some other way.   What’s more interesting to me is how everyone expected Anakin to be this wonderful person. His prophecy was to bring balance to the force. And the Jedi were ahead by thousands. So, either the Sith would become equally powerful, or the Jedi’s were to get served up to a scant few, which is what happened. Everyone seemed shocked by these events. I still don’t get it.

Sarah Palin recent tweet:  “Extreme Greenies: see now why we push “drill,baby,drill” of known reserves&promising in safe onshore places like ANWR? Now do you get it?”

I realize she’s pigeon-holed herself as America’s Mom, and everything.  But, I can do without the condescension.  Being all “I told you so” is going to get people defensive instead of considering your point.  Not that I believe what she’s saying anyway, there’s plenty of footage of her campaigning for extended off-shore drilling.

A-Rod doesn’t seem to want the record anymoreEver since he was like “I’m on teh roids lol” he’s not swinging for the fences. This makes me a sad panda. -ImpliedOffense

Well, because of his steroid usage, it’s been tainted.   It’s best he keeps quiet and cross bridges as he comes to them.  I’d rather not double the amount of complete douchebag juicers on top of the HR list. But you are free to hope as you choose.

Do women withhold sex as a form of coercion or punishment? This is another one of those issues that perplexes me whenever I contemplate female sexuality. I’m genuinely curious to know if (a) this is a widespread occurrence, and (b) why a woman would do this at all. -amazingbagman

Really?  After centuries of sexual repression, objectification and double-standards, you need to ask why women use sex as a weapon?  Really, dude?  I hope you are good looking.

Someone Steps on Your Sneakers; pull knife, pull gun, or punch them?  I did option 1 today when some cracker stepped on my Jordans. I went easy on him since they are kinda old, I’ve had them for two whole months.  -FritosInyoAss

Well, traditionally people expect shoes to take a beating. You know, due to the close proximity and repeated contact with THE GROUND.  An accident is one thing. Completely unacceptable to get upset over. If not this, then you’d kick a curb or catch a screw on the train or something.  On purpose is another. You’d best equalize or answer with superior aggression if you got the numbers, size and/or skill., in any situation someone is trying to bring you undue negativity.

The What’s What, Volume 88

I don’t understand how people can actually LIKE cocktail sauce. -pen_island

Its horseradish and ketchup. Two condiments can sometimes go great together.  Relish and mayo, honey and mustard, etc.  I suggest saving your disdain for more important things, though.

Why is there so much hate on Lent?  I feel bad for people that have such a simple message of self discipline and sacrifice fly right over their head.   -teaboxer

Because others feel bad for people whos views of self discipline and sacrifice begin and end at giving up chocolate for a month.

Lol My dad thought that you made Oreo milkshakes using Oreo ice cream.  The other night after we were done eating dinner he said “Well, if you want to make an Oreo milkshake we have some Oreo ice cream in the fridge”. Me and my Mom both laughed at him.  -LastTopModel

You are completely wrong. You want the Oreo Ice Cream because the cookies are moister and break apart easier and fit through the straw. To this you add chocolate sauce, extra cookies and milk. I feel bad for your Dad that he got ridiculed for being right.

So, what’s the consensus on MAG? Good? Bad? Worth a purchase? -ZippahHead

My brother in law is really into it. Pretty good too. I liked playing the demo.  I like how they force you to push for an objective rather than every game turning into a deathmatch.  Pretty innovative scoring, revival, and activity systems.  I would suggest renting before purchase, as I would most any game you’ve never played.

So this disabled lady that my mom buys groceries for passed away… How long before I can drink her A&W Root beer?  -SOCommander

Im assuming you can’t just drink one and claim you didn’t know?  If she does, pour two glasses and bring one to your Mom. Raise a glass to the fallen disabled lady and toast in her honour.  She can’t really feel guilty if you have good intentions, and you shouldn’t either if you thank her memory for it.  Bonus points: Make floats.

Who deserves more credit for the success of a movie?Director or Writer? -Sicileen

Tough call. Essentially, movie ideas don’t happen from nothing, so I would have to go with writers. I’d be interested to hear what a successful writer/director like Tarantino would have to say about it.

The problem with you potheads is that it doesnt matter if you are factually wrong if people believe you.  Its kind of a big problem, given the amount of stupid people out there… -IEnjoiRayden

The problem with everyone (Christians/Atheists, Reps/Dems, Hershey/Nestle) is that it doesn’t matter if you are factually wrong as long as people believe you.

A friend BLOCKED all time wasting sites at work, now the 20 somethings are upset! LOL  he has many 20 somethings under him. They spend time on sites like facebook, twitter, myspace, etc. …. everyday! So my friend talked to the tech guy and had him block all those sites. Now the 20 somethings are crying! WTF? Your at work to work, not surf the net. Here and there, surfing is no biggie, but several times a day, each and every day is pushing it. So my friend was pro active. -MortalityDeadbolt

Now, all the 20-somethings are checking these sites on their much, much slower phones wasting much, much more time.

I don’t get why people like you.  This blog is about nothing, and it’s not even funny.  -ShawneeL91

I don’t get why if I throw a paper clip or aluminum foil sheet into the air, it’s doesn’t float down slightly North.  Shouldn’t this happen?  Life is full of mysteries.

The What’s What, Volume 83

If you order pizza in a snow storm and don’t tip more than usual, you’re a bad person. -MaxRushmore

I completely agree. I give much more in crappy weather, because it would be more of a hassle to get it myself than normal.

Better show: Weeds or Breaking Bad? Forget the fact that Weeds has a MILF as the main character. Which show is better? -RobinStoddard

I have only seen Weeds, so I can’t make an accurate comparison.  But Breaking Bad is basic cable right? When in doubt as a tiebreaker, I go with the cussing, violence and boobies.  Just for realism sake.  But that’s just me.

What did you do for New Years Eve? -LostinMasturbation

I did the adult New Years.  Fancy dinner with wife, played the games we got for Christmas with her uncle and cousin, watched some Stooges, some Twilight Zone, and the ball drop and then went to bed.  I don’t believe I had a drink all night.  I had a new phone to get the next morning.  Didn’t want to be hung over for that.

Why do ALL the non-religious people feel so superior to religious users? -SuperChaos

Because they believe they are right, just like the religious.  Only the religious superiority is more of pity towards atheists because they won’t get into heaven.  While the atheists feel superior in a different way, kind of like the way you would feel upon meeting a 35 year old who still believed in Santa Claus.  Like eye-rolling at a precocious scamp.

I got to know, why do people go on facebook,myspace,twitter,etc? SDownVRaw09

It takes less than ten minutes a day to find out what everyone you care about is up to.  It’s on your own time, terms, and great to not get bogged down in phone call after phone call.  I know what my moms sister is doing every day, and I haven’t seen her since my wedding 5 years ago.  I tell my Mom what her sisters up to and she still doesn’t get it.

‘Denise’ from the new Taco Bell commercial is gorgeous -Gameridian55

I’d like to Chimi her Changa.  But yeah, both those girls are cute. And I like the way the other girl gets pissed when she has to get Denise. I actually believe that shes pissed her service isn’t good enough. Quite the acting from her.

Should the drinking age in the United States be lowered to 18? -DatAzkhaban

Yes, I do.  At the least.  I think that we should follow a more European model and let kids get drunk.  Seriously. I feel drunk people are better when supervised.  Kids are more likely to get bored of getting drunk if its no big deal to anyone else.  But for America?  A great start is letting enlisted men and women have a drink, legally.  It’s ludicrous that an 18 year old solider  can shoot someone in the face from point blank rage or take a bomb in the crotch but having a beer or two to deal with it is a no-no.

You watch Bret Hart’s return on Raw? -zeitghost

I did, actually, thanks to a text from a friend.  Just the beginning.  Wasn’t impressed, really.  HD is not kind to the Hitman.  I thought they would spruce up an angle or something, but was pretty much the same tried and true forced heat recipe.

The What’s What, Volume 69

That new Cowboy Stadium is something.  -TheMichiganKid

Jerry Jones’ two Opening Acts last night for his new house were Jordan Sparks, Daughter of opponents New York Giants and franchise Hall of Famer, Felipe Sparks. And GW Bush, arguably one of the greatest Presidential failures in recent history.   Sure, they are from Texas, but it’s a big place. Seemed like a set-up for eventual football embarrassment.

As we were watching the game they showed John Madden and former Pres Bush chatting in a luxury box and my buddy said “If Jim Rome were in that mix, Frank Caliendo would have had a heart attack.”  I’m still laughing.

I hate football season.  Its not that I dislike football, but when the only baseball highlights i see are on the top ten plays, it gets really annoying. -Belgianrofls

I watched SportsCenter this morning and saw plenty of full-game baseball highlights.  Please note that you sent this on Tuesday, and Monday is one of baseballs off days. You’ll get Wednesday-Saturday back, settle down. Football is only on for like 30 days a year.  Baseball is what, 250 days worth?

FACT: if you update your facebook status/twitter twice a day or more, you’re a fucking moron -Dustyahoo

I wouldn’t say they are morons. But they are attention whores, for sure.  If they really think people care what they are up to 3 times a day, that’s what makes them morons.

I love how the media doesnt care about what Obama said rather that some douchebag was disruptive with two words.  -Considerate_Wanderer

It’s almost like it was planned that way, no?   One small ambitious shitcaker could move the debate to him and his feelings on how he’s standing up for what’s right, with a simple two word outburst on the biggest stage available.

He’s Joe the Plumber and Town Hall Meetings all over again, rolled up into one, and the media expectedly eats it up because they licked their plates clean last time.  You can’t really act shocked.  It’s called “Stealing Thunder”.  And it’s a pretty common technique to distract, these days.

I heard someone say on the radio yesterday that Americans often follow the player rather then club.  Is this true? -ShadowRunKevin

From my experience, it exists but is uncommon.  I find that this phenomenon is existent only in American basketball.  At least , I’d say it’s more common than the other sports, but still the vast majority of fans are team fans. 8:1 I’d say.

In WW68 you said “Why the government hasn’t made stashes of parachutes a legal requirement for floors higher than the 15th floor after this incident is completely beyond my scope of understanding.”

You can’t understand high school level physics?

Skydivers pull the cord very far from the ground so that their acceleration and velocity have time to slow down. That just isn’t possible with a regular parachute. It’d have to be huge and there’d be a ton of complications like getting stuck.

Most jumpers pull at > 3000 ft to have time to slow down, the biggest building in the world would be a comfortable landing, but most other skyscrapers are less than half that size. -limited_skillz

I’ve seen base jumpers from 150 feet. Thats 15 floors. Your move, Stephen Hawking.

Lol, Jeff Hardy finally got arrested. -rex1440

This isn’t even rock bottom for him.  That’ll come in a few months when he listens to his album sober.

Caster Semenya sanction would produce “third world war”, says South African Minister.  I have to admit, I thought Germany would be the cause of WWIII…their track record for World Wars was hard to ignore.  -CoachGenero

As far as starting world wars, I’ll put “female with penis wins running race” between the invasion of Poland and the assassination of Ferdinand, in terms of legitimacy.

What’s up with black people and turning display radios in electronics stores up really loud? -good_pork

Because their ears have been damaged over time due to extended interactions with the loudest thing on this planet, black women.  But seriously, if you like your music loud and are shopping for a stereo, then you should test it loud.

Most underrated snack item? -Crow754

Unfrosted, untoasted, Blueberry PopTarts.

Scenario: you jump out the nearest window to you, how hurt would you get? Let’s assume the smash through the glass does no damage to you; only the fall. -AllHailHypnotoad

Great Question.  Into bushes after 3 foot fall.  Some scratches, embarrassment and pissed off animals later, I’m fine.

The What’s What, Volume 53

have you ever actually befriended a homeless person? -FrereMonster

There was a guy in Kenmore station in Boston that would announce the oncoming trains to the platform by singing “Peace Train” by Van Morrison with modified lyrics.  “C train sounding louder, everyone rides the C train!” *CLAPCLAP* I used to steal food from my girlfriends college cafeteria and give it to him, pretty much every night/morning for two years. He knew my name, Id consider us friends.

Do you remember your first skeet? -FHX44

I do. I was knuckle deep in a girl in the bathroom at Sunday school and she was giving me a handy.  I didn’t know what was gonna happen so I skeeted all over her flip flops and we both tasted our hands. She was delicious. It was hot as all get out. I then masturbated like 5 times thinking about it over the following 12 hours. I hope that wasn’t too graphic for you. It’s a pretty vivid memory of mine.

facebook or twitter? -Anard88

I use them both and they are two completely different things.  It’s like asking Apple Jacks or Bow Tie?  Granted, I only use twitter for breaking news alerts.  If theres a better use, I’m not seeing it.

I didn’t like The Wild Thornberrys. -bdog2610

It looked like third graders animated it. Stories might have been good, but the visual reference gave me a headache which prevented me from giving it a fair shake.

IMO, it’s more fun to be drunk than high. -Megasalmon

I’ve seen too many good relationships end over something that happened while drunk. I’ve never seen anything of the kind happen because of weed.  So, I gravitate towards the devil lettuce myself.

which race should be wiped off of the face of the Earth? -palzim11

The Daytona 500.

Which FIGHTING games have you really been into(if any)?? -LifeMeme

The only ones that I would even consider coming close are Tysons Punch Out and Pro Wrestling back in the 8 bit days.  I’ve just never really been into the fighting games. I played the balls off of Fight Night for a bit recently, but you might not even consider these fighting games.

Would you rather have one giant testicle or three regular-sized testicles? When I say giant, I mean giant. Like, the size of a tennis ball or something. I think I have to go with the one giant testicle. What about you? -JimmyRushmore

Both seem uncomfortable. Would having one large testicle produce giant sperm so that I’m ejaculating tadpoles? Or would three regular sized testicles give me a hose load like a poorly edited porn scene?  Instinctually, I’m going with three balls cause I feel like that would be tougher to spot.

Your best steak service recipe? YaySean

Prepare Marinade; 2 bottles of ale, 1 cup brown sugar, 2 large onions cut into large rings.
Lay steak into marinade, let rest overnight.
Get grill crazy hot, put steak on grill, turn heat to medium
Saute onions in butter on low heat until cooked, yet still a bit crispy.
Cook steaks to desired temp. (Med Rare for me personally)
Enjoy the shit out of them.

Have You Ever Hand-Scored Baseball Games? -Theeze-

I used to went I would go to Fenway in college. Statistics aren’t readily available during the games except whats available on the scoreboard. (Which are getting bigger and bigger.) And if I see a great game I have a cool souvenir.  I felt more involved too, kept me focused.

The What’s What, Volume 51

-Had a great night with friends girlfriend
-I tell her my friend really doesn’t want to be with her
-The next day she makes moves on me
How should this situation be dealt with?  -The_Coon

If you friend is mad at you, you fucked up, and you’re a traitor.
If he’s happy cause she’s gone, then the pain is temporary, you did them both a favour, you get to feel her boobies, shes your problem now, and you’re a traitor.
Unless he told you to do it, which you claim he didn’t, then you threw him under the bus for your own perceived gain, regardless of the situation now. You were considerate of your own selfish feelings over your friends, you should have consulted him first. But whats done is done, good luck.

THE HAPPENING IS SUCH A GARBAGE MOVIE. how could you like it? The acting was terrible and it rivals Gran Torino. The plot was DECENT but overall it was completely stupid. Marky Mark sucked ass in this movie. -.Munnkee

I don’t blame the acting as much as I blame the writing. That dialog was embarrassing and, ultimately, distracting. And I think the actors took the heat for that. The stunts were cool. I really didn’t think it was that much of a stretch to think that plants could evolve a defense mechanism against their greatest natural enemy.  But people are all LoL about it, so I guess I’m wrong.

Do you consider yourself to be racist? -TK420

You tell me. I notice tendencies in races, but never judge one for them. Also, I intentionally never bring race into a conversation, though I see people doing it all the time. It embarrasses me, as a white person.

Why do spiders need eight eyes and eight legs? That’s just being greedy tbh. -UnpredictablePenguin

Are you saying we should be investing in research to transplant spider appendages to other animals, or is this a profound theological rhetoric aimed at an imperfect designer?

damnit, my roommate has been in the tv room with his date all fucking night. i want to play some fucking resident evil, why can’t they just go sit in his room and talk? they were in there when i went out, they were there when i got back, and they’re still there, wtffffffffffffff -Dashoon

“I want to play some FPS, but my roommate is trying to get some. He is so selfish!”  Just so we’re on the same page. This is what you are claiming, in a nutshell?

WTF, why can my Ps3 play Ps1 games but not Ps2 ones? -Archetype66

Because the PS2 is still selling. Once it goes away, in a couple more years, they’ll be a firmware update and we’ll be set.

Have you ever been adiccted to a drug? -UncleSkar

I’ve definitely abused drugs, but I don’t think I have ever become addicted. That is to say if I experienced withdrawal symptoms, I blamed the cause on something else.

So what happened in history around this time last week that made google go all morse code? -Oysterfarmer

Samuel Morse’s Birthday. But, they really should not be honouring him.  Sure it was important then, but its completely irrelevant today. It’s not like he even invented the telegraph or anything. He just made up an alphabet. Okay, so an American perfected an antiquated technique for a fossilized piece of equipment.  That deserves recognition? Who wrote the owners manual for the cotton gin? Shouldn’t his birthday be recognized too?

favorite underrated combination? mine is fritos and salsa – gasmaskedcasket

Watermelon sherbet with chocolate chips is my favorite.

so how long until Twitter goes away? I give it another 3 months, tops. -CharlieStone75

Until the ad revenues make it unprofitable, which at this point will never occur.  The “buzz” surrounding it will die soon, its pretty much jumping the shark now.

I want to see every high school/college whore burn. I want to see them drown in the flames of disgust and torment, let them see what happens when you unleash filth and promiscuity upon the young world.  -InternetDick

Why would you want to kill the practice girls? They’re doing your future wife a solid by teaching how to please women. Of course I’m using the term “teaching you” loosely because it’s obvious you’re only upset that the girls who will spread their legs for 95% of men have included you in the “no-dice” 5%.