The What’s What, Volume 11o

One of my friends always brought the argument up of why didn’t gandaolf just get those big ass eagles to carry frodo over mordor and drop the ring in the volcano? -rawksawlid1

I was under the impression that’s what the frontal offensive was for.   To keep the eye thing busy building monster armies and sacking cities while Frodo snuck in the back.  But I don’t know, I’m no apologist.  I was more confused by the very beginning.  You’re telling me that someone by the name of The Dark Lord of Mordor and who is a General for the Army of the God of Evil is handing out party favours to the leaders of his sworn enemies, and noone is going to question motive?  Really?

How old is too old to Trick r’ Treat? -Cl3ms0nTigers

No such thing,  Several options. Take a bag and say your collecting for sick little brother or sister. Take small family kids or neighbors kids and walk up to door with them and simply say “Those are my favorites! Can I have one?” at every house. Fill pockets. Give non favorites to kids. Just go up to a house and say “Trick or Treat”. They say something snotty, and you say, “So, you are choosing trick?” and show them a carton of eggs. Even the cops will make fun of the house owner.

$10mil but you can’t see your son until he’s 18. No pics, no video, no voice, no drawings, no paintings, or anything that can resemble him. You also can’t send him money or create a trust or college fund for him. In?  -FluffyBuster

Okay, no trust fund, but I can save some money for him, right?  I’m not spending $10M in 20 years.  I can have other kids too, right?  Then I invite you to picture this, a boy spends the first 17 years of his life being raised by a single Mom, likely through financial hardships. The boy is left to ponder hundreds of scenarios on why he has no dad; his mom is an easy lay and doesn’t even know who the dad is, hating his father for leaving, and wishing that he was some rich guy that would see his wrong ways and come back to save the family. Now you are telling me that the best case scenario is going to happen to the victim, and further more, you are going to give me ten million dollars to make this kids life a dream starting from the point that it actually matters?  Yes. I’ll take the check.

Still watching the League?fullquietcasket

Yeah, Ghost Monkey went a little overboard, but the Taco’s offering song was pretty good.  Vinegar Strokes was bold and hilarious.  I think the second season has kept up the funny to first season levels, for the most part. I wish I could remember the names of the two guys with the same last name who write the show. I want to say Schafer brothers or maybe gay marriage thing going there.  It’s all their fault. Soon, they’ll likely start running out of ideas they’ve been collecting and refining for the past ten years and have to start forcing funny. Then, we’ll see what they really got.

Least favorite 30 for 30? fullquietcasket

Oh, hands down, Marion Jones.  She’s too happy recanting the story of how she beat someones ass in prison. I forgot how fake her crying was. Shes spending too much time trying to convince me that she was a victim. John Singleton is in his own film too much, and didn’t ask a single difficult question in 52 minutes.  She spent 6 months in jail for lying to Congress and now she’s a hero for overcoming it or something?  She seems attention and money hungry.  I felt a little gross afterward.

What do you think of people who can do illusions? -4ThumbsDown

I feel like the majority of magicians, who have to maintain their secrets, get off to the fact that they know how to do things that others don’t, and derive a superiority from that.  The magicians that will show you a trick and show you how it works, are the ones who truly love magic. The tricks themselves, the glam costumes, the Philip Glass music, the hot assistants; none of this matters. The skills it takes to make a difficult trick look easy is where I get impressed. If I don’t know how the trick is done, I can’t rate the skill level of the magician, and hes likely covering up for an easy trick.