The What’s What, Volume 156

Apple CEO Tim Cook reveals he’s “proud to be gay.” Can’t wait to see how many people denounce Apple for something that doesn’t involve them or their phones. -codcmndr

You cant reveal to be proud of anything. Either you are proud of something and dont give a fuck what others think, and others notice it. Or you give a fuck what others think and you keep certain details private. By keeping those details private, that is the DIRECT OPPOSITE of being proud of them. Youre hiding them. Youre ashamed. You thought assholes would keep you out of a CEO position because of it. You may have been right. Whatever. Im glad you can be who you are now. But you dont get to celebrate coming out of a closet you claim you were never in.

Do you believe in karma? That your actions could affect your future luck -BeLump

I absolutely believe that actions can effect your future luck. I don’t think that means karma exists, as its commonly considered to be a “good things happen to good people and the bad guys get theirs in the end”. I understand thats not what the traditional eastern view of karma is, but I dont think its what you put, either.

Rate fried catfish/10 -FlagstaffMerc

It’s okay. I prefer my clams fried, and my catfish cajun’d. But it’s got its place. 7/10

Say something nice about a video game you hate. Be genuine. -FeelTerrine

Ni No Kuni had an uplifting tone. I worked on that for like 12 minutes. Seriously.

what’s up with the obsession for that adult swim short “too many cooks”? i swear AS is so weird. -BoJo4

Whether you love it or hate it, you probably agree with me that it’s ridiculous. My wife and I both stumbled upon the same showing in different rooms. I lasted longer than she did, but I came in a little late. Everyone in my circle is a pretty polarized 50/50, love it or hate it, no one in the middle. I thought it was daring, and worth watching. But its complete mayhem, no doubt. Easy to prove, too. Just sing the theme song in public. I guarantee groans AND smiles.

Why do we, as a society, pretend that teenagers dating matters at all? Like who the fuck cares? It’s just a bunch of kids being young. -MonsterEnergy

Some people do marry their high school sweethearts and the world goes “Awwwww SUPER SWEET” to their faces but then when they walk away its all “Well, there are two people deathly afraid to be alone.” and people do look down on them in some aspects. But Im not sure society pretends that anything teenagers do matters. They’re quite disenfranchised. They have no legal personship, no voting rights. As long as they arent committing heinous felonies, things get brushed off pretty quick after high school. Permanent record, HAHAHAHAHA.

I’m not the same person I was five years ago. Im much less sad and miserable. -amurrican

If you were the same person, youd be failing life.

Does freedom of religion exist? So much religious discrimination these days makes me question this. I’m an atheist but nobody should be discriminated against because of what they believe unless they are actually hurting someone. That is all. -Catari

I notice you didnt mention of you believe that Muslims or Christians are the ones being discriminated against, and you also didnt describe the discrimination. Im going to assume that was by design and answer as least offensive to all denominations as possible.

Freedom of Religion only gives you the right to practice your religion without interference from the government. Same with Freedom of Speech. You can’t be jailed, thats all. Other people still get to use their Freedom of Speech to criticize the actions and beliefs of whoever they want; the government, religion, zoning laws, the guy who just stole your parking space, go gettem.

anti-feminism bullshit circlejerk -lippiti

You don’t get equality by giving advantages to one side, so that the results are similar. You treat everyone the same, regardless of the results.