The What’s What, Volume 98

So, how about something for your faithful way-back readers from Glasses & Smoke?   I’m thinking something really showcase.  Like profound existentialism in haiku format. -CanadiAnne

Holy mackarel.  You’re even using Price is Right terms as adjectives.  What is this, 2oo4? That brings me back.  I can’t possibly deny you that request, but I’m a little rusty so let’s keep the expectations low.  How about;

Thinking why and how <>  Sporadic brain gum is fun <> Reality Serves

My professor got mad at the class because we wouldn’t give different opinions.  She was asking us if people should have the right to take their own life themselves and the whole class basically said yes. I didn’t say anything cause I don’t give a shit. So then she was basically trying to get people to say no so we could start a discussion or debate.  She was calling us hiveminds all butthurt. -WaltWhiteshat

She trying to win an award or something? LoL @ life not turning out like Dead Poets Society.  Too bad, lady.

What should I name my FIRST American city in Civilization V? -ProfUNT10

New Fresno?  Yeah, New Fresno.

Thoughts on the new Tiger Woods?  A couple severe changes. -M4rk4swe11

The Demo really sold me.  The Ryder Cup is awesome. Also, I really like how they added focus his year to limit the amount of power boost, spin and putt previews used. I might pick it up for my birthday in a couple weeks.

Let’s say your NBA, MLB or NHL team that you are a die hard fan of is in the finals. They lead the series 3-2. Game 6 is on the road. You have tickets to game 7 which would be at home. Do you root for your team to lose Game 6, so that you can go to game 7 and hopefully witness the championship win first hand? Remember, there’s a good chance your team could lose game 7. Or, do you want them to wrap it up in 6, making your tickets useless?  -Eagles9_9

That’s pretty selfish.  You’re putting a possible personal experience in front of the wants and goals of millions. Hell, bringing it up makes you  lose credibility as a fan for even giving credence to the concept.

I pray that you go to hell, because if you have not found God and accepted him into your heart, then you don’t deserve to be in heaven with me.  Go to hell.  -XtianBC

Did you know that heaven was invented as a chance to offer pagans a chance at the afterlife which had been previously only been available to Gods? Your ancestors fell for advertising. Do some research.

The opening at the end of your penis is called the meatus.  The more you know.  -jackbob21

All I need now is a little gladiator helmet. Meatus Shooticles, meet m’lady, Dame Ashley of Hootershire.

You say you enjoyed Deadwood, but I hear alot of mixed reviews.   Can you tell me what you DIDN’T like about the show?kanaroki

Yeah, the dialogue did seem a little excessive. But the Wild West seems like a weirdly good fit for that.  The Wild West always conveys this feeling that everyone is living by their own code of what they believe is right. Even the villains have limits they set on themselves. So, interacting with each other should be formal.  I dunno. I bought it. It was slightly excessive to the point of distracting and I can totally understand why some would be put off or confused at some points. I was, occasionally. But, I still loved the show.

my friend wants me to go to her grad party but her mom hates me, because she thinks im into her daughter, who has a boyfriend like seeeerious hate, im banned from their housebut my friend doesnt care and wants me there. ive explained im uncomfortable, but she wont listen what do? -rawksawlid1

This is really no brainer. Why are you worried about the negativity you bring to someone who already hates you?  Let the people who suck be uncomfortable for an hour or two, so you can celebrate a milestone with a friend.

Why all the hate for World Cup vuvzelas?  They’re just big kazoos.  -Tellyourride

The kazoo is a fine instrument. Make them 3 times louder, and give one to every 50,000 people attending your event of global importance that you are in the center of, trying to communicate and concentrate. It’s a disaster, for me, personally. If you love it, cool for you.