The What’s What – Volume 167

Japan-based telecommunications company SoftBank Mobile is making purchasers of “emotional robot” Pepper sign a contract stipulating that they won’t commit any lewd acts with the robot. -BrophiesWorld

Can I, at least, make it watch me masturbate?

Give me an unpopular opinion of yours. -RIP_Kobe

I enjoy Shia LeBouf as an actor.  There, I said it.  Hes good comedically. Financial success as an action star. He was straight-up awesome in Fury. Stole the fucking show.  I even respect his attempt at art. Id love to see him in more stuff, but I guess hes an asshole or something. It’s too bad.

Is McDonald’s pancakes the best in the world? -soocoomaster

Scratch is best. Jiffy mix is 2nd. McDs is 3rd.

who would win in a fight to the death between Rodna Roussey and a female Navy Seal? -iconsquoter

I’m not sure of the result, but I do know a group of people who’d pay millions for you to arrange that matchup at one of their estates.

Who is a more talented actor: Bryan Cranston or Kevin Spacy? -ballahz4reyal

There’s no wrong answer. When there’s a question like this, I like to imagine each actor had to play the other in a role.  In this case I think Kevin Spacey would kill it as Bryan Cranston, and Bryan Cranston would be an adequate serviceable Spacey. Spacey by a quarter length.

One of my employees left a pack of cigarettes with a joint in it in my office. Not sure how to handle this. I don’t know who left it here  Weed is legal in Oregon now, but it’s against mall policy to have it on property – they all know this – Darth_Malfeasance

Just tell everyone that you found it on the floor, and it wasnt yours, and remind them all of policy.

Just saw a lady on TV whos face was eaten off by her boyfriends pitbull and now shes carrying the banner for domestic violence.  So sad.  -havoc0o0o

You dont get to be a hero of surviving domestic violence when he puts you in the hospital for unspeakable crimes. Because the cops take him away does not mean you “left him”.  Honey, before it gets too far for you was leaving BEFORE he had his dog eat your face for dinner.

What Im saying is part of this has got to be on you. He didnt walk in your home like a stranger during a home invasion gone wrong. Youre fucking him. Some of this has to cause reflection on your judge of character.

Im not victim blaming, here. He is a monster and she certainly doesnt deserve any of what she got. Im just saying she doesnt get to be held up as some advocate for domestic violence. She didnt make some brave decision. She had the decision made for her.

GF: Hey, do you want to join me for dinner with my grandparents. Completely up to you.

Me: Do you really mean it’s completely up to me?

Her: Yea

Me: Then I’d rather not

Her: Well, I guess I’ll make up a lie to my grandparents then as to why you aren’t going… (Sigh), you know I spent an entire weekend with your family. The least you could do is join us for dinner.

Me: Alright! I’ll go then!

Seriously, just say “I’d really like it if you joined us,” instead of “It’s completely up to you” if you want me to come. I’ll be happy to join if you want me to. But I would rather spend my Friday night doing something else if it was “completely” up to me. -Amorican

There will be a fight in the car on the way over and she will say the sentence, “I didnt want you to come to dinner, I wanted you to WANT TO come to dinner.” If Vegas gave me odds on this shit, Id be on my way to the ATM, right this fucking second.

ABC Family will soon be no more. They’re changing their name. What’s the new name? Freeform. Why? Because they’re progressives and they do want they want, dammit. -svengoolie

They’re just hoping to draw viewers who mishear the channel name as “Free Porn”.  It might just work.

Taylor Swift breaks up with Calvin Harris after he visited a seedy massage parlor. Cant wait to hear the song. -Jack_Daggah

If its not called “Happy Ending” Ill eat this fucking keyboard.

In YOUR sexual experience, which is better: Older or younger partners? -Master_Culkin

Younger, in my history. Older women know what they want and it can be a cookie cutter experience. Younger girls dont know so they try everything. Plus, we had to fuck in cars, and quietly in public and shit. It was just wilder sex. Her Dad is driving us to grandmas house in the front seat, and his daughter is blowing me in the back seat. Shit like this doesnt happen to me anymore.  And thats welcome.  I dont want debauchery from my wife.  Shes the Mother of my Daughter and stuff.  Im all done with sexual craziness. Thats just been my experience. Maybe my own experience includes myself being more cookie cutter with age, too. I know what I like and dont need to try new things.  Im past my sexual peak, too, so a good meal and a full nights sleep is viewed as a higher priority.

discuss death.  whatever your opinion on it is, I want to hear it -pleasegoaway

My theory of death is a mix between evolution and reincarnation.  My grandfather died 40 years ago. I believe his soul goes to get a rest and “youngthening” at heaven (well say for the sake of easy communication).  He retains some of his experience and knowledge on a subconscious level.  If he was a good carpenter, the next person hes born as could pick up carpentry with ease, and things regarding carpentry would feel familiar and instinctive.  Hypothetically, he would return and be born as the soul that entered the physical body of my daughter. (Or any of my nephews and nieces of the bloodline, whenever his turn came.)  This could help explain things like evolution, feelings of past lives, instincts, hereditary traits and deja vu.  Its something like this. I havent nailed down the details.  But this is how I hope it works, and I hold a slight belief that it might.

So apparently there’s a thing going on with churches giving pizza men thousand dollar tips -MacGuyversSon

I think I’d reconsider my tithing during Sunday service were I in their congregation.  I would expect churches to be able to feed more needy people with that kind of money.  Seems kind of lazy philanthropy.

If your wife went to jail for 5 years would you be able to stay faithful in that time and not mess with any other women? -MisterMissFit

Absolutely depends on what she went to jail for.

No Mans Sky announced for June 2016. -BrophiesWorld

With the delay of the announcement, I certainly didnt expect 8 months of wait time between announcement of release and actual release. A little concerned the momentum it has built will be unable to be sustained. E3 is June 14-16th this year. Hopefuly they make it an entire release party.

Lamar Odom spent $75k in 5 days at the Bunny Ranch.  That includes the sex across multiple prostitutes, them spending non-sexual time with him like watching TV, cooking and doing other non-sex related things and apparently going out for dinner.  Damn… that’s a lot less expensive then I thought it would be. -GTAVALACASA

I had no idea you could get a hooker to make you breakfast and shit. I wonder if the hookers cooking skills are well known. Like Taylor knows french toast, Carmens empenadas are well known across the valley, and ShaDynasty makes the meanest spicy fried chicken. I imagine Lamar Odom wanted empenadas one day and he calls the front desk to get Carmen but the hostess is all, “Shes sucking a truckers dick right now, but Ill send her over in 20 minutes.” and hes all “Im too hungry, send that 50 year old redhead Edna to fetch me some cheese and crackers.”

The What’s What, Volume 68

Louis Murphy’s TD getting reversed was the worst call I’ve seen in sports history. -IntoxificationComplete

It was a correct call of the rules, but the rule sucks.  2 feet and control in the end zone should be a touchdown. End of story.  Like any other time the ball carrier has possession of the ball and crosses the goal-line.  If someone diving for the goal-line loses the ball after it crosses the goal line, it’s still a touchdown.  Seems hypocritical there.

Orton 1 Cutler 0 -NiarraiN

Really?  I thought they were both busts. Both games hinged on a lucky play in the last two minutes of the contest. I saw Cutler become 1 blown Tillman blown coverage away from engineering an impressive comeback after the most unfortunate 1st half performance in recent memory.  Ortons victory credits stem on what amounts to be one of the top 2 luckiest plays in the history of the NFL.

LOL @ Kanye. – RazinBrand

Thoughts on the Kanye/Swift kerfluffle? -BlunderMifflin

Kanye inferred that his opinion on the outcome was more important than honoring the outcome.  It was totally in the wrong.  That being said, Taylor didn’t have to stand there like a retard for 2 minutes after the incident, looking lost.  Is it really that difficult to say “As I was saying….”?  He didn’t steal her moment, as much as she let him have it by standing there pouty and confused.  I have known Kanye is a doofus for quite some time.  I never had an opinion of Swift, but now I do, and it’s not positive.

FACT : The Princess Bride is the only acceptable romantic comedy a male can watch alone. -LourdeFawkes

I watch Tin Cup whenever it’s on HBO.  In my eyes, its a romcom with sports aspects to keep the guys interested.  Not to be confused with something like Bull Durham, which is a sports movie with love aspects to keep the ladies interested.  But Tin Cups sports scenes are overwhelmingly cool.  So, I’d add that to the mix.  Great point though, very few around.

When you eat a baked potato, do you eat the skin as well? -BocksZout

Not only do I eat it, I find it funny that people eat chicken skin or apple skin and freak out over potato skin.  I cut the whole bastard up into little squares, butter and salt.  Giddyup.  Full disclosure, though, I am Irish.

Neil deGrasse Tyson > You -good_pork

Couldn’t agree more, Nova Science Now is the biggity BOMB.

8 Years later, any residual thoughts on the 9/11 attacks? -MelaneeBee

Why the government hasn’t made stashes of parachutes a legal requirement for floors higher than the 15th floor after this incident is completely beyond my scope of understanding.

Dope does not open your mind. -Man_cmon

Maybe, it doesn’t.  But, people who try new things to make decisions based on their own experiences, rather than making life decisions from the anecdotes of others, is pretty much the base definition of being “open minded.”  I think it would be difficult to find an intolerant, prejudgemental pot user.

Nitrous is awesome. Agree? -RiRog456

I particularly enjoyed the 5% mix I got at the dentist office. That’s the way to go.  Whippits just give me a headache, though I really enjoy the anti-helium low voice thing.

Tarantino’s “Jackie Brown” /10 – RicknJules

7/10 It’s a little slow and long, so I feel the editing wasn’t right.  Overall, it kept my interest and Bridget Fonda is hot. There are better and worse QT films.

Next time you poop wipe it off with a slice of bread.  It will change your life. -RogerSterlingsHair

I bet it feels soft and pleasant. I’m worried my toilet won’t be able to handle the flushablility, though.