The What’s What, Volume 149

Call me scum if you wish, but I only tip my barber and waiter/waitress. Anyone else you’re tipping is getting out of control. I went to Dunkin n’ Donuts and bitch gives me a look for
not leaving a tip in the jar.  #FuckEm’  Same thing goes with pizza drivers. -SteelKnight47

I just like to keep the people in charge of my food, happy. That shit is noticed and remembered.  Especially delivery drivers. 

Rec me sone Indian food. This place I go to is pretty decent, but I don’t know what I should try past Chicken tikka masala and Lamb Shahi Korma. What do? -Alpha-Cyan

I avoided Indian food for a long time.  Everything sounded good until they got to “Chicken baked in yogurt” and that shit is EVERYWHERE.  But then I had some, and the more I eat, the more I love.  I recommend you try something new.  Everything is pretty much the same, with minor variations.  If you need specifics, you’d better be getting Naan every time.  Garlic Naan.  Its a warm garlic pita bread kind of thing.  Also, Chicken (Or Lamb or Fish) Chaat.  It’s fucking delicious Indian nachos with cucumber.  Do that.  Im telling you, if you like Indian food, you can order whatever and it will taste like Indian food.  Mix it up.  Surprise yourself.

Autos can pull faster times so whats the point? -whorehey

They CAN, but they are never set for raw power from the factory. They are set for fuel efficiency. The automatic transmission is too heavy for professional racing vehicles, and they weigh the car down to the point of negative benefit to that of a human.  A human pulls an imperfect time, but its still a 99%, and not worth lugging around the additional hundred pounds or whatever. 

What weapon did you use to kill the last enemy you defeated in a game? -Raven237

The most basic standard ammunitions assault rifle in XCOM: Enemy Within.  I was trying to level up a group of scrubs, but they all died and I rage quit.

You feeling this season of Game of Thrones?  -diamondtime

I’m glad that Arya was portrayed as getting satisfaction from revenge. So often, it’s written to be this cliche’d empty hole inside that still requires filling.  When, in fact, revenge is quite awesome.  Also, I wish someone would write a new joke for when a character has to be recast.  The old “Hey, you look different joke.” is as stale as a tumbleweed of sourdough.  But, yes, this season is great.  I would rather people die sporadically than in crescendos or with lots of foreshadowing.  Really makes every episode appointment television.

I think i really figured out Inception. Cobb had a small penis and was envious of his fathers larger but still small penis.  Thus, what we saw was not the stuff of dreams but rather nightmares, where giant tiny penis’ roam and bounce about freely. Where balls dangle ever so slightly and even the faintest of touches can result in massive destruction.  -Hip_Hop_Papotamus

Their totems represent their penises! Its why they are always handling them!  IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE NOW 

You are offered one million dollars, however there will be consequences.  You will not be told or know of the consequences until they happen.  -WildGamerAppears

That’s pretty dumb. You might as well consider the consequences a million and ten dollars.  You never trade someone a blank check, thats a whole new brand of retarded. 

I dont believe Bryan Singer molested that dude.  You can make up any kind of excuses you want for the “victim” but conveniently waiting years until the the release of Singer’s biggest movie to say something just doesn’t sit right with me.   -codcmndr

I’m pretty sure if someone did something horrible to you, having them succeed and people fawn over them would be a painful experience for you. 

Most “rebellious” thing you did in school?   -SociopathicAnimals

I made up a bunch of anti-administration slogans, posters, and propaganda and decorated the school with them, during our Senior Year.  Our Senior class saw 3 School Presidents in 3 Years (Image is Everything), one leaving under dubious circumstances, so I went off on that.  I witnessed my Dean jump up several times and fail to get one above a set of lockers during a period change, he looked so clumsy and his combover was flopping over sideways.  It was an absolute highlight of timing for me. I wasn’t supposed to be in that hallway at the time. Just fantastic.  I still laugh about it.  I’m laughing now, recollecting.  Ah, Jeez.  Fond memories.  I hope hes dead.

Underrated snacking vehicle?  -RebornAgainAndAgain

Oh My God, Sweet baby Rays Beef Jerky.  It’s spicy and soft and sweet and flavourful.  It’s so good that if a bag of this jerky punched me in the face and took my wallet, I wouldnt even file a police report.

Can you piss without holding your dick? There are always a few mofos from time to time that have their hands in their pockets or on the wall or something when they are at the urinal. -ScrappleJac

Youre talking about public rest rooms?  It’s the only time I can.  Youd have to be a whole new species of endangered idiot to miss the fucking urinal you’re standing in front of.  Girls can 100% hit a urinal and they’re like a bursting water balloon down there. 

I truly believe the average American life is fucking boring.  How would you rate the excitement of your life?  -FlaiThai

Fair, but I dont seek out excitement, in fact, I seek stability.  The only excitement I see regularly is finding a geocache, illegal fireworks, and trespassing golf courses at night to play with glow in the dark balls.  We almost hit a low flying eagle with our car doing 80MPH recently, and I saw the whole thing in slow motion.  That’s about it.