The What’s What, Volume 1o4

WMC: I am now talking about Red Dead Redemption.  Ending and everything.  Just a heads up for the following question.

Can we talk spoilers, yet?  Are people really surprised about the ending of RDR?  The game was so heavy on his story about him trying to get back to a normal life and all that bullshit, I saw it coming a mile away. Not that I cared. Marston was a cock anyway.

I expected his families death as I watched them set up the end story. I thought the farm missions were to build character development so you cared about losing them when they were taken away. I also expected you to take Bonnie as your wife. It all seemed so set up.  So, when John fought his way into the barn to purposefully not fight his way out of it, I was a little shocked.  I did screw up the ending by activating Dead Eye seconds after the story does it for you.  The result of which leaves everyone pointing their guns at you for about FIFTEEN RETARDED SECONDS of the feeling like you’re standing there with your dick in your hand before they empty their weapons into you.

Now that I think about it, I like my ending better.  Family dies, John gets to marry Maid Bonnie who was written to be perfect for him.  The fact that they taught you how to ranch several times could get used to actually ranch some cattle with Bonnie, a cause to keep the sandbox alive, unlike now.  The HorseShoe pit and Poker Gazebo on the Marstons property could be used for HoreShoes and Poker instead of nothing, like it is now.  Don’t get me wrong, I very much enjoyed the game.  Maybe they thought people would be okay with losing John because they were going to get themselves immersed in the multi-player, which I could defend.  The ending seemed like it was changed late in production, is all I am saying.

Joker’s Social Experiment From The Ferry in The Dark Knight – What would YOUR City Do? -WaltWhiteshat

Convicts riot and flip the switch.  Citizens are too worried that the detonator blows their own ship.  One of them is sinking, that’s for damn sure.

The BoonDocks.  I hated this show at first mainly because I think Aaron McGruder is racist towards white people and elitist towards black and the first season really didn’t do much to make me like it. The 2nd season was definitely better but it still hadn’t won me over. This newest season though has been downright hilarious. I think the biggest reason why is because they stopped focusing so much on Huey and started writing stories based on other characters. Huey might just be my most disliked character (probably because he’s supposed to be a voice for McGruder). -shyguy5676

I totally agree with your assessment of character development and Huey.  It’s good to have a straight man in the act, but to grandstand a character that has all the answers and never fails is another.  To build that character around yourself while poking specific social commentaries and offering no solutions to the issues is another.  I also feel like the show used to be more about making fun of the stereotypes, and now it seems to be more like a show built around the stereotypes and shock value.  I’m still watching it.

On August 11, ESPNs Chris Mortensen tweeted “On the Mike & Kike Show now!” ROFL -phkb33

I got that exact same tweet and thought to myself “I hope they’re really good friends”Turns out he claimed it was a typo, which I believe.  It sucks when you’re an equalitist and say something stupid.

The term “spear-chucker” itself is quite ludicrous. I was under the assumption that spears are to be thrown. -Soleless

Offended black people should simply use the term “Javelinist” to describe white people, so the hate train can keep on chugging.  Choo-choo, bitches.

Of the 50 US States, how many have you been to/driven through? -blameradio

Over half. I live and visit all of New England, regularly. Drove Albany to Vegas and back, different ways. Drove Florida and back.  Hawaii for my honeymoon.  I’m really only missing the Northern Border with Wyoming from Michigan to Washington, and Alaska.  I think we missed Louisiana too, I’d like to go there.

yesterday my brother and roommate joined me for a trip to buffalo cantina in williamsburg, brooklyn. we had been looking for a good wing place in brooklyn for a minute, and saw it on the travel channel’s “man vs food”. he needed two attempts to complete the challenge: six “suicidal” wings in three minutes.  so thats what we did.  through my tears i could see my brother and roommate each only ate a bite of theirs and were both red faced, tears flowing, snot dripping, miserable. last night was hell. this morning wasn’t any better.  -misterwelshman

Yeah, I like spice and everything.  But there’s a fine line between enjoyment and pain, and that line for me is just a touch above habanero.  I no longer cross that threshhold, and rarely attempt anything close anymore.  Habanero is enough for me to enjoy about twice a year, and only for new foods or unfamiliar spice flavour profiles.

What do you think of the Jewish people? -TrenchMode

I had a negative attitude against them early in my life. But, then I saw the movie “School Ties” and it really set me straight.

Is Lebron James decision to play with D-Wade and Chris Bosh the fall of the NBA?  -ballin06

I think you’d have to blame the Celtics for bringing the Big Three together. If it wasn’t working there, it wouldn’t be attempted again this soon.  Lebron is just going with the tide. Superstars get drafted, make a bunch of money in ticket and jersey sales for the team, and if they don’t win a championship in that first x amount of years, they go to a place they have a better chance of doing it.  He came into the league from high school and signed a long term contract with the team he was drafted by. He needs to do more than Charles Barkley and Karl Malone because he is younger? From what I understand, that TV special had a lot to do with producing the negativity. That just my take. Are they going to win 3 out of the next 4 championships? Yes, yes they are. Is that bad for the NBA? We will see.

Is it legal to watch the cops arresting someone?  I mean being up close and personal so you can see and hear what’s going on. Or will the cops just tell you to Fuck off? Every time I see something like this me and whoever I’m with sort of hide in the distance and act like we’re not watching trying to find out what’s going on. Wanted to know if I could save some trouble and just walk up to them. -Otaku21

Walk up to them and watch. Don’t get too close, you don’t want them concerned about your safety or what you’re gonna do. If they say something to you, simply say “I’m a witness available for a statement if you need one.” Seriously. They’ll leave you the hell alone.

If atheists were right, shouldn’t they kill themselves? Because according to them, life has no purpose. -BobSon17

Shouldn’t theists be killing themselves to get to heaven faster?  Life IS the purpose. Atheists are working hard to build a legacy while others are walking on eggshells to avoid an angry God.  Theists are lucky to get a tombstone.

Magic or Bird? I say Magic. -007saradim

Bird was better in the clutch and was a waaaaaaaay better defender. Plus, Magic arguably had a lot more to work with.

NFL Predictions, Favorite team Predictions, Fantasy Predictions, Go! –

NFL – Vikings d Packers in NFC, Ravens d Jets in AFC, Vikings d Ravens in SuperBowl.  Favorite team – Patriots get 10 or 11 wins, Randy Moss causes trouble, Laurence Maroney puts up exciting numbers, passing defense a huge problem, win one playoff game.  Fantasy – Make playoffs in two out of three leagues, Participate in Super Bowl, CJ Spiller is a beast, Philip Rivers is a bust.

The What’s What, Volume 89

Do you think demons are real? Personally I do. I heave heard a lot of stories and one of my friends told me how one was tormenting her once. It was scary and you can tell that it terrified her. It was hard for her to even think about it because it had been so scary. -blueyes32

Nope, and by even asking this question you are giving credibility to idiots with imaginations and egos.

So last night my girlfriend farted a musical scale… She has a perfectly tuned asshole. I thought she did it in her sleep, which would have made it even more amazing, but this morning she told me she was aware of her little ass jingle. She thought I was asleep and didn’t hear it. Oh, but I did. She is very proud of herself. -rdmtk

That’s why she’s been turning you down for anal. Wouldn’t want to stretch out “The Whistler”.

The Harlem globetrotter are the best basketball team in history. 1.000 winning percentage -catlactation

Wiki puts their record at 22,500-356 That’s not 1.000. But its pretty impressive.

Seriously, why do you Americans like hand-eggball so much? I have tried to put it together but I can’t really. I thought it was the violence or “hard hitting” or something. But then I realized, why wouldn’t they watch hockey where there’s real hard hitting and actual fighting? It can’t be the flow of the game because after every 5 or 10 yards you have to pause the damn game for nearly a minute to think of up a NEW play. What is it? -southamericandream

I like the NFL because every play has the potential to be some crazy awesome display of talent and timing, like Barry Sanders breaking 15 tackles before a Touchdown. Or, the inverse happening, a tiny mistake on a play you’ve seen a million times turns into epic mayhem, like James Harrisons Super Bowl TD before the half. I’ve seen tens of thousands of hockey and soccer goals, and they all look relatively the same after a while. There’s very little innovation. The NFL has a chance for miraculous improvisation every 45 seconds. Also, the fact that the game has turned into the closest competition analogous to war, is probably what fuels all the popularity in gambling.

Why is Kurt Cobain considered a legendary rock icon? -randamerican

Because he shot himself rather than see his music be used to sell junk to Americans during football games. Sure, his music sucked, but he cared enough about it off himself. That’s pretty rock and roll of him. So, his fans get to make a martyr out of him. Unfortunately, we had to listen to Courtney Hole for the next 5 years, so some of us are more jaded about his decision than others.

Why do people pre-order games? Aside from pre-order bonuses there really isn’t a single reason to pre-order a game. I can’t remember the last time a store didn’t have a copy of a brand new game on the release day. -occifer123

I only do it for the games I think I might have difficulty obtaining on Launch Day. And for these games, I have taken the day off of work, so there is no way that I’m chancing having to spend half the day going from store to store to find one. $5 to gurantee its there when I want it? Why wouldn’t I do it?

Senate reconciliation on healthcare is a go. neat, suck it republicans. -UMEagles

If there is one thing that I’ve learned in the last 9-10 years of politics is the utmost refusal to expect anything productive from Congress. It’s a procedural katamari damacy.

Could a zombie game work using Heavy Rain gameplay? Cuz I just had a recurring dream that I was inside one. It was neat. I amost got ate twice. -KahnsumerX

Lots of games could be made like that. A sports game could be successful, as long as the story was good. It just doesn’t seem like the gameplay style is popular. These games have been around since the early 80’s. See Dragons Lair. It’s just the market doesn’t have much demand for games like these for quite a while now.

Do you think the little kid directing flight traffic is as big a deal as the media? -WhoresShoeChamp

I mean, it’s not like he asked his kid to cover his shift while he grew a tail. He said, “Hey Son, read this into the mic. It’ll be cute.” People losing their jobs over this is just sad and unfortunate.

care to explain to me why people like to eat really spicey food/snacks? What kind of sick masocistic freak are you if you like to have throbing pain in your mouth and on your tounge? -sevenpointnine

I like Wasabi. Its got a strong opening and disappears almost immediately. I agree with you for the most part, though. People who put habanero sauce on pizza every time are missing the point, and probably addicted to endorphins. But, I crave spicy polynesian or mexican food sometimes. If done right, the spicyness accentuates the flavour, not overpowers it. And if you aren’t open to it, you’re missing a lot of good food.

How Would A Priest Find A Young Boy Hiding In Long Grass? Irresistible. -HamTam

Nice M Night Shaymalan punchline, I lol’ed.

“If a black girl sucks your dick, she hangs it over your head forever but when a white girl sucks your dick, she does it like she’s personally responsible for your reparations.” – a friend of mine. White girls are generally more down to do stuff than black girls. -fightforyourlove

You should have told him that he’s welcome for sharing your white women with him. They ARE superb. Unless you yourself are black, in which case, you’re welcome. They ARE superb.

The best part of the Daily Show is when they get clips of people contradicting themselves. They’ll have the person saying one thing, and then the next second the person is saying, word for word, the exact opposite of what they just said. SO satisfying -Oxybaras

The best part is no one in the real media can do the same thing and make the politicians accountable. Oh wait, thats actually the worst part.