The What’s What, Volume 173

I really don’t mind unisex bathrooms. As long as people are polite, and don’t stare at each others junk, what does it matter? To be honest, as a woman, I use the men’s any time the woman’s is full, anyway. Because women’s almost always have a line, and men’s almost never do. -Sertith

Its because urinals for men exist. These being available mean men can pee quicker. I don’t care if a woman sees my back while I urinate, but if we keep these available in unisex bathrooms, there will be longer lines, only you’ll only be sharing the stalls with men who are pooping.  Knock yourself out with that.  I dont think making everyone wait longer should be part of the solution of public bathrooms.  

Also, I like the fact that you said “stare at each others junk” like youre leaving the door open for casual peeks being okay, you perv.

The writers turned Scooby into Shaggy’s jealous girlfriend instead of his best friend. Velma wants to fuck Shaggy so much but he’s too afraid to be with her because he’s worried about what his dog would think. And when Scooby does find out he’s all like “oh so you’re choosing a girl over me?!”. IIRC Shaggy chooses Scooby over Velma in the end and the show pats itself on the back for it.

What were they getting at by writing Scooby this way? -doccommander

They were considering a push towards social acceptance of bestiality before chickens got out.  It was the 70s man. Have you heard of EST? The seventies were fucked up.

So, how have you accepted the death of someone you cared about? How did you cope?  -LickwidGreen

Recognition that it’s perpetually inevitable. Sadness like that is like an atomic bomb going off inside of you. Days of initial shock and emotion.  Slowly, things get better, yet pieces still remain to remind you what was lost. Over longer periods of time the fallout particles of sadness blow away until you are left with the ability to rebuild and fill what was lost.  

Any sympathy for the teenager that cant get a bank account because they have to check either a male/female box on the application?  -BriansWurld

The sign on the front door of the bank clearly says “No shirt, no shoes, no penis, no vagina, no service.”

Do you agree with Harriet Tubman replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill? -negrology

Seems kind of shoehorned in. A little too right on the nose for my liking.  Like, if Americans agreed on a list of people that made America, is Harriet Tubman in the Top 50? She might even not be the highest ranked black female on that list, depending on where you put Oprah.  Sure, its a step in the right direction, but let’s not act like its some sweeping civil rights policy.  I’d rather not even have people at all. Events and locations make America. Putting the World Trade Center on the $20 would probably really stick it to ISIS.  

Is that kid who was removed from his flight for speaking Arabic before takeoff Ahmed The Clock Kid 2.0, or a legitimate victim of Islamaphobia? -TheGreatOne3613

Oh, I doubt he wanted to get kicked off his flight.  Theres no doubt Ahmed wanted to provoke his school.  No one buys a ticket, gets screened, xrayed, needs paperwork, and sits around a terminal for another two hours to make a point.  Thats not the point for me here, thought.  I feel like the people who complain that they don’t feel comfortable on the plane because of someone else, they are the ones who should be escorted off the plane. I don’t understand how you can just point at someone who makes you feel squicky and them just be removed.  That’s bullshit.

Mockingbirds are natures DJs. -Buckeye04

Blue Jay hook is lit, fam.

Has this American election cycle proven anything beyond the amount of polarization? -CanadiAnne

Yes, it exonerates the Bush Administration from any voter malfeasance during the Bush v Gore general election.  Remember the Diebold election company?  Maybe you dont with all noise Katharine Harris and Florida made about hanging chads and everything.  But the claim was that Republicans had rigged voting machines, and there was even a movie made about it that raised some pretty substantial questions.  But thats all wiped away now. If the GOP could scam a general Presidential election, then it should have been able to scam its own nomination process.

Is physical attraction the most important thing in a relationship? -ReplacementTaco

Only if that relationship is for strictly fucking.

The What’s What, Volume 116

What does the secret service do if someone comes to arrest the President? Nixon was the only one who got that close to being arrested in modern times, but I think the SS would probably arrest and secure the president if he was suspected of a crime.  You?  -sng197

What are you talking about? The secret service would arrest the President? Under who’s authority? They only exist to protect the President. I think the Secret Service has probably been witness to several crimes a President may/may not have committed since their inception with Lincoln. If anything, I bet they have a right to be guarding the holding cell and in court, should the President ever be in one.  Lets be serious here.  If anything, the police would have to schedule an appointment with the SS that they be able to arrest him.  Or all an assassination would take is a cop uniform.  The Secret Service are pretty much god-tier security.  They’re personal bodyguards with authority and access.   You don’t shake the Presidents hand without getting eye-humped by thirty of the most cagey, resourceful killing machines in the country, and you expect Officer McGillicutty to waltz into the Oval Office and snuggle cuffs on POTUS?  Get the fuck out of here with that noise.

Who’s the best detective? This is not a fight this is who’s better at solving crimes. Batman (DC), Mystery Inc. (Scooby-Doo), Adrian Monk,
Sherlock Holmes? -SonicJester

Out of those? Sherlock Holmes.  Entire Pool?  Jason Bourne.  Honorable mention for effectiveness and hilarity, Sean Spencer.

Do people actually expect to get away with tax evasion? I mean, I don’t know the statistics behind this or what really goes into evading taxes, but it seems really stupid and impossible to not go to jail for. -bigAL13

With the amount of paperwork you have to fill out for the government when you get a job, you would think it would be tough to get away with.  However and apparently, it’s crazy easy to get away with. Have you ever noticed all the TV commercials offering to cure tax problems? I know dozens of people who dont pay their taxes. Professional kitchens are kind of seedy places, though. I wouldnt recommend it, but it gets done every year by a shocking amount of people.

The “Fat Boys legitimately pioneered rap music into white culture”?  Really dude?  REALLY DUDE?!?! -BROntasaurusMax

Perhaps you aren’t familiar with a little ditty called “WipeOut” of which was collaborated with THE FUCKING BEACH BOYS.  You DO NOT get any whiter than the Beach Boys.  They were popular in the 50s and shit.  By “pioneer” I meant one of the first.  They may not get the recognition of the Beastie Boys, Eminem, RUN-DMC, and Will Smith; and for good reason.  Those three had alot more influence bringing rap to white people, but I stand by calling the Fat Boys “pioneers”.

Smoke & Glasses!  Play my favorite game!  I’m so hardcore _________ -WireHorse

When I was a kid, I molested priests.

What preconceptions do you have about the five boroughs of NYC? Also, the landmarks (if any) you associate with them.  -MasterBastard

I have been to NYC a handful of times, but I couldnt tell you which borough I was in throughout or anything.   I believe the majority of my experience is in Manhattan.

ManHattan – Ritzy (Times Square, Ground Zero)
Brooklyn – Nice parts outnumber crappy parts (The Bridge)
Bronx, Queens – Crappy parts outnumber fancy parts (Yankees, Mets)
Staten Island – Shit Hole (Dump)

Whats the worst way you’ve ever been dumped?

In front of my friends during a board game. I don’t remember exactly how it all went down, but we were playing Life and she said something like “When you have kids one day, I hope its with someone with green eyes, too.”  The ensuing fight that resulted, she told me that we couldn’t have sex anymore until she gets her STD results back. It was super obvious she cheated on me, but she couldnt even bring herself to tell me. When she did tell me who she cheated on me with (only because she was blackmailed into it), it was 20 minutes after I had shaken his hand and told him it was nice knowing him because she didnt want me to cause a scene.   It was something.  She absolutely owned me.  She probably laughs about it in the bathtub and tells the story to her friends.  She got me good.