The What’s What, Volume 29

My 18 year old cousin hurts my heart… I’m talking about real shit here man. My cousin is a God damn whore. Now she’s living with a damn crack head selling her ass. It’s painful to watch her because God knows we tried to help her.  -4lock

I doubt it, Gods been paying nickels for that ass all week.

favorite hot pocket? -bloogoo

Either Supreme, or Italian four meat/four cheese.

Honestly in porn.. does the guy matter to you at all? Meaning, if it’s a hot chick ****ing a goldenboy, is that different than the same hot chick ****ing a hobo? -mattitude17

As long as he’s not making retarded jokes. Guys don’t bring anything TO the table in porn, so they’re only job is to not take anything FROM the table.

Do you understand how the United States economy works? -salgood

I don’t claim to know, but I don’t claim to care either.

THE THING I HATE MOST IN THE WORLD! MANUAL CARS!!!! arghhh why cant people just get with the times
they should stop making them… I just want all cars to be auto then I could reach my dream of becoming a police officer!!!  -Jonathan_Drama

Manual is way better once you learn. More control of the car. The car is safer because it’s waaaaay lighter. Also, many girls think driving a manual is sexy. Go ahead, ask them.

What’s a career you feel you’d be perfect for but will likely never do? For me, it would be a career in law, specifically a lawyer, then a judge. -Ganon_Jones

Park Ranger.  I love the outside, and feel strongly in protecting it. Plus, I’m even-keeled and don’t mind being alone.

On the real… Why is beef jerky so expensive? 6 bucks!?!? -acquacurse

Because they have to use real meat.  The higher the quality of meat, the higher quality of jerky.  You are buying a bag of ready-to-eat flavoured steak, how should this not be expensive?

Is Quantum of Solace a “stand-alone” movie? I know you might not have seen it. But do you know if you need to see Casino Royale before you see it? -Melon_collie

No, you have to watch the previous 21 movies in order to be able to follow along with the explosions and car chasing.

Has anything weird ever come up on shuffle while you were doing the dirty? -MizzerAble

“Aids” by Ween.  We laughed and she hit FF with her toe, and the scrumping recommenced.