The What’s What, Volume 53

I just saw that Eddie House video from the semifinals.  What a bitch he is, he got hoe slapped upside the head, and didn’t do nothing about it. What a pussy, but he is a Celtic, and they’re a team full of pussies. -Jijcore

Really? Eddie House is the bitch? Not Rafer Alston, who SLAPPED a dude in the BACK of the head? He SLAPPED him. In the BACK of the head, and Eddie House is the bitch? With an open hand, Alston hit House where he cant see it coming, and Eddie is the bitch?  You sure about this?

did they really have to show that guy’s cock so much in ‘forgetting sarah marshall?’ -jbillz

They should have traded off with some Mila Kunis or Kirsten Bell boobies.  And don’t give me “They did, the snapshot…” I mean REAL boobies.

If you were starting an MLB franchise right now, who would you take with the first pick? -hamashummus

Either Pujols, Longoria, or Hanley Ramirez.  Pitchers are too sporadic.

I’m skipping church this Wednesday to watch Lost -SoljahofGawd

This just means when you need a miracle, God will be watching 30 Rock.

Do you think it’s completely retarded that global warming/climate change is a political issue? I don’t think something as important as the future of Man and the Earth should be hinged on which side you lean towards the most. -IluvHaydenP

If the government shouldn’t be the one to fix it, then no one will. Corporations? Theres no profit margin. God? He’s the one who’s causing it. Your Mom? Shes busy causing my glacier to melt, if you know what I’m saying.

Ever had a drug deal go bad?  N3w_Y0rk3r

After a drug dealer sold my friend blunt shavings, he approaches the dealer who says to him, “You best not press, lest you gots a vest fo yo chest.”  We laughed in his face and left. He got our twenty dollars, but we bought one hell of an incident for it.

If you were grilling a pork tenderloin, What would you flavor it with? -ObesityLite

Dry rubs work really well on grilled pork. Creates a textured crust that seals in natural juices.  I would suggest either cajun, lemon pepper or cinnamon chipotle.

Pericings or Tattoos? -HighOnLifeandDrugs

Piercings are usually immediately distinguishable and when you notice them, it’s because some retard put them in a place to garner attention and shock value.   Tattoos can only be seen if you want them to. It’s like finding out a secret when someone shows you one.  Tattoos by 15 lengths.

I wonder what it’s like to be in a swimming pool during a big earthquake.  -Hammeroidrage

I went SCUBA diving in the caribbean and asked the instructor what happens if theres a tsunami.  He said “You wouldn’t feel a thing, we’d come up to the surface and wonder what the fuck happened to the beach and parking lot.”. Pretty cool.

how much of your life has changed since Barack Obama was elected President?-Mototype12

Other than the copious amounts of lulz from butthurt Republicans, very little.

How much did you spend on your sunglasses? -BishDin

$250 They’re prescription so I only get one pair, and I buy high quality so they last a while.

Who do you love more wife or your parents? -Czechlist

Well, they are different types of love. My love for my parents is based on respect and gratitude. My love for my wife is different because I chose her based on her inherent qualities, of which I fell in love with. You don’t get to really choose to love your parents. But if they werent my parents, I probably wouldn’t have had the chance to meet them.

Jim Rome is a bitch about Pot Use. Mind you this is a dude that grew up in So. Cal and went to college at UCSB. Can’t believe that guy is wound so tight. Maybe pot touched him in a bad place when he was a kid? -Large_Soprano

I wager his girlfriend started to smoke and dumped him for a dealer or something.

Do you think Christian Bale is a prick? -RRODDaily

Dunno, never met him. But from what I have assembled from people who do know him or overheard by reading the news, he’s a class A douchebag.