The What’s What, Volume 171

We need to remember the greatest Super Bowl halftime show ever, Up With People. -DarthErik

Its crazy they played twice.  It was the most conformist the 70s have ever been.  They may have inadvertantly invented camp/corn/unintentional comedy that day.  Its like a 50 year punchline.  Simply amazing.


I don’t like the new Rocket League Labs maps. The donut one and the one with the pole in the middle of the goal are just weird. They’re trying to change an already great game. That newest wasteland map is fucking horrible and no one likes it so why add more? -Rossticles

Why do people hate WasteLand? It’s not even radically different. It’s just a little wider, isn’t it? I really enjoy the Mad Max drums when you score a goal.  But I was asking for a horseshoe one and the donut one is kind of it.  I wanted more of a possession focus, and they gave us the breakaway version.  But still, I like them.  The matchmaking system doesnt seem like an improvement at all.  Im in a lot more games I dont have any business being in.  People flying all around and self passing in the air.  I cant even attempt to defend that noise.  We need a non-flying filter.  If it means no turbo, thats fine.

What sunglasses do you use? Oakley? Expensive ass Ray Bans? other? -LightsOut23

I need a prescription, so I buy a fancy pair that lasts a decade. The least iteration was wraparound, athletic. Like pro golfers wear. Comfy. I guess I look a bit goofy, like a Millennial Liberace and shit, but the comfort is worth it.

Did you get to know your grandparents?  I didn’t, my parents had me quite old really. Would have loved to hear one of my grandfather’s stories.  -LiquidGreen39

Not really, but it was only lack of time with my Dads parents, who seemed to enjoy our company.  I have memories of cooking with my grandmother, and playing games with my grandfather.  He died when I was 5 or 6, though, and she died when I was 8 or 9.  My Moms parents seemed kind of unwelcoming. The “kids are meant to be seen and not heard” types.  We got a sloppy kiss from gram and a grunt from grandad by the tv before we were shooed out into the woods for the remainder of the visit.  She came to live with us late in her life when she was confined to her bed, but honestly, I had better relationships with some of her nurses.  She was tough to understand, and when she was coherent, it was always small talk, never anything personal.  I know volumes more about my wifes grandmother, whom Ive only known for a decade, and shes known forever. Our daughter just turned one and is welcomed by her great grandmother.  So weird how generations work.

nerds went to see star wars 7 or 8 times and it still couldn’t beat Avatar. and its not even close  Avatar still GOAT  star nerds IRATE -AcoustoElectric

Its truly a testament to Camerons understanding of the international market.  I dont know anyone that can name a character from Avatar. Like, in real life.  I know people who have never seen Star Wars that can rattle off a half dozen characters.  Avatar is completely under-represented in American pop culture. What a weird phenomenon.

American Crime Story: People v OJ Simpson -The show is reminding me of a lot of stuff that went down leading up to the trial that I’d completely forgotten about like the Shapiro news conference, the stupidity of the Bronco coverage (They must have mentioned Ford Bronco at least 300 tims in that broadcast) and how stupid Kato Kaelin was (why the fuck was he living with OJ anyway?) What do you think of it so far?  -JVGames

The police were acting like OJ made them look like a fool, but I never thought that. I just thought OJ was a crazy mother fucker for killing his wife and her boyfriend and thinking he could escape.  Overall it’s an interesting look at the timeline. I find myself misremembering details about when whatever happened. And Jesus Christ already with the Kardashian kids. I get it. They’re the famous ones now. It’s an interesting thing to mention. Now get them the fuck off my tv. I don’t watch their fucking stupid families tv show for a god damned reason.

What up with all the old secretarys who always act so miserable and rude.  specially in doctors offices  Bitches make me feel like im in the dmv. -KushedOut840

Haven’t noticed that.  I mean, 10% of all people are assholes, so it reasons theyd have 10% of administrative positions too.  If there is a discrepancy and I had to guess, Id say they probably resent the fact they’ve spent their entire professional career being told what to do.