The What’s What, Volume 148

I know a guy who says that the MLS could become the top soccer league in the world within 15-20 years. -curtchemist

I agree. It COULD be. If the kids growing up playing soccer, kept that love for soccer, and it translated into attendances and television ratings.  But they’ve been saying that for FIFTY FUCKING YEARS NOW. Mainstream America sees soccer as a kids game. The ones who don’t, watch The European Leagues and attend a minor league soccer game in the US once a year. One of these generations is really going to have the throw down and grab hold, otherwise, it will forever be minor league soccer.  If the league even stays financially viable, which isnt a given.

Was Gyp Rosetti the best villian in the last 10 years? -havocfourzero

Good call. Narcisse was cool and all, but he did not bring the unhinged ridiculousness that Gyp Rosetti contained. He owned the “I’m not sure if I heard you correctly” look.  You know that look.  The one that when it was offered, the only two possible outcomes for the receiver were boisterous laughter and exulted status, or a painful and terrifying death. The actor really nailed it.  I just looked him up, Bobby Cannavale.  Tired mobster cliches became exciting when he was involved somehow, it was like he was inventing the cliches.

The Kardashian shows entire promo this week is about how the fat brother Rob is dying because he’s fat, and has nothing to do with alcohol, I can assure you.  -2carmashup

But who will design the worlds $80 a pair novelty socks?

lmao @ the Patriots cheating again by falsifying injury reports -Gr8Escape

So, not playing your best players during game is considered cheating now? Got it.

Overheard my boss talking about how she “doesn’t feel beautiful”.  She was talking to some other woman about how she doesn’t even want to date right now because she doesn’t feel beautiful enough for it.  So weird to overhear that from a coworker in a position of authority. -HeizenBane

You can make a woman feel pretty without it being sexual.  Compliments work. When I had women bosses, I’d have fresh flowers on MY desk. One person accused me of manipulation, I saw it as making my boss happy. That shit is important in anyones line of work.

why dont people feel like douche bags when they chant “USA USA”?  in the middle of the street in boston all drunk… like seirously man id feel so embarrased to show that kind of misplaced patriotism. YEAH DUDE USA LETS CHUG A BEER -d6661

When youre drunk, everything goes up to 11. You like your country, that girl is hot, you feel hot, theres that dude from your high school, theres that dude in the same shirt as you, OMG WERE TOTALLY SHIRT BROS, OLD NAVY IS AWESOME USA USA USA USA  Some people are embarrassed by that, others are embarrassed by poor grammar and spelling, what can you do?

Hey white dude, check your privilege.  -reggiefive0

If your argument that a people are systematically disadvantaged, than the people you are comparing them against is the norm, not a privileged class. It’s the exact same fallacy with “equality” and the measures designed to mediate them are the literal definition of inequality, ie giving benefits to a person based solely on one specific trait. (Gender, race, sexual preference) You have to choose one or the other, you cant have both. Plus, recent overuse of the word “privilege” from the zealots is bordering counter-productive buzzwordery. There’s a reason people raise an eyebrow when other people use the term “rape-culture” and any other demonizing term classification based solely on social morays, and thats because it becomes associated with the zealots.

This is coming from someone on your side, friend. I am not a smart person, evidenced by the fact of how easily I was brainwashed by Sesame Street, who taught me that everyone is the same, and I was too dumb to recognize it as liberal propaganda. Trying to convince white people of their privilege is counter-productive. You’re essentially accusing them of cheating at life, which is confrontational, and only going to provoke a defensive response.  You can’t achieve equality while giving benefits to certain people, it’s just that simple.

The pan dulce I bought yesterday is labeled “Hispanic pastries”.   Like, why couldn’t it be labled pan dulce? Or even Mexican pastries? That wouldn’t be racist, because that’s basically what it is.  “Hispanic pastries”…that’s almost as bad as a quesadilla maker. -TipsLikeMrPink

I imagine that there was an argument between the merchandiser and his boss.  One of them was worried that “Pan Dulce” was tough to say and would turn off conservatives, or sounded French and would turn off conservatives.  But maybe they have a “Hispanic Pastry” special every day, and the poor merchandiser didnt want to print out 8 different rolls of stickers.  Don’t me wrong, I hear you.   The name of the aisle on the signs at my supermarket has had 3 different entries in the last 6 months.  First, it was “Mexican”, then “Latin Flavours” and now its “Hispanic foods”.  I just want to know where the fucking tortillas and Goya black beans are, people.  I dont need a discussion on geocultural identification.  

Is it worth it to buy a smartphone (like Nexus 5 for instance) to read books and watch tv shoes on the bus?  -BigButtsAndICannotLie

I’d recommend a tablet for battery and screen size, and the fact that you won’t get a phone call from your Mom in the middle of a Game Of Thrones 2-girl friendly fingerbang session.

Why do homeless people get mad when I ask them to sing me a song for the money? I worked for the money, the least you can do is give me 5 seconds of entertainment before I just give it to you. -IDeservedThat

Just dont even approach those people. Walk on by and save your money for the homeless person opening doors, or washing windows, or selling flowers or water or umbrellas.  Around here there are plenty of homeless people working. Im sure if you keep your eyes open, you might one. Weirdest part is, that guy you made sing, might actually work. You might have caught him on his time off, the thing is, HES FUCKING HOMELESS YOU IDIOT.  If they are approaching you, then that sounds like fucking work.

Just bought an oz of shrooms covered in chocolate.  This will be my first time trying them..well when the weekend comes. I’ve done acid already. Any tips?  -km_ultra

Yeah, next time dont get scammed.  If you bought the drugs covered in chocolate, you got ROYALLY screwed. Mushrooms dont weigh much, while chocolate weighs alot. You should have bought mushrooms, and bechocolatified them yourself.  Since you’re in, I recommend not posting on Facebook.

What type of asshole yankee “fan” buys a jersey with the players name on the back? Why do they sell yankee jerseys like this? -chawktalk

Because then they can give the number to someone else and now your Nick Johnson jersey is a throwback.  What I’m saying is, if the Yankees sold jerseys without the name, there would be no incentive to buy more jerseys when a new player came along in the same number. It’s a point of revenue.

Man that new Cosmos show is noooot that good it was entirely a cartoon that tells the life events of Isaac Newton and a couple of his colleague. not enough to dominate an entire episode of a show called “Cosmos” its about the Cosmos not a biography about the early pioneers of the subject. and I realize Sagan did a few episodes where he talked a lot about Johannes Kepler and stuff but that was the 80’s and Sagan had the swag to pull it off. started out promising in episode 1 but the next two episodes were fuckin’ boring get to the space exploration already holy shit  -ikki-ikko

People make jokes about Newton and how he didnt “find” or “invent” gravity, yet he gets all the credit. But Newton was a lunatic, he was deciphering number puzzles that he was INVENTING from the Bible to try and talk to God and shit. And then Halleys comes up and is all “Hey. Help me out Bro, youre the smartest dude we know.” Halley had the idea. He just needed someone good at math to prove it.  Halley has to pull all these fucking strings and jump through hoops and get people who hate each together so he can physically, financially and single-handedly fund the FUNDAMENTAL TENANT OF SCIENCE and for it, he gets paid in FUCKING FISH ENCYCLOPEDIAS. Newton didnt even give a shit. No mention of any apple. He just wanted to get back to his fucking imaginary biblical sudoku.

I dont know. I found that story fascinating. Halleys is the true hero, he was busy putting charlatans and false prophets on blast for reading comets as signs from God. I just thought he was the guy who discovered the single comet, but he single handedly ended religions, and changed the world for the better. He doesnt get enough pub. He deserves handfuls of boobies on some fucking HBO miniseries, so an episode of Cosmos is a good start.