The What’s What, Volume 86

WTF?  You dead or something? -JellaTinSoldier

Nice updates.  All you need to do now is add new words to your blog. -Gameridian55

i hope ur not done….   i liked your stile.  -CrestFightStrips

Thanks for noticing.  I had to up and move all my stuff to Boston, the North Shore area.  Took me a couple weeks to pack and unpack, so now I should be good.  If y’all still care to give me the opportunity to make 7 minutes of your week less bleak, I will continue to consider it a privilege to do so.   I really wanted to update before the Super Bowl and answer all the questions sent in beforehand.  But, it didnt work out that way so,  those will likely be omitted, or I’ll answer them via reply email.  Might take  an extra week or so to catch up to the rest.  In any event, thanks for your patience and understanding, back to what we do.

did you see when Ryan Seacrest hugged that retarded kid last night?  he hugged him and was all like “wow you got some power behind that”, the host version of saying “he had retard strength”. -Mazzeltoff

It wasn’t as good as a high-five to the blind guy.  Nothing will ever top that.  Ever.

You old enough to remember Night Tracks?  I found a few music videos on YouTube that still have an introduction from it even though it hasn’t aired since 1992. A regular network airing a 3 hour block of music videos seems like such a novel concept now. -Czechlist

I remember “Cop Rock” and “The Grind”. Does that count?

Best TV show ever broadcasted on HBO? -Lohanbrau

That’s a tough one.  They seem to cancel a lot of good shows before their time.  Deadwood & Rome come to mind.  With an honorable mention to Band of Brothers, I’d go with Sopranos, though.  Epic run.  I’d like to mention an old favorite for consideration, Dream On. At the time, it was very cutting edge, with the swearing and boobies on TV at all.  For a 13 year old kid before the internet, it was something to behold.

How good are you at microwaving leftovers? -SanLouisObisBro

Ever since I found out that the trick to reheating meat is twice the time on half the power, I’ve been like Wolfgang Puck of the radiation box.

Best speech from a movie?  Mine is President Pullman in Independence Day. -Glocktypus

I read your subject and hoped you weren’t touting Independence Day.  I absolutely hated that speech.  “We will not go quietly into the night.” sealed the deal.  Seemed so forced, the writer really failed that moment.  Plus, the movie had been completely derailed the second Will Smith punched one in the face.  I’d go with BraveHeart myself. Forget it, I changed my mind. Rocky at the end of IV. The “If you can change, we all can change” speech.  The translator really adds to the drama.

Are food snobs the worst kind of snobs?  -EnFragglement

Anyone who thinks their way is the best way when it comes to opinions of taste are completely full of themselves; whether it be food, music, sports, drinking, or whatever. It usually the same people who are snobs at every facet of their opinion. They just don’t get it.

Watching a tv show during its current run or after completion?  whats better? on one hand you dont have to wait weeks to watch a season but the other you somewhat lose some of the suspense I guess.  -Squatto88

I prefer to watch them all at once after a season has ended, but its best to watch shows on a current run if everyone is talking about them, so you don;t miss out on some good insight.

Do you play multiple games at a time or beat one before moving onto the next? -CaliforniaRavens

I have two different video game modes. Single player, when I’m alone and get into something, like I’m into the Saboteur right now. I play for an hour or two a night.  And then when my friends come over, it’s more light-hearted fun, with 4 player co-op hockey, or LBP, or some PSN game, maybe we might even hook up the Wii. But we’ll play a few different games during one night.