The What’s What, Volume 160

Don’t have sex with people who are gossipy.  they’ll talk about how you were, with everybody. this doesn’t apply to me because i don’t go for shitty people, but this one guy i know didn’t last long inside this chick, she ran her mouth, and now lots of people know. it’s fucked up. -bcthedog

It’s not just sex. It’s everything. If someone tells me something private about someone else, I wonder what they are telling other people about me, and don’t share private things with them. Unless I have to associate with them for work or family or some reason, it’s pretty much over at that point.

Well. I finally started Game of Thrones. Talk about porn masquerading as art.  It’s basically “Lord of the Rings: Now With Boobies!”.  This is what everybody has been so worked up over? Thanks, but I’ll get back to watching shows with actual substance like The Sopranos, The Wire… hell even Firefly.  I’m not against softcore or even hardcore porn, but at least don’t pretend to be something else.  -shadowkedu

The Sopranos were liberal, in a way, with their nudity. In places, it seemed way more shoehorned in for HBO. Meetings were taking place at the Bada Bing just so boobies would be included in this weeks episode.  Al least, it seemed that way to me. Game of Thrones is a more visceral, primal, and graphic show regarding all facets of humanity, in everything from violence, to depravity and betrayal. It makes absolute perfect sense that sex would be portrayed in the same manner.  I’m sorry your delicate sensibilities were offended. You’re missing out on some amazing crafting of fiction.

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind wen you think of Africa? KushedOut840

Toto and Vuvuzelas. In that order.

Does it ever depress you that you aren’t a unique and special snowflake? especially in crowded public places, traffic jams, school campus, work, etc. Even the way we eat is depressingly mass production-like. Stuff ’em in, get ’em out, get in line, shuffle along, ad nauseum  -TerminalRage

We are unique. But, so is everyone else. Im special and important to about 200 awesome people. Thats fine by me. I dont need to be special to humanity. Fame is for attention whores.

There was no better game show than old school American Gladiators!!! To this day I still want to play Assault. I used to set up furniture in my parents basement with “stations” and i had two nerf ballzookas that acted as the gladiator gun!! And who didn’t want to mess around on the treadmill part of the Eliminator?! -machooch

I remember when there was a two hour block of the A-Team, Dukes of Hazzard, American Gladiators and Battle of the Network Stars. It was Friday Nights, and my Dad would have poker games and Id run in steal a bunch of snacks and go sit in front of my parents bedroom TV living the life of an 8 year old.

Can we agree Baseball is boring?

I can see where kids today dont have the attention span to enjoy baseball the way it is supposed to be. Theres like 15 minutes of actual happenings if you condense it all down. For a three hour event taking 18 3-minute breaks in between, it could do a lot towards keeping the kids interested. I like it the way it is, but if we need a pitching clock or whatever to keep people on board and allow me die in 50 years still watching it, then Im willing to make concessions.

Damn Kanye is going HAM on Twitter right now.  -PabloSanFillipo

I cant get off the fence with this guy. Hes a talented lyricist but he such a fucking retarded clown shoe, socially.  Hes been a bigger anus sandwich, as of recently, so Im losing patience fast.

What happened to Steve Guttenberg?   -Catari

Yeah, he disappeared.  But he was never destined for Oscars.  He probably is making Police Academy and Short Circuit residuals and has a nice safe house and sweet family somewhere quiet.  Its much sadder to go the way of Christian Slater. He was like the Keanu Reeves of the 90s, for you kids.  Leonardo DiCaprio should send Christian Slater an Edible Arrangements every Christmas for disappearing and opening the door to his entire career.  He was doing comedies and dramas, and now hes doing CSI.  

Harrison Ford Crashes Plane into Golf Course. Is treated by Doctors playing 18. -BoJo4

That has to be the whitest fucking thing Ive heard since Richard Simmons piered his yacht at the Edelstein Bar Mitzvah in Nantucket.

The What’s What, Volume 68

Louis Murphy’s TD getting reversed was the worst call I’ve seen in sports history. -IntoxificationComplete

It was a correct call of the rules, but the rule sucks.  2 feet and control in the end zone should be a touchdown. End of story.  Like any other time the ball carrier has possession of the ball and crosses the goal-line.  If someone diving for the goal-line loses the ball after it crosses the goal line, it’s still a touchdown.  Seems hypocritical there.

Orton 1 Cutler 0 -NiarraiN

Really?  I thought they were both busts. Both games hinged on a lucky play in the last two minutes of the contest. I saw Cutler become 1 blown Tillman blown coverage away from engineering an impressive comeback after the most unfortunate 1st half performance in recent memory.  Ortons victory credits stem on what amounts to be one of the top 2 luckiest plays in the history of the NFL.

LOL @ Kanye. – RazinBrand

Thoughts on the Kanye/Swift kerfluffle? -BlunderMifflin

Kanye inferred that his opinion on the outcome was more important than honoring the outcome.  It was totally in the wrong.  That being said, Taylor didn’t have to stand there like a retard for 2 minutes after the incident, looking lost.  Is it really that difficult to say “As I was saying….”?  He didn’t steal her moment, as much as she let him have it by standing there pouty and confused.  I have known Kanye is a doofus for quite some time.  I never had an opinion of Swift, but now I do, and it’s not positive.

FACT : The Princess Bride is the only acceptable romantic comedy a male can watch alone. -LourdeFawkes

I watch Tin Cup whenever it’s on HBO.  In my eyes, its a romcom with sports aspects to keep the guys interested.  Not to be confused with something like Bull Durham, which is a sports movie with love aspects to keep the ladies interested.  But Tin Cups sports scenes are overwhelmingly cool.  So, I’d add that to the mix.  Great point though, very few around.

When you eat a baked potato, do you eat the skin as well? -BocksZout

Not only do I eat it, I find it funny that people eat chicken skin or apple skin and freak out over potato skin.  I cut the whole bastard up into little squares, butter and salt.  Giddyup.  Full disclosure, though, I am Irish.

Neil deGrasse Tyson > You -good_pork

Couldn’t agree more, Nova Science Now is the biggity BOMB.

8 Years later, any residual thoughts on the 9/11 attacks? -MelaneeBee

Why the government hasn’t made stashes of parachutes a legal requirement for floors higher than the 15th floor after this incident is completely beyond my scope of understanding.

Dope does not open your mind. -Man_cmon

Maybe, it doesn’t.  But, people who try new things to make decisions based on their own experiences, rather than making life decisions from the anecdotes of others, is pretty much the base definition of being “open minded.”  I think it would be difficult to find an intolerant, prejudgemental pot user.

Nitrous is awesome. Agree? -RiRog456

I particularly enjoyed the 5% mix I got at the dentist office. That’s the way to go.  Whippits just give me a headache, though I really enjoy the anti-helium low voice thing.

Tarantino’s “Jackie Brown” /10 – RicknJules

7/10 It’s a little slow and long, so I feel the editing wasn’t right.  Overall, it kept my interest and Bridget Fonda is hot. There are better and worse QT films.

Next time you poop wipe it off with a slice of bread.  It will change your life. -RogerSterlingsHair

I bet it feels soft and pleasant. I’m worried my toilet won’t be able to handle the flushablility, though.