The What’s What, Volume 95

Under what circumstances are you allowed to strike a female? If a large girl begins to hit you, are you within your rights to clock her in the head? -TDKRIPHL

All depends.  Is any one looking?  Just kidding.  It’s really a no win situation.  I recommend you just squeeze/pin her until she cries. Seriously.

Who’s got a better ass, Kim Kardashian or Jessica Biel? – UpstandingNewscast

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to research this topic.  There was an unsurprising amount of internet material available devoted completely to the subject.  In any event, after a quick review it was obvious for me.  Biel by far.  It looks waaaaaay more legitimate. It’s fucking TEXTBOOK.  KK’s looks like a cartoon, more distracting than anything.  Granted, that’s not really my thing.  As long as it keep her comfortable, she can have that area completely to herself if she likes.  She’s more likely to catch a towel in the kitchen from me, than anything else.

What’s with people scoffing at you when you leave a movie when the credits begin to roll?  Am I being rude? -FHP617

This has happened to me twice, both times by film school students.  Who are the worst kind of pompous hypocrites, by the way. I bet they go out to a restaurant and enjoy an awesome meal prepared for them, UNIQUELY AND SPECIFICALLY, without even considering to thank the chef or ask his name, let alone the prep cooks and everyone else who made it possible, just a few feet away.  Oh, but we have to know who foley assistants were.  How is knowing who the caterer was helpful information?   If only I know where I could get that delicious meal I NEVER SAW.

If you had $8 and 2 hours. How would you make a profit? -Jussumdood

Access to popular area and a child? Bake sale or lemonade stand. Seriously. Bake sales make serious bank. You can charge $2-$3 a brownie if the kid is cute.

Thoughts on Obama’s pick for Supreme Court?MizzJayWizz

I’m hesitant to admit that my first thought was “Wow, she’s a real beefplow, isn’t she?”  I mean, she might be the ugliest thing I have ever seen. Of course it doesn’t matter what I think.  She’s not only a lesbian, but far more important to care.  Still, you know she’s qualified and charismatic. She’s obviously been very persuasive overcoming the obvious drawback of  that cranial deformity and becoming the first shaved sasquatch ever nominated for Supreme Court.  Quite an accomplishment.

If I were to ask of you “Who’s da Mastah?!?”  You would then reply…. -Hundrednten

“Sho-Nuff!”  Also, because of this question, I just sang three verses of the Last Dragon song. Out loud. Window open. Apartment complex. Before I recognized what I was doing and stopped.  Power of the Glow!

Please use the space after this e-mail to complain about something worthless in true WMC style, with hyperbole and a vague attempt at humor.  You are wasting your time. -AcidSloshed

Glad your on board with the basic premise.  *Ahem*  Who the FUCK changed the recipe for TANG?  Did they actually have a fancy business meeting in a luxurious conference room with a veggie platter and decide that the general public wanted to drink Sunny Delight, but was too embarrassed to buy it?   Because that’s exactly what it tastes like now. There’s not even a reason to buy Sunny Delight that it’s so easy to make your own.  The simple process of mixing orange juice concentrate and nail polish remover in your bathtub is all you need to replicate the taste-fucking your tongue gets on contact.  Why are people changing classics for a few bucks?   Buzz Aldrin is rolling in his grave. Thanks for reading.

Bold decision: I’m moving home for the summer.  I had my whole life planned out and it didn’t go so well. I’m 24 I don’t need to be super independent, even though I’m quite capable of it. Everyone I know still lives at home. Do I really have to pretend I’m better, and then choose between a yankee game or a movie as my only ent for the month? I’ve been budgeting meals and paying down credit cards, and now I’m debt free but I still live well out of my means for my current income.  I’m gonna move back home through sept, save a shitload of money and then get a place in the fall. -RufusPEverton

Moving home is the safe decision, not the bold one. Bold is grabbing your lady by the hips and renting a garbage basement apartment for three months to get your shit together while leaving everyone at home to think “I don’t know what happened to Rufus P Everton, he hasn’t been around in forever, things must be going well.”  Don’t get me wrong, do whatever you think is best and I hope it works out for you. But, I’ll be damned if I’m going to hear about someone going back to mommy and daddys house claiming it’s an intrepid heroic adventure.