The What’s What, Volume 94

Joakim Noah and Ichiro are right. Cleveland sucks. Its a horrible, horrible place.  -theimportanttruth

It’s quite the polarizing city. Seems you either hate it, or live there. *rimshot*  I’ve never been, but I’m all set, personally.  I will say that it did kinda of seem that the  Rock & Roll HOF was invented to give people a reason to go there.

Can I ask, what is your definition of “furry”?  Do you think everyone who likes anthro characters puts on a mascot costume and has gay buttsex with other people in mascot costumes?
Is a furry someone who simply likes anthro characters? Or are they only a furry once it becomes sexual?  I just think there’s some misguided ideas out there, so I wanted to hear what you actually believe. -mikko4aday

Ultimately, my issue with the overtly sexual community is there’s no need to be loud about it.  But, with the issue you are specifically defending it’s that it’s way too much pretend. A little imagination is fine.  I’m not sure where the line is, because I’ve never been down that path. Drawing boobs on animals is not sexy to me, but what you do in your house is all and good.  However,  I don’t need to hear about the wackiness because you can’t control your excitement over the mayhem.  It’s all about restraint. Let’s exhibit some.  You don’t have to be “that guy”.  Just enjoy it on your own time, and don’t bring it up in public.  The only people that know what gets me off are the people I trust my dignity with. Life is nice for everyone.  Everyones got a line, no need to make your hobby finding them.

Brittany Murphy was a dumb bitch and J.D. Salinger’s death went ungrieved by many what a shame. they died within weeks of each other and most people were like “J.D. wha?” -TurnKey3

Stop making a big deal about a guys death who didn’t want a big deal about his death. You dishonor his wishes and memory by mourning him.  Or are you really arguing that you are some sort of moral compass over his memory?  He cares about his death press time over a struggling actress?   He famously wanted his privacy.   We’re going to try to respect that here.  I feel a little dirty posting this.  I only do so in the hopes of education, and I apologize to the memory of the man in question.

Kelsey Grammer in “Frasier” was amazing. Pure gold. I used to watch this show every single day. I just saw it for the first time in a year. I love this guy. Also, Sideshow Bob = WIN -Spaghettttta

Great actor. In everything I have seen him in I’ve trusted his appearance.

If you could take one player in the NFL and move him to your favorite team? Peyton Manning on the Cowboys would probably be one of my wish’s if I found a genie’s lamp.  -jp7858

Great question.  Revis to the Patriots.

Unions suck. There is no reason for the majority of them to exist. All they do is waste money and give people an excuse not to work. Discuss. _GawD_

Management gets to have meetings, Labour should too.  If management treats workers well, there’s never a discussion of unions.  Trying to find the line doesn’t help either.

Is Red Dead Redemption’s multiplayer being the next big thing? Or just a flavor of the month? I am one of the few that still plays Uncharted 2 multi and loves it and this looks to be Uncharted 2 multi on steroids. -Cuomoplateau

I’m completely unfamiliar with the options available for RDR multiplayer.  That being said, every game has a group of players that enjoy that specific multiplayer for whatever reason and stick around forever. While everyone else moves on.  I actually think that MW2 is still the last big thing. Or maybe Bad Company. MAG could have a reasonable argument. You are at least two games behind the next big thing.

My boss just called me to tell me not to change the radio station or she’s taking it home next time. She seriously called my house to tell me that she doesn’t want to have to change the radio in the office back from 108.9 to 99.9. And if I change it one more time she will take the radio home with her before she leaves on days that I come in. I was just like… “Okay.” -SOCommander

Bring your own radio and keep changing her dial, just because she’s a bitch.

LOL @ guys that actually bend the brim on their hat -DAB2054

I wear hats because prolonged bright light gives me headaches.  Since sombreros aren’t quite mainstream yet, I’m going to continue arching my brim. Feel free to laugh at me all you want.

The guy at Subway overloaded my sandwich with meat I got chicken strips with pepperoni and bacon, expecting a couple of strips of each. 12 pieces of pepperoni and 8 slices of bacon later, I’m pondering the heart attack this could cause (and how 4 slices of cheese aren’t going to hold up to all that meat on a footlong sub) and how it might be in my best interest to ask for some off. That is right, a removal of meat.  Then my penis twitched, reminding me that it wasn’t a vagina, and I said nothing. -FinalPsalm

I’ve been known to purchase rolls and make a second sandwich.  Even with giant hot dogs at ball parks, I’ll buy a second bun and cut them lengthwise. My optimal bread:meat ratio is apparently bread heavy than the average person. I like a sandwich to have equal textures, the bread isn’t just there to keep your hands clean of mustard. Imagine my horror at the vision for the future when KFC’s “Double Down” appeared.

The What’s What, Volume 65

Whats the earliest you’ve ever wake ‘n baked it?-UkranianRifRif

4:20 every year on 4/20. I know. Make fun all you want.  Other than that, probably 5:30 or 6 for the Boston marathon.

It’s strange how athiests believe in aliens and yet don’t believe in God. Most of the atheist’s arguments are “Well the galaxy is so big how could there not be life on other planets?” And yet, there’s no scientific proof that aliens exist at all. It’s funny how they’re the same ones bashing Christians and Muslims because “There’s no proof God exists, LOL”  Oh, the hypocrisy. -DrunkenCookie

Life on Earth is proof it can happen for people who don’t believe in creation.  That is to say humans are aliens to every other planet.

Why does the audience always boo the guy when he is not the father on Maury? -EC4118

Because they want everyones life to be crappier than the one that led them to be sitting in a Maury Povich audience.

Remember when you used to fap to the Girls Gone Wild commercials? -CockStar

No, never the commercials, unfortunately.  But, I am still in love with the Southern girl in the purple bikini that called her mom to ask her if she could take her top off.  Mom said yes, and I am forever grateful.

2 years for shooting yourself in the leg???? What kind of ass-backwards system is this? -QDNPCash

A gun in his possession went off in a crowded bar on accident.   It’s still a crime, and a miracle he only shot his own retarded ass.

A Spa nearby was advertising: “Spermalogical Facial – 340% off” – E3ClampsE3

I know it’s not the focus, but how the hell is anything 340% off?   That means they pay you three times the amount of the service to get one?  I can’t get past this.

So I’m randomly going for “coffee” with my high school crush/obsession this weekend. I’m 22 now so this was obviously a long time ago, but I had the hugest, hugest crush on this girl, nothing ever came of it because she had always had a boyfriend / I was too much of a bitch to make my move. When I did have a sort of chance a few years ago, I’d moved on, had other girls etc.

Now I’m broken up with my GF of 3 years for quite a while and I’m going with this girl who was like, “the one who got away.” It’s messing me up…serious advice Vesti? She initiated this which is good at least. She lives in a town 2-3 hours away for college purposes, although her family and many friends live here, and she comes back intermittently. Also, I know she’s dated (and so presumably sexed) a lot of guys, to the point many guys would not like it. Ahhh well! -C0ldB1ll

Sweet, so now that her emotions have been torn apart by pretty boys in college, shes decided to take stock in the guys that worshipped her in high school to see if any of them are rich. Play up the fact that you have great occupational prospects and you are likely to get a shot in her pants. Welcome to life.

apparently theyre bringing back celebrity boxing and rodney king is going to fight an ex cop, lol – DogtheAccountant

Are they going to make RK fight on his back from the ground like last time?

Has America always been in a culture war? Or is this way worse than its ever been before? -ElPadrinoExperto

When the media sold out, they pretty much polarized everything. It started sometime during President Clintons Administration.  Seems to have gotten super amped up during the Gore v Bush thing.

Shatter kicks ass.  -CranstonNBC

It took me a THOUSAND tries to get 10M on the bonus mode. Got 9.8 three times and 9 or over at least a dozen times.  Finally got the trophy tonight, 11.1M. LoL.

Bob Ryan said Jeter is the best of his generation.-IwontheInternet

His defense has always been suspect. And he’s a little overrated overall because he’s playing the Yankees premier position.  He’s great, don’t get me wrong. First ballot hall of famer. But hes not the best of this generation.   I’m giving that distinction to either A-Rod or Ichiro. Seriously.