The What’s What, Volume 147

Do you watch Girls?  Sundays episode was solid.  Shoshanna goin nuts -XeXetheZ

I watched the first couple episodes, as I do most every HBO, but I quickly determined that I was not the targeted demographic. You might say it’s hip, I found it banal and self-indulgent.   Weeks later I found out that the entire cast are children of rich and famous people.  That pretty much soured me on any hope of redemption with this show.  No thanks, and instinctively, I’ll think a little less of you in the future.   Can I recommend True Detective to you?  It’s also on HBO Sunday Nights, and it contains original writing of people doing things that outsiders may find interesting.  We can talk about that show for DAYS.  

lol @ watching sports.  the fuck is wrong with you?-whorehey

Live competition of any kind is awesome. Ill watch pretty much any sports, even if I dont know the rules.  The Olympics are among my favorite spectacles.  There random sports on 5 channels at any time of the day.  Insomnia?  Fencing!  Feeling sick all day?  There’s people on skis firing guns followed by curling!  It’s fucking shufflepuck on ice!  ON TV!  And you complain?  Kids, today.

Favorite cars to drive in Gran Tourismo?  I like the 1969 Toyota 2000GT. After a light tune (tires, cams + intake/exhaust) and some suspension and brake work) the car is a dream to drive. The car feels mechanical and connected, enters/exit corners at high speeds, and the engine just sounds phenomenal. The car is just fun to drive.

Runner-up is probably the 69 Nissan Fairlady Z for the same reasons. I like fast cars but there is something fun about a light, front engine/rear drive car w/ a manual transmission. Especially when they are older because they have a mechanical, basic feeling nature to them.

I’m more of an agility car fan.  Particularly your Subaru Impreza’s for Off-Road action, or the RUFs…is that what they are?  The fictional brand they included to house the Porsche cars when Porsche didnt want to be included in the game?  It’s been a while, I think that was them.

Your ranking of films Quentin Tarantino has directed, go.  -DontEatDaFoods

I can obviously only rank the ones I have seen.

1. Pulp Fiction
1a. Four Rooms
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. Inglorious Basterds
4. Django Unchained
5. Kill Bill Vol. 1
6. Jackie Brown

Four Rooms gets a subset because he directed a quarter of the movie.  His portion was FANTASTIC, though.  The Top 3 are in my Top 20 movies of all time.  3 and 4 are movies Id watch again.  5 was worth watching once.  Jackie Brown is among my least favorite movies of all time.

What do you think of people that go through a Starbucks drive-thru for a cup of coffee. is that being lazy or is it whatever? I kind of feel like it’s weird but then again how is it any different from going through any other drive-thru? thoughts? -AsianGuy92

Lazy?  It’s LESS retarded than going to any other drive-thru because drinking a cup of coffee is something that can easily be done while you drive.  Why would you sit down and drink just a coffee? I need a paper cup, anyway, I have shit to do. Drinking a coffee takes a time for me. I have to wait for it to cool a bit, and then you just dont drink it, you sip occasionally to keep the taste in your face for a while.  I am not gonna sit in a restaurant booth to have a coffee like a doofus.  Its a drink.  You have to fucking sit down in order to drink a coffee?  Makes sense with food.  It’s what a table is for.  

lol so why is every american team called after an animal or pants? new york knicks? Bear, seagulls, tigers. lol what are we, 6?  Come on just the name of the place will suffice.

The Fresno Trousers? Grand Rapids Chinos?  What the hell teams are named after pants?  Are you talking about the Knickerbockers?  I think they were people first.  And rather than list the DOZENS of team names that do not include animal nor pants, including 3 out of 4 of the professional sports teams of Boston, the area from which I hail, I’ll choose to kind of see your point.  I mean “Location Football Club” is a little boring, but its more professional than some cartoony sea animal.  (I’m looking at YOU, Miami Dolphins.)  Still, I think I prefer variety and marketing availabilities that the current American system favours.

Do you consider yourself more considerate than an average person? -CanadiAnne

I do, because I’m all “WHAM BAM You’re Welcome Maa’m”.  Case closed.

So the ex of a girl I know has hacked her facebook, posting a text conversation they had where she admits to cheating on him with  7 guys, including a two guy threesome, and tagging her father.  Why she gave her ex her password, and didnt change it after the broke up is really stupid. -UMEagles

Its far more likely that he knew the answers to her password reset questions.  Some girl I knew got her email hacked because her security question was “What was my high school mascot?” which the other girl looked up on Google in like 10 fucking seconds.  Which is why the answers to my security questions are not actual answers at all. Whats my Moms maiden name? Flintstone Chewables.  My first kiss was with?  The Hudson River Valley.

The What’s What, Volume 108

Thanks to everyone who sent me recommendations on a new blog service.  Special thanks to CanadiAnne for creating a WordPress account for the specific purpose of troubleshooting the issue, and finding the fix by adding a specific combination of apps and filters to my browser.   We’ll remain here until the next thumbs-down.  Or maybe earlier, I’ve heard very good things about blogspot.

LOL that ESPN 30 for 30 special on the Red Sox 3-0 series comeback is so epic.  The best part so far was when the butthurt Yankees fans were throwing shit on the field because A-Rod got caught cheating. -shyguy5676

MLB Productions did a great job. I expected them to gloss over or not mention the dubious parts of that series, but they showed the warts and all.

Should I start watching Prison Break or Deadwood? I’ve already seen The Sopranos, 24, Lost, Heroes and Nip Tuck. I’m already into Dexter and following this season. And I’m up to season 4 of The Wire.  -Jeremeier

Only the first season of Prison Break is worth watching.  The Deadwood catalog is boss. Get you some.

if you were granted one request by god to change the world, what would you ask him for? -roastinglikeever

I’d need a lot of consideration.  Id wish for him to “become a little more involved in the people of Earths well being” or even “Set everyone straight on which religion is accurate.”

Do you consider yourself different from other people? -aeyxes

I’m unique, just like everyone else.  Doesn’t make me better in any way, though.

Louis CK > George Carlin.  After his latest stand up, he officially moved to the number 1 spot. He’s a hit and no miss comedian. -VandRandV

Carlin did a lot for the prestige of comedy. He ended his career a pompous, bitter, social commentator more than a comedian. Louis CK hasn’t even come close to the level of traditional success of Carlin. He’s being edgier in a time that’s much more difficult to be so, but if Henny Youngman opened the doors of edgy comedy, Carlin opened it up with an axe and a crazed look, Shining style.  In short, if your argument is Louis CK > Carlin, best comedian ever, you’re going to come off sounding arrogant because of the levels of esteem and success Carlin was able to achieve. if our argument is Louis > Carlin for your comedy enjoyment, personally, then that’s cool, I’m right there with you.

Do you consider it wrong for people to “fall in love” with “fictional” characters?  It’s something that’s become somewhat accepted in the anime community. I know the majority of you here think it’s weird but I want to hear your perspective. “Love” meaning going beyond simply being attracted to someone, but feeling deeply emotionally attached to.  Is the fact that you can’t actually interact with someone a significant enough barrier to where you shouldn’t be able to “love” them or the qualities that they represent? Do you think I’m just a socially-deprived loser who lacks the ability to find “real love” so turned to anime instead?  -Azu-Nyan

Love is a mutual concept. It’s a two way street. It’s impossible to love something that doesn’t know you exist. That’s called lust. And knock yourself out with lust. All day long. Fine by me. But when you compare what you have vs people who have to put effort into making a loving relationship worthy, then you are an embarrassment to humans, and a failure to yourself.

A man can beat his wife and kids as long as he leaves no physical marks, the United Arab Emirates’ highest court has found.  Reaction? -NeedInput

I bet theres still way more domestic violence in America.

SCENARIO:Your GF steps on Christian Bales shoes in public and he starts yelling at her.  What do you do, hotshot? -codmohcommander

We turn our back on him and walk away.  I bet that would piss him off more than anything we could say.

Should immigrants be forced to learn the language of the nation they move to? -ZombieImplants

No. People should choose to do it because communication could be necessary to saving your life and the lives of people you love, among one of the many obvious examples of how to use society to your benefit.  But no one should be forced to do anything, in a free country. That’s kind of the point, and makes you just as retarded as the people who choose not to.

Do you buy a lot of dvds/blurays? I personally buy tons of dvds and they really stack up. Pickin up predator along with Fallout later. Just wondering as I know lots of people just download them nowadays. I have been buying lots of blurays lately too.  -sgilatapus

I have like my top 5-10 movies or so on Blu-ray/DVD. The only time I watch them is with friends who haven’t seen the movie.  When the movie is on TV, I’ll watch until the first commercial to catch a vibe and if I want to see it, I play the DVD, if not, I turn the channel. I absolutely refuse to watch a movie on TV (unless its on HBO or Showtime) that I have on DVD. Makes me feel like I’m a retard, watching the edited, commercial filled version.

The What’s What, Volume 1o7

WMC: I apologize for the uneditable spacing issues.  I’m officially looking for a free blog service to transfer mine too.  Currently accepting nominations.
Luke Skywalker only knew Obi-Wan for like, half a day. They meet in the morning when Luke almost gets captured, talk for a bit, then Luke finds his dead parents, so they decide to hire Han Solo. A little later in the day Han and them leave Tatooine and get abducted by the Death Star, where Obi-Wan dies.  -StealthyMission
I assumed that Obi Wan was there to protect Luke from harm. Luke just had a crap ass boring existence, which includes the sole highlight of blasting swamp rats when he’s not harvesting blue milk from the desert, and he never needed anyone to do anything to protect him. So, Obi Wan knew Luke a lot more than Luke knew ObiWan. Do you know the scale of hours between Earth and Tatooine? They could have spent 4 days in constant sunlight there. Also, I imagine the space travel was a little more than a few hours. I’m not an apologist or anything, you might be right. Just what I come out with. The relationship didn’t really strike me as a hoax when I was a toddler in 1980.
create the ultimate super group band with living or dead band mates -ballin06
Guitar and lyrics – John Lennon & Bob Dylan
Piano – Ben Folds
Vocals – Eddie Vedder
Drums – Carl Palmer
Horns, accordion, and accompaniment – They Might Be Giants

I immediately think less of someone if I find out they smoke.  To the extent that I wouldn’t secks them if I found out. -jamdlw
That’s cool. I can relate. Kind of like the way I immediately think less of you for thinking less of people based on one decision they’ve made.

Will you raise your KIDS with a religion? -hottubmimemachine
No.  And it’s unlikely they’ll see a baptism, which is likely to bring about issues with my Dad.  He’s a good guy and everything.  He just like-a da Jesus.

Jon Hamm is typecast. His voice + anytime he wears a suit = Don Draper for the rest of his life -GreyFocks15
I could not disagree more.  I’m going to wager you have never seen him on 30 Rock, SNL or the Emmy’s.  Hes been getting a shitload of credit for his comedy work, recently.  It seems that way to me, anyway.

if black ppl dont like mayo, what do they put on their sandwiches?  -DuSheauwnDre
White women, obviously.

What is something your penis can’t do that, that you wish it could? -LVWINRAR
Either laser beams or free HBO.

Have you ever pooped in the oven?  -Homey65
Not my own oven, of course not.  That would be a mistake.

Congrats on your first platinum trophy.  Can I get a review?  -Glocktypus
LoL.  Afrika?  It was just okay.  I just kept completing missions, and some seemingly super easy mission would pop up, so I would do that one. Then it told me that I did all the missions. I looked to see what I was missing and it was the 20th item. So, I went to get that and it went all “Platinum Trophy”.   I put 30-40 hours into it, I guess. 3 of those hours hunting for the ever elusive Kori Bustard in the Kiwanja Plain.  I got the from Gamefly, and am pleased I did. Once you platinum it there is absolutely nothing left to do but goof off. It looks pretty, that’s for sure. The music is awesome.  I’m still humming it, weeks later.  If you like photography, it’s definitely worth a go round.  But I’ve spent way more hours on other games that I haven’t platinumed.

The What’s What, Volume 1o6

Why Is Catholicism A Punchline And Islam Untouchable?  -WaltWhitesHat

Because old guys who are supposed to be moral leaders turning out to be peepee touchers is ironic, while crashing airplanes and bombing buildings without any direct confrontation or chance to defend yourself is scary.  Not saying it’s right, just how it is as I see it.

I was in third grade when 9/11 happened. I remember coming home and my parents and sister were watching the news all day and I was like wtf is this man, i wanna watch digimon bro. A real tragedy. -Chispart66

I was in Kindergarten and some old guy had come into class to read “My Dog Skip”. He finished it and everything.

Are there any types of prank devices that can disrupt TV signals?  Like to turn off tvs, mess about with random settings, anything like this? -PriorityMale

A universal remote, genius.

So, I saw the Dragon Ball z movie on HBO a couple of days ago.. To call it shit is insulting to human waste.  -amazingbagman

I thought it was a perfect representation of the source material.

More overrated rapper?  Tupac, Eminem, or Andre 3000? -DuSheauwnDre

Tupac, his death made him a martyr. His lyrics were elementary.

Have you seen the 3D optical illusions of children playing they are using as speed bumps in Vancouver?  -Corks

I have not.  However, I don’t think fucking with the eyes and heads of people in charge of 2 ton vehicles is a great idea.

I have been having really fucked up dreams since seeing Inception. I’ve seen the movie three times, and I’ve been dwelling on its concept for a while now and its just such an original and unique film. Since I’ve been obsessed with it I’ve noticed my dreams have been lasting way longer than normal, and I’m remembering so much more when I wake up in the morning. Not to mention I’ve even had a couple lucid dreams where I was in complete control, and the dreams I’ve been having seem so much more realistic. -jbscotchman

I can’t help but pity people who have such an overwhelming emotional reaction to someone else’s fiction that they have to modify their reality.  A seriously unfortunate scenario playing out more and more often. What a herd of vapid, feeble-willed simpletons.

I wouldn’t have given security Brandon Jacob’s helmet either.  It’s not like he’s gonna need it.. But seriously don’t act like they use the same helmet all season.. it’s doubtful that they even use the same one all game.. let the man keep the helmet if the dumb ass is gonna throw it. -Cl3ms0nTigers

I would have told the security people that it’s evidence of an assault in my possession and if I am not catered to, then the NY Giants, Brandon Jacobs, Lucas Oil Stadium, the Indianapolis Colts and the stadium security would all be hearing from my lawyer. I’m not even kidding. When a foul ball or puck goes into the crowd, you get to keep it. If they take it from you, then the player has to trade something to you for it. If security wants it that bad, they should have given him tickets or a jersey or something.  Some giant pissed-off uber-wealthy monster doesn’t get to whip 2 pounds of hard plastic at me without paying for it.

The What’s What, Volume 86

WTF?  You dead or something? -JellaTinSoldier

Nice updates.  All you need to do now is add new words to your blog. -Gameridian55

i hope ur not done….   i liked your stile.  -CrestFightStrips

Thanks for noticing.  I had to up and move all my stuff to Boston, the North Shore area.  Took me a couple weeks to pack and unpack, so now I should be good.  If y’all still care to give me the opportunity to make 7 minutes of your week less bleak, I will continue to consider it a privilege to do so.   I really wanted to update before the Super Bowl and answer all the questions sent in beforehand.  But, it didnt work out that way so,  those will likely be omitted, or I’ll answer them via reply email.  Might take  an extra week or so to catch up to the rest.  In any event, thanks for your patience and understanding, back to what we do.

did you see when Ryan Seacrest hugged that retarded kid last night?  he hugged him and was all like “wow you got some power behind that”, the host version of saying “he had retard strength”. -Mazzeltoff

It wasn’t as good as a high-five to the blind guy.  Nothing will ever top that.  Ever.

You old enough to remember Night Tracks?  I found a few music videos on YouTube that still have an introduction from it even though it hasn’t aired since 1992. A regular network airing a 3 hour block of music videos seems like such a novel concept now. -Czechlist

I remember “Cop Rock” and “The Grind”. Does that count?

Best TV show ever broadcasted on HBO? -Lohanbrau

That’s a tough one.  They seem to cancel a lot of good shows before their time.  Deadwood & Rome come to mind.  With an honorable mention to Band of Brothers, I’d go with Sopranos, though.  Epic run.  I’d like to mention an old favorite for consideration, Dream On. At the time, it was very cutting edge, with the swearing and boobies on TV at all.  For a 13 year old kid before the internet, it was something to behold.

How good are you at microwaving leftovers? -SanLouisObisBro

Ever since I found out that the trick to reheating meat is twice the time on half the power, I’ve been like Wolfgang Puck of the radiation box.

Best speech from a movie?  Mine is President Pullman in Independence Day. -Glocktypus

I read your subject and hoped you weren’t touting Independence Day.  I absolutely hated that speech.  “We will not go quietly into the night.” sealed the deal.  Seemed so forced, the writer really failed that moment.  Plus, the movie had been completely derailed the second Will Smith punched one in the face.  I’d go with BraveHeart myself. Forget it, I changed my mind. Rocky at the end of IV. The “If you can change, we all can change” speech.  The translator really adds to the drama.

Are food snobs the worst kind of snobs?  -EnFragglement

Anyone who thinks their way is the best way when it comes to opinions of taste are completely full of themselves; whether it be food, music, sports, drinking, or whatever. It usually the same people who are snobs at every facet of their opinion. They just don’t get it.

Watching a tv show during its current run or after completion?  whats better? on one hand you dont have to wait weeks to watch a season but the other you somewhat lose some of the suspense I guess.  -Squatto88

I prefer to watch them all at once after a season has ended, but its best to watch shows on a current run if everyone is talking about them, so you don;t miss out on some good insight.

Do you play multiple games at a time or beat one before moving onto the next? -CaliforniaRavens

I have two different video game modes. Single player, when I’m alone and get into something, like I’m into the Saboteur right now. I play for an hour or two a night.  And then when my friends come over, it’s more light-hearted fun, with 4 player co-op hockey, or LBP, or some PSN game, maybe we might even hook up the Wii. But we’ll play a few different games during one night.

The What’s What, Volume 67

How do you get laid at a party?  What do you say?  “Hey, would you like to go to my room?” I mean, that sounds retarded.
Advice? -nivekkevin

Start with a conversation.  And then, after things are going well, act like you’re having difficulty hearing what she is saying and ask her if she wants to take a walk or something.  Walk to your room and invite her in.  I always went after the girls that weren’t really having fun at parties though, because I never really had fun at parties. Loud and drunk are not my things.

How do you keep your head about you after a bad poker beat? -ImmediateComedian

I go in to the game expecting them. You have to. Then, when it happens you aren’t surprised, and can brush them off.

Your favorite moment in “Total Recall”? I cant decide mine, its between the tri-boobed chick or “DAMMIT COHAAGEN, GIVE ZEE PEOPLE ZEE AIR”.  -FuggerSlow

I’m going with the other classic accent modified line “Cahl wan eight-huntret GO TO MAHZ!”

Why do people get insulted by insults?  “Hey you’re gay!”

Option 1: You are not gay, so this person is wrong. Doesnt change the fact that you aren’t gay
Option 2: You are gay, this person is stating a fact. Cool. -MitchHeadpiece

It’s fun to be able to brush them off when you realize that people are just saying what they think will make you upset or angry.   Legitimate criticism from people I care about the opinions of are what really hits home. It’s just so rare.

What do you get when you go to P.F. Changs? -KamchatkaNative

Polynesian Short Ribs in Pineapple Rice.  They took it off the menu, and I haven’t been back since.  Not sure what I’ll get next time.

PS3 Firmware Update 3.0, yay or nay? -GMBrody99

Little of both.  Yay to Dynamic Themes, nay to the new friends listing.  More yay than nay, a majority improvement.

So I was at his house playing poker today and I got totally fucking drunk (i only had 3 four locos but i hadn’t eaten a signle bite of food the entire day so it hit me hard) and he talked me into calling this chick that I’m into and that was really into me until today. He told me to call her and tell her I wanted to fuck her right now and put the phone on speaker which I did, and she said “excuse me”? and then he whispered to me to tell her that she just needs to stop talking and suck my cock, so I did. she then hung up on me. Should I punch him in the face? -SunshineAssociation

LoL @ content to name.  Fantastic. But, your defense of not being responsible for yourself when drunk won’t hold up in court, doesn’t make any sense here.  Regardless, now you know that your friend can’t be trusted to have your best interest in mind when you are drunk.   Welcome to wisdom.

How can you claim True Blood is a vampire soap opera for women?  There’s naked ladies in it!WolfgangAtari

I watched the first two episodes, told my wife I hated it and werewolves would be along shortly.  Oh, naked ladies, you say like it clears you? You mean like Sex and the City? That was another of your favorites, also? They still are waiting for the return of your man-card at Testicular Headquarters.

Why is it ok for Jesus to die and come back but when other authors do it they get criticized? That book wasn’t even good. -Yayooz

Thank God the Bible didn’t talk about time travel. Think of the movies it would have ruined.

The What’s What, Volume 60

What’s the last bad movie you watched? -Arkannitee

Paul Blart: Mall Cop.  The villain was such a poor actor, it reflected terribly on the satisfactory skills of Kevin James, and the surprising chops of Jayma Mays.   Also, the writing wasn’t great.  I’ve never really been a fan of Nick Bakay.

Contrary to popular belief, I think lust can be just as… “beautiful” as love. I mean, it’s not nearly as meaningful, but I think it’s just as important. -Innocensassin

I’m pretty sure this was the early thought process of the serial killer from Silence of the Lambs who was skinning his victims to make a dress.

How does Donte Stallworth get 30 days for killing a man and Michael Vick get 2 years for killing dogs? -The_Frank

If I die and my family has a chance to get rich instead of putting the dude in jail, you damned right I expect them to.  His ass rotting in jail is not doing my family any good.  Plus, I believe that Michael Vick was jailed for some federal gambling charge involving crossing state lines, and had very little to do with the actual killing of dogs.

I don’t get Thriller. So MJ watches MJ rape some girl as a werewolf. His date IRL gets scared of bestiality walks out, MJ follows. Starts singing to her. Then Vincent summons zombies. Who dont want to eat brains like decent zombies but rather to dance with MJ and his date. Then somehow MJ becomes a zombie. They dance and then the lady runs into a house. MJ breaks in and is closing in on her. But he just wakes her up and then turns around is now a monster again? WTF -ConArtiste

That about covers it.  I think you’ve got it all figured out there.

Rate a song: Soul Asylum – “Runaway Train”-Alpha_Omegatron

It was just so god-damned overplayed back in High School it really started to rub the wrong way.   Hearing it now immediately returns me to my junior year. Good times, still a song that’s actual value was ruined for me because of over saturation.

So if your gf catches you smoking weed and wants you to quit, you do it right? -Mazzeltoff

No. You say “I’m going to want to try a lot of different things in our future together. If you don’t want to try them, that’s okay. But I would never ask you to not try something new, and then stop doing it if you enjoyed the experience. That would cause resentment, and that’s not balling to me.”

What would That 70’s Show be called if it actually aired in the 70’s? -urban_apostle

Either “Kelso Loves Jackie” or “Red Foremans Parenting Showcase”

PSP Go is only digital download… that is BAD thing. There will be no more finding cheap used games to save a ton of money.  Digital download’s prices stay the same for YEARS.  I’d rather just get a normal PSP so I can find a bunch of the games for a lot cheaper. -Legendary_Hamburger

That’s a good point. But not losing games is also a significant advantage, for me, anyway.  I still can’t find my beloved copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.  Especially for like travel systems, with their tiny, tiny, games.

“Useless item collection” is now “replayability” in games with GP/trophies. that’s ridiculous, the only game I ever wanted to (and did) collect stuff in was GTA:SA  -magayushi

Works for me. I pretty much play the stories as I normally would the first time around. If the gameplay is fun enough which makes me want to continue playing more, it gives me an actual goal to work for. I’m not doing it for the trophies exactly, I’m doing it because the game is fun and it’s a goal to accomplish.

Watching this seasons Entourage?Teggles11

I don’t care about E and Sloane. AT ALL.  I’ve never been around 3 guys who act more like bitches  than his friends. Why the hell are they on E about his girls, or his relationships?  When did they turn into 13 year old girls? I swear it was the whole god damned episode. Barely a mention of the Scorsese movie. They’d better get back to bonghits, naked girls and movie politics toot sweet.

The What’s What, Volume 36

Let’s say Tom Brady’s career is over today. Will he still be in the HOF? -KingMayker

16-0, 3 SuperBowls, MVP, TD Record holder?  Yes, first ballot.

What made you stop believing in God? -Chad_The_Hun

Remedial Cognition.  I kid, it just kind of added up over time.

I’m making chicken wings for lunch. What should I baste them with? -BBQball

Put them in a crockpot with ketchup, soy sauce, garlic, and grape jelly for a couple hours.  Then, prepare yourself to be amazed how fucking delicious they are.

Can a stripper make enough money between age 18 to age 25 to support her for life? -BereccaX

Just stripping? Very unlikely. High class hooker? Probabaly.

Prostitution and Marijuana; Basically, if any of the two are going to legalized, they must be both lucrative and productive for society (though it’s all really about revenue).  Which of the two benefits society more? -ARL95

Marijuana, hands down.  Farms would be created, regulatory committees, companies of new jobs to process and distribute.  Prostitution would need regulation on a much smaller scale.

they need to start making reverse skyscrapers. look like a small building on the surface but go 50 floors into the ground like a bunker…but awesome.  -ssobsivart

The view isnt as nice.

turn your keyboard over and hit the back side of it over some white paper. I just did this at my office and a bunch of skin flakes, eye lashes and some marijuana just fell out! wtf?! how did that get in there at work?! -CuriousExplorer

When I was moved into a new office I asked the tech for a new keyboard and he asked me why. I turned it over and shook it out on the desk, and he said “Gross. I’ll go get you one.”

A friend of mine is asking me if masturbating and then praying cancels each other out. Thoughts? -BigNeve23

He should go to confession so the priest can ask him to describe it in every detail.  All I can think of is that scene from Clerks 2, where the goodie-2-shoes kid is masturbating to the donkey show while crying and saying “I’m sorry, Jesus…” Hilarious.

Favorite Star Wars character? -CenturionRomanus

Either IG-88, the bounty hunting robot responsible for artificial intelligence, or Admiral Ackbar.

Michelle Obama quit her job, I bet Obama will want to quit when things get real. -notsodope43

I think if I had 4 years to tackle a meaningful social issue, Id quit my job to give it every effort I could, also.

HBO passed up Mad Men? WTF guys? It’s actually a really good show. It feels like I’m watching a long movie that I don’t want to end. I’m on the 7th episode of the fourth season right now. -bright_shadow

Though the show would be even more awesome with boobies and swearing, it does the job fine now.

How would a Doctor end a letter? Sincerely?  Regards?  Dr. Name, MD, or just Name, MD? -y_so_srs90

Forgery is tough, I know.

Would you listen to Hayden Panettiere’s music to have sex with her? You have to listen to every song she has ever sung BEFORE you can start even doing anything with her then it’s on when you’re doing whatever you want with her. -pensnteller11

Can I turn her down to her face if her music sucks that badly when I hear the first song?  Cause that might make it worth it if shes talentless.  As cute as she is, I really disdain crossover attempts.