The What’s What, Volume 155

why does no one seem to care that willie wonka has some weird race working as slaves? -whitesox213

I think the story goes that he saved them all from Vermicious Knids. But the real question is how did Vermicious Knids get to Loompa Land? They are not an originating species. It’s obvious Wonka introduced the species to the planet in a False Flag operation so that he could “save” them to his free labour factory.

How often did you get rejected? Like on a x out of 10 girls, how many of them do you see dont go past just a friendship or past anything at all? -BeLump

I wasnt counting rejections, I was counting victories.

If you could go back in time and fuck anyone… What time in the past would you go, and who would you give the business too? Stevie Nicks, 1976 for me. -VecTron

I’m not gay, but I’d fuck Hitler in the ass, 1942. I feel like a lot of Jewish girls today would want the dick that fucked Hitler. Plus, Id get to be on Good Morning America and shit.

List the three things a caveman would be most impressed by if you brought him to 2014. From most impressive to least impressive. 1. Cars 2. Credit cards 3. Running water. -RuralRabbi

Ill give you cars and running water, but credit cards? He doesnt know what money is, and you’re going to show him a tiny square piece of plastic? No way. My list is 1. Bic Lighter. He’d probably kill you when he saw it, just so that he could take it from you. Or hed think you were a wizard, and kill you for it. 2.) A gun. Youd show it to him, he’d shrug. Then you kill a deer with it, and hed get the idea. Hed then kill you and take it from you. 3.) Fireworks lighting a Nuclear bomb. You want him to be impressed, right?

Guy Fieri needs his own brand of TV Dinners. THen finally we can eat quality cuisine while watching the 5 time Emmy winning Diners Drive Ins and Dives. 10% of profits go to Save Flavortown Charity -diamondtime

I feel like there are still some people who aren’t in the loop and take him seriously. Professionally, I mean. Sure he can go to great restaurants, crack a few lowest common denominator jokes, act like good food is good by listing off the ingredients as he tastes them, and slap his crazy haircut on any box that will filet, rub and stuff his wallet for him. Sure, he’s serviceable enough as all those things. But as a respected chef, restauranteur or credible food opiners go in the actual professional community, he is absolutely nowhere near any of those things.

Lord of the Rings is lame. I hate everything about it. -Intricitease

The books are literally epic, and Im not even a fan. Theyve been popular for like 70 years. They’re the sole inspiration for everything in the fantasy genre thats followed it.

The movies were worth watching. Though they got increasingly more fantastical and reliant upon insane CGI rather than the story as the series progressed to the point where the Hobbit spinoffs are almost unwatchable to anything but super fans, small children and the intrinsically retarded.

are you easily deceived? Of Course noit I stay Sucka-Free -HeartBreakPlaya213

You have no idea how many times you’ve been successfully deceived. Of course you dont think you are easily deceived, because you can only recognize the times that deception failed against you.

Thoughts on that #HollaBack video where the girl has a compilation video of getting harassed on the street?

She’s also including polite hellos like theyre offensive and cutting out the parts where she gives cute guys her number, so the whole thing is dubious to begin with. But, I particularly enjoy when ugly fat women are all “Oh Yeah, catcalls are a HUGE EVERYDAY problem for me.” in the comments section. These women are knocking each other over in order to get to their own stories of how they deal with it all the time and how the video is so accurate, because they get to be self-righteous WHILE self-identifying as attractive AT THE SAME TIME. But really, it’s not a problem for them. Theyre counting that one drunk creep in Cancun six years ago. It’s a problem for hot people, only. Women arent going to post “That’s not a problem for me.” because then its admitting this problem of VAST AMOUNTS of unwanted attention that everyone is complaining about is not being given to them. The story is built to give you only one side. It’s 100% anecdotal, no matter how many unverifiable anecdotes you add up, it doesnt become scientific.

Why does spam get so much hate? -UncleRaunchi

I dont think people know that Spam means “spiced ham” and is actually real meat and everything. Its just spices. People eat canned hash and then insult Spam like its beetle meat or some shit. Anyone who enjoys spam has been introduced to it by the military or brought home from the military, so that might have something to do with the budget considerations. It cant help the association that weve named internet junk mail after it. I blame Hormels lobbying people for that nifty trick. Spam is nostalgic for people because its unique and comforting in the way nostalgia is. Hell, the island nation of Hawaii is a spam stronghold and the only reason for that is WW2.

Question about making out with a girl. What does it mean when her nipples get hard? -ignoramasaurus

They’re natures meat thermometers. It means her boobs are done.

What’s your thoughts on the Gamergate debate? What side do you stand on? -tro441

Like most events that get people bent out of shape, this hullabaloo is no more than extremist assholes arguing with contradictory extremist assholes. The 90% in the middle recognize flaws in both arguments, and get bored of listening to everyone shout about how wrong they are. I look forward to November when no one is talking about this any more because they are arguing with all new assholes over something else mundanely retarded.