The What’s What, Volume 112

What’s your go-to drink when you feel nauseous? -mz_as_ace

Same as when I feel fine.  Ginger ale or Gatorade.

How can anyone actually like Frasier? It has a rating of 8.4 on IMDB. This is shocking to me, I can’t stand the show and anyone I have ever talked to hates it too. The characters suck and there are literally zero funny moments. -MCKingda42

It’s irreverent and well written.  I find people that hate it are just upset upon discovering that comedy can go over their heads.

Have you ever witness or obtained a royal flush in a game of poker?  Not me. I know a few people who’ve had one. I’ve never witnessed one in a game, or had one myself. I think the best I had was either a 4 of a kind, or straight flush. -Adairraid

The first time I taught my wifes family No Limit Hold Em while we spent a week at a rented lake cabin, her 70 year old aunt Jean got a diamond straight flush to the queen.  The fact that the family couldn’t comprehend the rarity added to my incredulous reaction for days.  She loves poker now and I still call her “Diamond Jean”.

$200,000 for Cam Newton was a good investment. The payout for the BCS Championship is $17,000,000. -Shamless220

It’s crazy that the NCAA opened the door for everyone related to a recruit to get paid.  What a system.

I’d like to hear your theories on the Wikileaks “DoomsDay” file.  The one that drops if Assange is killed or arrested. Is it just a bluff? Actual material that can cause serious conflict? Nuclear launch codes? Confirmation that there are aliens? Or just the rest of the unreleased documents? -Beasteroids

I feel like its a fake. You are trying to convince me that he has kept the most SCANDALOUS information a secret, that will only be released when he dies or gets arrested? What happens in 5 years when he is still alive and not in jail? Will he release it then? If he simply wants to watch the world burn, like everyone seems to think he does, why wouldn’t he want to see the ramifications dropping the megaton would bring?  I just don’t see where a guy who makes his living exposing information not releasing the most important parts as “smart”.  I can’t draw that line that everyone else seems to do so easily there.  I just dont buy it.

Did you like Inception? -ZstarZfar

Cool visuals. Also, a great idea to surround a very personal experience everyone can relate to (dreaming) with nonsensical chicanery and double talk that can never be proven. But it’s not as epic as people seem to think.

Why do you hate the movie “The Blindside”? -SWDictator

Lets make a movie about a rich couple who only become foster parents after recognizing some giant is good at football.  While we’re at it, let’s ignore the sacrifice of all other foster families who make changes to their life out of the goodness of their heart and don’t expect anything in return, not even football victories for their college.

Why do we have to use the stairs when Hell gets a highway?  Stupid God and his out of date technology. -DrDrunkHobo

I was under the impression that the preferred method of transportation into hell was inside of a hand basket.

Who did more for their sport: Tiger Woods or Michael Phelps?  -HamMerMan90

Woods. It’s not even close. No one is paying any attention to swimming right now, and Phelps is still owning bitches.

How is weed a “gateway drug”?  When most people who do drugs start with alcohol? -LoLatLife

It’s a gateway drug because kids are taught that marijuana is on the same level as meth or crack, and then when they invariably find out that its harmless, they wonder what else they have been lied to about.

Why does everyone make a such a big deal out of people being a virgin?  -SubjectiveReality

Because one of the few instincts god or science has given you is continue propagation of the species. Having the ability to get a woman to accept your junk in hers (consensually these days) takes the perception that your genes are worth smuggling down there.  Fail that, and you’re failing life.

Bradley Manning; Hero, Idiot, somewhere in between? -CanadiAnne

All three.  My point is if he just wanted everything out there in the public domain like he claimed, then why say anything about it at all after the leaks were published? Why talk to someone whom you think is a reporter? Do you talk to the press about things you are regretful for and could lose the life you live if anyone knew it was you? Of course not.  Either hes supremely retarded, or he wanted to be known for what he did. Which is fine, as long as I dont have to hear him whining about the living conditions hes currently exposed to.

Watching Top Chef: All Stars this season?  Thoughts so far? Who do you want to win? -rdtmk

Whoever is best. Their personalities come second to me. I like Richard Blaise though. A little over the op sometimes with his molecular gastronomy, but the judges eat that up. Yuk yuk yuk. I was psyched to see Jennifer get sent home in 15th place, LoL. I had enough of her during her season. Didnt care for anymore in the Masters competition.

Lets talk transgender issues: it’s been coming up a lot more lately for whatever reason. seems like many people are confused as to which pronouns to use in order to refer to transgendered people. general rule is to use whichever gender they self identify with.
that is male to female should be referred to as a she and vice versa. if you’re completely unsure which gender they self identify with, gender ambiguous “they” or “them” is okay too. here are some terms that are not okay ever.tranny it is for animals or inanimate objects. by using it, you are implying that transgendered people are not people. shim, he-she, whatever other amalgamation you can come up with. you’re not clever, some other dickwad has done it before you.  -Helfrugin

If trannys are confused about their own gender, they should be a little more tolerant of confusion in others.

The What’s What, Volume 45

Have you ever walked out on a movie? -HungrynIrish

Yes, once.  My sister and I walked out of Uncle Buck when we were kids.  We both looked at each other and knew without saying anything we were done with it.

I really like this girl, but I’m scared that she’ll turn me down. The only thing is, I won’t be able to keep living if she turns me down. My life will be ruined, there’s no one like her. She’s one of a kind. I found out what love really means by meeting her.  What should I do? Should I keep enjoying her friendship until she gives me more of a hint that she likes me? I’m guessing just to take things slow for now, any advice? -Titans23

As much as you’d like to think that your situation is special, it’s not.  Sure you can take things slow, but don’t wait for it to be too late.  Remember; Rejection lasts a day, regret lasts forever.

Lots of talk about the legalization of marijuana, whats you answer to opponents view that it would be bad because it would teach children that drugs are good? -SSMSSIV

If anything, the teachers would gain credibility in being able to concentrate on the drugs that actually harm people. Weed is a gateway drug because kids find out Marijuana isn’t as bad as everyone claims and is forced to wonder what other drugs they have been lied to about.

Police officers are the scum of the earth. They’re losers who couldn’t make it doing real work, so they became police officers to pretend they have power over normal people. All they do is harass teenagers and ticket speeders, yet they think it gives them the right to be giant dicks to anyone that questions them. -Jason_Jaguar

There are honest, nice guys and power-hungry shitcakers, like any other profession.

It’s important to know which one you are dealing with and modify your attitude accordingly. If you feed the power hungry with “Yes, sir” and act a little intimidated, he’ll most likely let you off with a warning. Don’t get roadside lawyer with these guys.

Nice cops you can treat like actual people, and they’ll respect you more for it. I find you can get roadside lawyer on these guys because they respect that you know your rights, much like they know theirs.

Power hungry people, in general, are among the most sickening types of people at all. When they are given a little power, it really can be problematic in any line of work.  When you have a co-worker get promoted at your work, you’ll see what I mean.

Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? -Ledgehead

They fight the same retarded confusion that prize fighters do.

What are your thoughts on Marylin Manson? -Cocksolid3

His music sucks, but the interviews I have witnessed conducted with him, leave me feeling that he is a thoughtful, intelligent person.  Which makes me resent him more, because it proves his act is just for shock value and attention whoring.

My g/f wants to start fingering my cornhole while I receive a BJ … large steamers come from that hole … she says I’m too close minded. Am I? -IsoGravity48

Girls hands get cold when giving oral. It’s just chivalrous of you to let her keep her fingers warm.

Why does Alison always end up in the bottom 3 when everyone claims shes such a great singer? -Definite_Johnson

I imagine its because teen girls vote for these people, and they are incredibly jealous of her, instead of being able to identify with her.

People like True Blood? -S1ZZl3an

I can only imagine the great numbers are boys Tivo’ing and watching it in fast forward for Anna Paquins boobies.  That’s got to be it.

This girl next to me in the computer lab occasionally has seizures. Anyway, I’m not sure what I should do. -HabelTower2313

Hold her down by the boobies, and when medical professionals arrive, take her purse. But, I’m no doctor.

You said you were anticipating Socom Confrontation, any good? -MizztahRadjas

I returned it within 24 hours due to the lack of a Single player anything, and the lack of being able to set up rooms by rank. How do they expect anyone to learn controls by throwing them into the middle of a war with people who have been playing the game for months?  Ridiculous. Maybe the game is fun, but I’ll never know because the developers literally gave me no chance to find out.

Snuggling is the best damn thing in the world. Such a great feeling. -Dutchessoffunk

I won’t allow my wife to use the terms “snuggling” or “cuddling”, she either has to say “melding” or “skin-fucking” to make it sound more awesome, and less flighty.

After 10 years….And my stepdad told my mom the reason he is leaving is because of me, he says he cannot live with me anymore. Which I think is total BS – BaggaDoosh

I’m gonna go ahead and be a jerk and blame your Mom. If I was in love with someone, I wouldn’t let their kids get in the way of my happiness.

Kat Dennings from Nick and Norah and Charlie Bartlett is my new obsession.  I want to marry her. -WCFHer0

Too bad looking at her forces you to wonder if she was born with a penis.  Other than that, she’s great, sure.

Where would you dump a body? -MCJarhead

Open water. They couldn’t even find those two gigantic football players, knowing the area they were in, who wanted to be rescued. Plus if they are bleeding or you bloodlet them a bit, animals will pretty much take care of everything for you.

There’s a girl at work that I’m into but she’s dating a another guy at work. I’m not friends with the other guy, but were cool with each other. Lately, they’ve (girl and coworker) been having relationship troubles (he’s suspected of cheating) and we’ve been flirting a lot more. I’m pretty sure she heard through someone else that I was interested in her. I asked if she wanted to hang out one night after work and she said yes. But now I’m having second thoughts on pursuing this any further because the other guy is pretty cool and hasn’t really done anything wrong. -DellsKitchen

I have found that when I was in this situation, I would just ask the dude if its okay. They are always waaaay to proud to say it would bother them. So they have no reason to be pissed after you plow her. Enjoy, guilt free.