The What’s What, Volume 161

When was the last time white people rioted in America? During the Revolutionary War? -Han_Soulo

If Dr. McDreamy dying won’t do it, you’re gonna have to go back to the latest sports championship in a retarded city.  Or you can ban mayonnaise.

Whats the best part of the weekend? -MackZorris

That second when you get out of work and its the longest possible time until you work again is so energizing. But I’m old and dont do clubs anymore, so I’ll have to say Saturday. You have the full day for fun. And you still know that you have Sunday for the big breakfasts, football and recuperative general laziness.  Game of Thrones is pretty much the only thing saving Sunday Night from being a total suckfest.

Morpheus: “Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?”  Do they ever answer these questions? -tymedrift

I think it was a metaphor for the rest of the entire movie.

wtf bruce jenner lol -Nepats81

I don’t like how hes been given a pass on that person she killed in a car accident, and then blamed some random car full of papparazzi.  That whole 2 hours and Diane Sawyer never asked about it.  I realize theres an investigation and he cant say much, but she could have, at least, said the name of the person he was partly responsible for the death of.  Avoiding it completely comes off as a white wash.  Like we’re canonizing him right now so we cant really be bothered with that person she killed or else it would really turd up the narrative of heroism.  

Are the people that preach religion on the internet trolls? -OV_Guinness

I think people who “spread the word” on the internet are, at best, trolls. At worst, they are honest, hopeful people that think that the word of the Lord is their job to spread, like it claims in the gospels, etc. In which case I feel theyve misread the Bible, as God has given them a Life to enjoy, and praise God while doing it, like when people ask about how you are able to accomplish wonderful things with the Life God gave you. Everyone on the internet knows what their relationship with God is. It might be great, it might be non-existant, it might be different than a Christian experience, it might be antagonistic. But, then they are essentially inviting these opinions, knowing the negatives will flock in the hopes of spreading the Word of God they already know well about.

You not only have the right to believe what you want, but you have the right to believe a little or passionately wrap your Life around it. Its admirable to an extent. These people only want the best for people they dont know. It comes from a place with love. But, so are bronies.  However, by definition, they have to be considered trolls, as they are only invoking the negative opinion from people who disagree on the subject.  Even in honesty and consideration, does grey area exist.

Handheld or Console Gaming? -Fuhgeddit

They each have their place. I enjoy both, so you’re essentially asking me if Id rather be in my house or in line at the DMV or some bullshit.  The association alone is going to make me lean towards console gaming. Overall, I still think console has the nudge.

would you rather have very little self awareness or a shit ton of self awareness? the former means you will likely come off as rude and disgusting 9/10 times and the latter would most likely mean you are an awkward dork. -BaruchCollege

How does self awareness produce awkwardness in social situations? Being self aware means you realize you are one of many, so you are instinctively considerate of others. Or is this what awkward dorks are telling themselves, so that they can claim some sort of superior social graces?  Thats not self-awareness, thats vanity. Caring what people think and considering their feelings are two different things.

just browsin.  -fisto_dude

You ceased to be browsing the second you pressed send. Now, you are clearly active in the community. Getcha verbs straight.

You know Tinder really helps assure me that im actually somewhat attractive. I have over 30 matches and a good 20 of them are fucking beautiful. -goofballmcgee

This would be a tremendous humblebrag, except theres not a hint of humility.

Have you ever gotten head where she spins her head around 360 degrees? -hotsocks

So, Im still in her mouth when she spins her head in a 360?  Like, did I fly around the room, or did she rip my dick off? Cause this is a dealbreaker for me.

I don’t want characters like Lara Croft desexualized. -SamusPirate

If I had the choice of big boobies on Lara Croft or everyone shutting the fuck up about big boobies on Lara Croft, I’d take the peace and quiet and 32Bs.  We’re different people though, it’s cool.

Missouri legislator introduces bill to ban food stamps from being used for steak and lobster. -Walter_Black

Im all for fighting corruption, by the poor or rich.  But, I dont care what kind of food my taxpayer money is buying. As long as its food, and from a grocery store. When I start telling some grandmother she cant have a fucking lobster roll on her birthday, then I can go fuck myself.