The What’s What, Volume 120

Sorry about that last eyesore last month.  My computer broke and I had to use a formatting system I was not familiar with for WW 119.  New computer, back to normal.  Thanks for reading.

Back to collapsing, hey Red Sox fan?  The Yankees really rubbed shit in that open wound for you. -BroncksBombaz

First of all, I don’t get the strategy. Why let the hottest team in August (Rays) have a dramatic, emotional, playoff clinching win over you? Doesnt that worry you? You are feeding an awesomely hot team emotion the day before the postseason.  Why don’t you want the Red Sox in the playoffs?  They wouldnt have made it out of the first round.  I’m not sure you want to be playing the Rays again next week after they run through Texas.  Secondly, I wasn’t even all that upset.  It was more shock of the amazing baseball drama of what 10 runs over 2 games in a ten minute span can bring.    Seriously.  Im very grateful for the recent success of Boston that makes this moment of failure recognition nostalgic.  Just a riveting hour of baseball drama last night. On to cheering for underdogs, I still love baseball.  Let someone else have a parade.  Cool by me.

Which is more fun to cut? Vegetables vs Meat -Animadopt13

Cucumbers, zuchini and bell peppers are the funnest thing you can practice knife skills on.  Also, whenever Im butchering against the grain, I couldn’t help but get occasional visions of the animal still fuzzy and cute as I was cutting through something that would be pretty painful if it were still alive.   Their deliciousness rationalized away those thoughts pretty quick, though.  And the fact he wouldnt have a life at all if it wasnt for human consumption.

If you’re turned off by girls with tattoos or multiple piercings or ones that smoke, you need help.  They’re the hottest.  -BuoyWonder11

They aren’t necessarily a turn on either.  But I wouldn’t let any get in the way of caring about someone or being interested in someone.

So I’m dating a girl with Genital Herpes, What would be some good things to know or good reading material about the subject? -Crunx1056

She’s made haphazard decisions regarding access to her vagina in the past.  You will find it difficult to feel special in any way.  Don’t get genital herpes from her.

Dammit, I’m home alone, and there’s a big storm coming. -JustaStageName

The way you worded that makes you seem like youd be safe if Mommy was home to protect you, or something.

If Chipotle served Breakfast Burritos, would you buy them?-ChrisKamanMyMouth

Havent been lucky enough to have Chipotle yet.   But I love me some breakfast.  I would try one, for sure.

oh the joy of English weather-mastermonin

I was disappointed when I spent a week in London and it didnt rain once.  I never found DangerMouse, either. It was quite a disappointing trip.  It’s ironic that I essentially said: Nice weather + No rodents = Bad Vacation, but thats what happened.

What did you think of the Entourage finale? Felt like the show had run it’s course, but finales always make me sad. Heard a movie is def. in the works…but also heard unconfirmed rumors of a Ari Gold spinoff based on the finale scenes,  hear anything about that?-FoleyIsGod92

Terrible. The series started with movie politics and hollywood insider information, and ended up with three relationship angles like a dog-damned soap opera and everything wrapped up in a pretty bow just in time.  Eric and Sloans relationship is okay, apparently, because everyone lied to her face about E sleeping with her stepmother. Awesome closure, writers. I’m sure that relationship will last forever.

Is the title “Barista” really necessary?  You make coffee, motherfucker. STFU and go get me some.  They’re not any better than fast food workers. -InfernalMachine

Are any titles really necessary, though?  Maybe Doctor and Officer, that’s about it.

Do you believe that things happen for a reason? -CatPunchOneTwo

I believe that effects have causes, but in the religious/cosmic/supernatural sense I feel like you actually mean, no.

When you see a commersial and then buy the product, do you think that you’re responsible for your own decision or have you been so affected by the commersial that it’s not your fault that you bought the product?  As you probably understand, this was just an example, but this example can be used on MANY things.  Are we always responsible for our own actions or can we shift responsibility to media, marketing and other people who affects us daily? -ArkyLoLogist

Of course. People made the decision to buy the product based on the information presented in the commercial.  The commercial didnt choose anything. If it did, there would be no need for commercials.

Why do we care so much about seeing the console itself? As if the shape and size and color of the thing will somehow make it that much better or worse. -chaunni

I’ve never really cared about console design though. As long as the disc fits and isnt too loud, fine by me. Sure, lights and sleek design are nice and all, but I’d rather have a cardboard box that works over purrdyness.

Since when is it not okay to be a fan of players instead of teams???? Isn’t it the players that draw you to the teams, hell even the sport itself. ESPECIALLY when you live NOWHERE near any market of ANY team in ANY sport like I do… -BragginSlayer

Always, it’s always been uncool. Investing in a team should come with lows and highs, but you support them regardless.   Teams are about community, athletes are about themselves.  Very few people follow Darko Mlicic.  Millions follow the Warriors.  It’s for a sad person who knows nothing of loyalty, and everything about investing in a person who doesnt know you exist. 

What would happen if NBA players had to call their own fouls like in pick-up? In pick-up ball people get majorly looked down upon if they call too many of their own fouls and there tends to be a general agreement when a foul was actually made. Maybe you can have 1 ref on a monitor to settle disputes kind of as an arbitrator. Do you think NBA would be able to hold each other accountable for BS flops, or would they abuse the system?  INTERESTING TO PONDER NO? -anders115

Nope, not buying it.  When there’s hundreds of millions of dollars at stake, you better believe the situation would be a complete disaster.

The What’s What, Volume 12

Remember Y2K? What do you think the world would be like if it had happened? Did your family do anything to prepare? I remember a lot of people filled their bathtubs full of water and stocked up on stuff from the store.  One of my friends went to their breaker box and flipped the switch at midnight. -Link445

I was at one of the top 3 parties I have ever been to in my life.  if I remember correctly, and i might not, one of the strippers vibrators batteries died at midnight and we all had a great time blaming that on Y2K.

Are you for or against the death penalty. And why? I have to give a persuasive speech on the death penalty and I’m trying to convince people to be against it. -Sherbet-Zero

You need an argument against it? All you need to bring up is the hypocrisy of killing someone as a punishment for killing people. “Its wrong, but not when we do it to you.” Personally , I’m for it being an option to offer the victims family when they determine what should happen to the killer.

I wish the entourage movies were real; Aquaman, Queens Boulevade and mainly Medellin.. agree? honestly I think that aqua man movie would clean up and seriously if billy walsh didnt get the final cut on medellin it would be amazing. -TedFundy

The AquamMan clip where Vinnie jumps off the pier into the tsunami made me want to see the movie. Id pay $8 for a brain full of that.

Is boating while intoxicated RLY a crime?? Think about it.. It’s not like there are kids playing the water at those depths..  What are you gonna crash into out there? A wave? lol -Aithwunder

Excellent point, though might I suggest International Waters? In 3 hours on a boat in international waters I have;
Driven drunk
Emptied three clips from an assault rifle
Shot grenade launcher (Homemade explosives catapault)
Utilized a full stick of dynamite
Smoked weed, while gambling on the next colours of the illegal fireworks
It was for my buddy’s 6th birthday. (He was born on Feb 29th. So he goes all out on his birthday, he calls them the “Regretfulympics”)

How come all cereal mascots are associated with thievery in some way, shape, or form? Not good for the kiddies. -Innosense2112

Excellent point; Barney steals fruity pebbles, the trix rabbit is always up to no good, they’re always after his lucky charms & the Cookie Crisp burglar.  These are just the ones I came up with in a few seconds.  They are not good role models at all.

Whats your golfing handicap? I am a 13, used to be a 8 back in the day. -Haldo68

You are a good golfer.   Im pushing to break a bogey round.  I consistently shoot between 90-96, so Id say like 20, 22.

What kind of dog is Tackleberry and what kind of games do you play? -Emileezer

Hey, my first question from an 8 year-old.  I’m kidding Emily.  My Corgi (25pound Welsh herding dog) and we play a few games.

I have this industrial leather work glove I put on and push him around.  It’s cute, he’ll bring it to me when he wants to play.

Anytime I try to kiss my wife, he turns it into the eternal struggle for her affection and attention and attack me like hes defending her honour.

Or I’ll hold an old kitchen towel between my fists, and he’ll come running into the kitchen from down the hall way at full speed and catches the towel in his face. He then tugs at it until he loses his grip or rips it and I stomp my feet. This causes him to run down the hall again. I show him the towel between my fists and we repeat until he starts drinking water. Then I know he’s done.

Also, he owns me at dominoes.

What are your thoughts on old people? Their either extremely nice, or pissed at the world. The ones that are pissed at the world just put a damper on my day. There is no getting through to them. You really cant tell them anything. -CostnerWashington

Just like all people; some are cool, most are assholes.

My sister is crying because kids made fun of her for “acting white”.  She is a mixed black/vietnamese and has friends of all races and people from all these different races made fun of her. I really wish people would mature and stop seeing things so one dimensionally. -Xaiyen

That sucks. She should care less what people think of her.

Barring that, she should tell people shes acting American.