The What’s What, Volume 108

Thanks to everyone who sent me recommendations on a new blog service.  Special thanks to CanadiAnne for creating a WordPress account for the specific purpose of troubleshooting the issue, and finding the fix by adding a specific combination of apps and filters to my browser.   We’ll remain here until the next thumbs-down.  Or maybe earlier, I’ve heard very good things about blogspot.

LOL that ESPN 30 for 30 special on the Red Sox 3-0 series comeback is so epic.  The best part so far was when the butthurt Yankees fans were throwing shit on the field because A-Rod got caught cheating. -shyguy5676

MLB Productions did a great job. I expected them to gloss over or not mention the dubious parts of that series, but they showed the warts and all.

Should I start watching Prison Break or Deadwood? I’ve already seen The Sopranos, 24, Lost, Heroes and Nip Tuck. I’m already into Dexter and following this season. And I’m up to season 4 of The Wire.  -Jeremeier

Only the first season of Prison Break is worth watching.  The Deadwood catalog is boss. Get you some.

if you were granted one request by god to change the world, what would you ask him for? -roastinglikeever

I’d need a lot of consideration.  Id wish for him to “become a little more involved in the people of Earths well being” or even “Set everyone straight on which religion is accurate.”

Do you consider yourself different from other people? -aeyxes

I’m unique, just like everyone else.  Doesn’t make me better in any way, though.

Louis CK > George Carlin.  After his latest stand up, he officially moved to the number 1 spot. He’s a hit and no miss comedian. -VandRandV

Carlin did a lot for the prestige of comedy. He ended his career a pompous, bitter, social commentator more than a comedian. Louis CK hasn’t even come close to the level of traditional success of Carlin. He’s being edgier in a time that’s much more difficult to be so, but if Henny Youngman opened the doors of edgy comedy, Carlin opened it up with an axe and a crazed look, Shining style.  In short, if your argument is Louis CK > Carlin, best comedian ever, you’re going to come off sounding arrogant because of the levels of esteem and success Carlin was able to achieve. if our argument is Louis > Carlin for your comedy enjoyment, personally, then that’s cool, I’m right there with you.

Do you consider it wrong for people to “fall in love” with “fictional” characters?  It’s something that’s become somewhat accepted in the anime community. I know the majority of you here think it’s weird but I want to hear your perspective. “Love” meaning going beyond simply being attracted to someone, but feeling deeply emotionally attached to.  Is the fact that you can’t actually interact with someone a significant enough barrier to where you shouldn’t be able to “love” them or the qualities that they represent? Do you think I’m just a socially-deprived loser who lacks the ability to find “real love” so turned to anime instead?  -Azu-Nyan

Love is a mutual concept. It’s a two way street. It’s impossible to love something that doesn’t know you exist. That’s called lust. And knock yourself out with lust. All day long. Fine by me. But when you compare what you have vs people who have to put effort into making a loving relationship worthy, then you are an embarrassment to humans, and a failure to yourself.

A man can beat his wife and kids as long as he leaves no physical marks, the United Arab Emirates’ highest court has found.  Reaction? -NeedInput

I bet theres still way more domestic violence in America.

SCENARIO:Your GF steps on Christian Bales shoes in public and he starts yelling at her.  What do you do, hotshot? -codmohcommander

We turn our back on him and walk away.  I bet that would piss him off more than anything we could say.

Should immigrants be forced to learn the language of the nation they move to? -ZombieImplants

No. People should choose to do it because communication could be necessary to saving your life and the lives of people you love, among one of the many obvious examples of how to use society to your benefit.  But no one should be forced to do anything, in a free country. That’s kind of the point, and makes you just as retarded as the people who choose not to.

Do you buy a lot of dvds/blurays? I personally buy tons of dvds and they really stack up. Pickin up predator along with Fallout later. Just wondering as I know lots of people just download them nowadays. I have been buying lots of blurays lately too.  -sgilatapus

I have like my top 5-10 movies or so on Blu-ray/DVD. The only time I watch them is with friends who haven’t seen the movie.  When the movie is on TV, I’ll watch until the first commercial to catch a vibe and if I want to see it, I play the DVD, if not, I turn the channel. I absolutely refuse to watch a movie on TV (unless its on HBO or Showtime) that I have on DVD. Makes me feel like I’m a retard, watching the edited, commercial filled version.

The What’s What, Volume 98

So, how about something for your faithful way-back readers from Glasses & Smoke?   I’m thinking something really showcase.  Like profound existentialism in haiku format. -CanadiAnne

Holy mackarel.  You’re even using Price is Right terms as adjectives.  What is this, 2oo4? That brings me back.  I can’t possibly deny you that request, but I’m a little rusty so let’s keep the expectations low.  How about;

Thinking why and how <>  Sporadic brain gum is fun <> Reality Serves

My professor got mad at the class because we wouldn’t give different opinions.  She was asking us if people should have the right to take their own life themselves and the whole class basically said yes. I didn’t say anything cause I don’t give a shit. So then she was basically trying to get people to say no so we could start a discussion or debate.  She was calling us hiveminds all butthurt. -WaltWhiteshat

She trying to win an award or something? LoL @ life not turning out like Dead Poets Society.  Too bad, lady.

What should I name my FIRST American city in Civilization V? -ProfUNT10

New Fresno?  Yeah, New Fresno.

Thoughts on the new Tiger Woods?  A couple severe changes. -M4rk4swe11

The Demo really sold me.  The Ryder Cup is awesome. Also, I really like how they added focus his year to limit the amount of power boost, spin and putt previews used. I might pick it up for my birthday in a couple weeks.

Let’s say your NBA, MLB or NHL team that you are a die hard fan of is in the finals. They lead the series 3-2. Game 6 is on the road. You have tickets to game 7 which would be at home. Do you root for your team to lose Game 6, so that you can go to game 7 and hopefully witness the championship win first hand? Remember, there’s a good chance your team could lose game 7. Or, do you want them to wrap it up in 6, making your tickets useless?  -Eagles9_9

That’s pretty selfish.  You’re putting a possible personal experience in front of the wants and goals of millions. Hell, bringing it up makes you  lose credibility as a fan for even giving credence to the concept.

I pray that you go to hell, because if you have not found God and accepted him into your heart, then you don’t deserve to be in heaven with me.  Go to hell.  -XtianBC

Did you know that heaven was invented as a chance to offer pagans a chance at the afterlife which had been previously only been available to Gods? Your ancestors fell for advertising. Do some research.

The opening at the end of your penis is called the meatus.  The more you know.  -jackbob21

All I need now is a little gladiator helmet. Meatus Shooticles, meet m’lady, Dame Ashley of Hootershire.

You say you enjoyed Deadwood, but I hear alot of mixed reviews.   Can you tell me what you DIDN’T like about the show?kanaroki

Yeah, the dialogue did seem a little excessive. But the Wild West seems like a weirdly good fit for that.  The Wild West always conveys this feeling that everyone is living by their own code of what they believe is right. Even the villains have limits they set on themselves. So, interacting with each other should be formal.  I dunno. I bought it. It was slightly excessive to the point of distracting and I can totally understand why some would be put off or confused at some points. I was, occasionally. But, I still loved the show.

my friend wants me to go to her grad party but her mom hates me, because she thinks im into her daughter, who has a boyfriend like seeeerious hate, im banned from their housebut my friend doesnt care and wants me there. ive explained im uncomfortable, but she wont listen what do? -rawksawlid1

This is really no brainer. Why are you worried about the negativity you bring to someone who already hates you?  Let the people who suck be uncomfortable for an hour or two, so you can celebrate a milestone with a friend.

Why all the hate for World Cup vuvzelas?  They’re just big kazoos.  -Tellyourride

The kazoo is a fine instrument. Make them 3 times louder, and give one to every 50,000 people attending your event of global importance that you are in the center of, trying to communicate and concentrate. It’s a disaster, for me, personally. If you love it, cool for you.

The What’s What, Volume 86

WTF?  You dead or something? -JellaTinSoldier

Nice updates.  All you need to do now is add new words to your blog. -Gameridian55

i hope ur not done….   i liked your stile.  -CrestFightStrips

Thanks for noticing.  I had to up and move all my stuff to Boston, the North Shore area.  Took me a couple weeks to pack and unpack, so now I should be good.  If y’all still care to give me the opportunity to make 7 minutes of your week less bleak, I will continue to consider it a privilege to do so.   I really wanted to update before the Super Bowl and answer all the questions sent in beforehand.  But, it didnt work out that way so,  those will likely be omitted, or I’ll answer them via reply email.  Might take  an extra week or so to catch up to the rest.  In any event, thanks for your patience and understanding, back to what we do.

did you see when Ryan Seacrest hugged that retarded kid last night?  he hugged him and was all like “wow you got some power behind that”, the host version of saying “he had retard strength”. -Mazzeltoff

It wasn’t as good as a high-five to the blind guy.  Nothing will ever top that.  Ever.

You old enough to remember Night Tracks?  I found a few music videos on YouTube that still have an introduction from it even though it hasn’t aired since 1992. A regular network airing a 3 hour block of music videos seems like such a novel concept now. -Czechlist

I remember “Cop Rock” and “The Grind”. Does that count?

Best TV show ever broadcasted on HBO? -Lohanbrau

That’s a tough one.  They seem to cancel a lot of good shows before their time.  Deadwood & Rome come to mind.  With an honorable mention to Band of Brothers, I’d go with Sopranos, though.  Epic run.  I’d like to mention an old favorite for consideration, Dream On. At the time, it was very cutting edge, with the swearing and boobies on TV at all.  For a 13 year old kid before the internet, it was something to behold.

How good are you at microwaving leftovers? -SanLouisObisBro

Ever since I found out that the trick to reheating meat is twice the time on half the power, I’ve been like Wolfgang Puck of the radiation box.

Best speech from a movie?  Mine is President Pullman in Independence Day. -Glocktypus

I read your subject and hoped you weren’t touting Independence Day.  I absolutely hated that speech.  “We will not go quietly into the night.” sealed the deal.  Seemed so forced, the writer really failed that moment.  Plus, the movie had been completely derailed the second Will Smith punched one in the face.  I’d go with BraveHeart myself. Forget it, I changed my mind. Rocky at the end of IV. The “If you can change, we all can change” speech.  The translator really adds to the drama.

Are food snobs the worst kind of snobs?  -EnFragglement

Anyone who thinks their way is the best way when it comes to opinions of taste are completely full of themselves; whether it be food, music, sports, drinking, or whatever. It usually the same people who are snobs at every facet of their opinion. They just don’t get it.

Watching a tv show during its current run or after completion?  whats better? on one hand you dont have to wait weeks to watch a season but the other you somewhat lose some of the suspense I guess.  -Squatto88

I prefer to watch them all at once after a season has ended, but its best to watch shows on a current run if everyone is talking about them, so you don;t miss out on some good insight.

Do you play multiple games at a time or beat one before moving onto the next? -CaliforniaRavens

I have two different video game modes. Single player, when I’m alone and get into something, like I’m into the Saboteur right now. I play for an hour or two a night.  And then when my friends come over, it’s more light-hearted fun, with 4 player co-op hockey, or LBP, or some PSN game, maybe we might even hook up the Wii. But we’ll play a few different games during one night.

The What’s What, Volume 79

What’s the most common cause of negativity in your life?  A person?  An event?  Work?  -goodlucky7

Hands down, when my basement floods.  It’s just so disappointing to know that your next twelve hours will be spent in some shorts, making sure the electronics are off the ground, canceling any plans I might have had and sweating my ass off lifting 20 gallon tubs for the indefinite future.   I assure you, it’s the momentum equivalent of getting fisted by the Incredible Hulk when he just finished shopping for habanero peppers.

I give up. Internet Explorer I tried, I really did but I just can’t put up with you any longer. I’m moving on, downloading Firefox as we speak but before I add my my bookmarks should I investigate Opera or Chrome? -tradingfaces

You give up, now? You’re the WWII equivalent of the Japanese guys all bunkered into some dormant volcano who thought they were avoiding the Allies for 30 years and got smacked in the face with Disco when they were uncovered.  Any of those three, just not IE.  100%  Welcome back. The Red Sox won the pennant 5 years ago, and Arnold Swarzenegger is a Governor. Don’t hurt yourself.

Who is your favorite Celebrity (of all time) to share your first name? -Develabmentor

Ever since that episode of Extras, Patrick Stewart.

Why Couldn’t Seinfield get an REAL reunion?  Is it because the show hasn’t really held up over time?  I mean the one on curb was ok but it was more like a behind the scenes stuff and not a real episode, I would have liked to seen a real one on NBC like 30 minuets or an hour.

Saying that Seinfeld has not stood the test of time is incorrect.   Seinfeld has been the 2nd most syndicated show in history, right behind the Simpsons. Affiliates would not be airing the show if it did not resonate with viewers today. It pretty much swallowed up Cheers in terms of syndication. So, that’s ridiculous.

Also, Seinfeld did get a REAL reunion on CYE. I’m not sure if you had noticed, but with the read-throughs and rehearsals, you got an entire episode of Seinfeld in. For me, it was like watching a new episode of Seinfeld, and if it’s the way they wanted to do it, it worked fine for me, and it’s better than nothing.

Can you dance?  I find it awkward.  No matter how skilled a dancer is I still can’t help to think from time to time that dancing is odd. -ArchieBunkerDown

Dancing is retarded. Its about the most primitive thing a human being can do thats considered socially acceptable these days.  But,  it’s fine if you want to, just keep it down for everyone else who would rather use their minds to have stimulating conversation with someone else and not spaz around some maple tile to Kool & The Gang for the thousandth time.

So there’s a Tila Tequila blowjob video going around. If you’ve got an ET fetish, heres your chance. -Czechlist

Giving or recieving?

I’m Netflixing a new series.  Deadwood or Mad Men?  You’ve been boosting both series.  Which one first? -phkb33

You’re talking about two of my favorites, right nyah.   Deadwood has boobies and an insane amount of swearing. So, that’s a big plus. The dialogue can be a little confusing, but its not too distracting.  Mad Men has nostalgia, and epic writing, but it can get a little soap opery sometimes.   You can’t go wrong with either one. Mad Men is a little more light-hearted, and Deadwood is a little more gritty.   I’d go with whichever you have the mood for. Mostly light-hearted fun and heavy drama, or handfuls of “Holy Shit!”

I really hate the shirts they made for the Yankees when they won the World Series. Did MLB really have to mention on the shirt that they won it 27 times? If the Phillies won, I highly doubt they’d say “3 Time World Series Champions” on the shirts. -2JeterisGod2

So, this is what you get to complain about after your team has won that many championships.   I always wondered.

This Christmas, I have declared JIHAD on high prices!!! Join me brothers!!! JIHAD!!! Join me my brothers as we rain savings upon the nonbelievers this Christmas holiday!! Clip coupons, scour the internet and hit the infidels where it hurts, in their wallets!!! -MoneyJack

Allahu Bargains!

Any non Christian who celebrates christmas is a poser. -Nickelwise

Jesus’ birth is decided by lots of theological scholars as being late spring, early summer. So, saying you celebrate your birthday 5 months early is hardly an accurate celebration of your BIRTH DAY.
Decorating trees and your house with lights is just to bring some light to the shortest days of the year, the winter solstice.

Or you can quote some scripture from the Bible and prove that it’s all Christian based.  If it was really a birthday ceremony for Jesus, we’d all be wearing bathrobes to the petting zoo instead of participating in dozens of documented Pagan traditions; like presents, mistletoe, christmas trees, and lights.