The What’s What, Volume 91

LMAO THE ENDING TO THAT NEW MOVIE REMEMBER ME HAS THE DUMBEST ENDING IN HISTORY. Although the year these events take place is never explicitly stated, it is revealed near the end that it is 2001. At the end of the film, Tyler goes to the World Trade Center, where his father works, and is killed in the September 11 attacks.  -theimportanttruth

It’s a lot easier to try and capitalize on some leftover emotion than it is to conjure up your own with good writing.

My optometrist is super hot.  Too bad she’s married.  Think Keri Russell, with a hint of Persian. -Insane_Hero

She’d be great fun to throw down with.  You could be all, “Which feels better; first one, or *poke deeper* second one? First one or second one?

Is Mick really the worst thing we can call the Irish on their most holyest of holidays? -mixmasterho

Yes, its regrettable that no one has developed an offensive insult towards the Irish, and Australians for that matter.  We need to get some real hateful people to spearhead that campaign.

Fact: Miami in the Summer > Your city in the summer -Roarseed

Nope. North Florida is too hot and muggy for me in the summer, forget about Miami.  I like New England/Great Lakes lake front property in the summer.

Are Republicans slowing down the progression of the United States of America? -Bestservant

By definition, isn’t that what conservatism and traditional means?

Im angrier about the new NFL OT rule than I am about the HCR. I’m trying to find where exactly there will be some dynamic shift in how the team with the ball first still wouldn’t have the same advantage and the percentages are going to change at all So stupid. ManicalAttitude

Different rules for playoffs and regular season is fail, regardless of the actual rule.  But, I like the rule.  How can you not like the idea of walk off interceptions?  Or a walk off surprise onside kick?  How boss would that be?

I was supposed to be paired with a fat chick in my friends wedding. but i kept being mean to her until she told them she does not want to be paired with me. SCOREBOARD!!!!!! -dinkdrank

Wow, there are so many easy ways of getting out of that, if you aren’t already a complete loser.  Way to bring negativity to a human, though. As long as you get what you want, right? As long as we’re both on the same page on your exact level of douchebaggery, we’re good.  You will bring bullshit to a stranger to benefit yourself in avoiding inconvenience for 3 hours. Awesome. Getting it done.

Would you help pay for your serious gf’s education? -doublexx7

If you aren’t going to put a ring on her to invest in your future together, you probably shouldn’t be investing in just her future.

I think I’m part of one of the last generations where people for the most part did not have access to the internet as children.  Kinda makes me think how I would introduce my child to the internet. When would I do it? What kind of restraints would I put on it?  -hottubmimemachine

Public schools and libraries have firewalled internet for children of any age.  Might as well provide that in the home until college, I figure.  Good luck keeping your children away from it.

Jay Z has 99 unresolved inconveniences, but a spiteful woman is not accountable for them. -pokerCHiPs

Congratulations on being first nominee for e-mail of the year, 2010.