The What’s What, Volume 28

You smoked cigs?  Why?  And how did you quit? – KarinKoizumii

I did.  Parliament Lights for 10 years. I find the act of smoking almost spiritual. The feel of warmth in the lungs followed by a wash of fog out of the nose. I always enjoyed the feeling.  I quit 2 years ago this Christmas.  I used Chantix, a pill.  And I hate pills.  Still like smoking though.

The people doing all the dirty jobs in society need to be respected and recognized. I don’t like the way people look down on them. They clean up all your ****. -Stussie_King

I couldn’t agree more. I get vocal with anyone who thinks they are a better person because of the job they occupy.  Stranger, Family, or friend; you give flack to the girl that just brought over your chicken entree or the dude who cleaned your table and you will hear about it from me, as I openly tell you how much of my respect you just misplaced.

You switch bodies with a girl and have sex with yourself.  Your reaction? -Slibberty99

“Damn, I eat pussy like a champ.”

How many guys can you have sex with and still qualify as experimenting? What’s the limit? -Deckadunceman

When you have penis thats not yours in your possession or smuggled in your anus, you are at least “bi”. “Experimenting” is a buzzword word bigots use to describe their activities, to make them feel better about hating themselves.

Girls obviously get more attention than guys, but what if we just stopped giving it to them? What would they do? -BillsFan177

Attention is like mana, staph of life to some girls.  But, your plan is flawed. We give them less attention, and some knob seizes the opportunity to give just a taste of a compliment, and her legs just spread open like a hungry bird.

Steve Rhoades vs. Jefferson Darcy: Who was Marcy’s better husband on Married With Children? I liked how free Jefferson was with Al and everyone, but the more I watch older episodes I really am beginning to favor Steve Rhoades much more. How did him and Marcy separate because I don’t remember. Who is better to you as a character? -RattleNHummer

Though No Ma’am was funny at first, it took over the show and became old fast.  I was always a Rhodes scholar myself.  See what I did there? But seriously, he’ll always be Marcy’s husband in my mind.  Plus he was the original pioneer of leaving a show for better things and then flailing miserably as “that guy” who every popular show picks up for one episode.  He paved the way for greats like David Caruso to overestimate their free market worth.  And it’s always great to see someone who takes themselves too seriously get knocked down a peg.

This weekend made me realize that I don’t have it in me to have a one-night stand. I just can’t do it. I mean I’ve made out with girls an hour after meeting them but as far as taking them home to have sex? I can’t do it. Maybe I don’t have the “game” to work girls I just met into spreading their legs, but also it just doesn’t seem something I would do. -DDRNexus

This sounds like you’re trying to convince me.  Are you sure it’s because you don’t have the nerve to try, and you are practicing excuses? If you bang a girl you know you aren’t going to marry, then look at it as doing your future wife a favor.  Don’t worry about their feelings. I’m sure they’ll be able to get over your 8 hours of awesomeness with just a few months of crying alone, curled up in the shower.

What’s so hard about hating individuals instead of groups? -NiarraiN

Don’t associate yourself with groups that suck, if this bothers you.