The What’s What, Volume 163

Have you gone in on Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner yet?  -Atchamachula

Lets talk about Caitlyn refusing to identify herself as a lesbian as obviously masking homophobia.  I mean, that was my understanding of her explanation.  When she balks at giving the required details, it seems quite ingenuous when you invited the camera into your home to begin with.  You’re the one who brought up your bafflejunk, so lets talk about it.  Maybe your argument would be better received if you stop piquing everyones interests and then telling those who are trying to understand that its none of their business.  Even trans people can be homophobic.  What a complex world equality is.

Is Bruce Jenners transformation just a publicity stunt thought up by reality TV execs to make money? can’t decide if its legit or he’s full of shit. -Breezy921

I believe hes the reason for the TV show. The producers knew Bruce was a trainwreck ready to happen, had some fame hungry kids so they gave them a tv show knowing the eventual trainwreck would happen and  they get to cash in on that juicy transgender breakthrough ratings and money and hype.

GF: We should do engagement photos
Me: No.
GF: Why not?
Me: I don’t want to play in leaves
GF: There doesn’t have to be leaves.
Me: There’s always leaves.
GF: You really don’t want to do this do you?
Me: No.
GF: Fine, but we’re doing wedding pictures and if I get pregnant, baby pictures.
Me: Okay.

Summarized convo. I’m going to try to wiggle out of baby announcement pictures if that time ever comes. I have some time to work on that though.  -machooch

I fought my way out of them, too. Its not a representation of who we are. “Remember that time we went to the beach and carved our initials into the beach with our bare feet, so the tide could wash away our love into the ocean forever more? You dont remember? ITS BECAUSE WE WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING AS RIDICULOUS AS THAT.” I dont want to spend hundreds of dollars memorializing an event that wouldn’t exist.  Seems conceited.  Have your friend take candid photos of you doing things you like to do. Its the shit Id want remembered anyway.  That was basically my argument. We had a baby and she gets baby photos. I don’t care about that. Grandparents, relatives and friends legitimately want photos of that shit. Good Luck getting out of that one. You dont have to be in them or anything. You dont need the professional family mayhem. But there WILL be professional baby photos, you get used to that shit right now.

Are you more of a “based on statistics” or “based on personal experience” kind of person? -PermiscuousRex

My gut tells me I should say statistics.

Christian Summer Camp Denies Autistic Boy.  I thought Christians were caring people.  I didnt think Jesus hates autistic children.  -critter717

You must have missed it.  “‘And Yay’, he said standing on the mount and before the gathered village, ‘it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than the developmentally awkward to enter the Kingdom of God'” and with that did he shoveth Corky, the village boy needing a goat-skull helmet, to the ground with disdain”. Jericho 7:13-18

Today I learned that some girls have the philosophy: “Lets get it brackin’ now or never”.  Meaning you better make the move now. I’m not going to wait on your ass to make a move. If not, I’m moving on without you. -Cosmospolitan89

So youre saying some women participate in emotional games?  Get the fuck out of here with this insanity.

It’s my ex gf. I hate when she does this shit. Talking about offing herself for one reason or another. I can’t bring myself to ignore her or be an asshole because you never know when it’s for real or not. On top of that she’s a cutter. Got nasty wounds on her arms. Part of the reason we didn’t work out. She would keep doing that when things didn’t go her way or for whatever reason.  It’s mentally, emotionally, and physically draining -TommyTiptoes

The great thing about ignoring suicide threats is if they dont commit suicide, you get to be right, and if they do commit suicide, no one knows you were wrong.

I’m going to Virginia Beach in a few weeks.  Protips?  -BetItsButterIfYouDo

Pocohontas for Breakfast, Timbuktu for Dinner.  Hope you like Mini Golf and jet noises.

Why do so many people in america think they are entitled to so many thing? see a lot of people complaining bout they dont have this they dont have that. If they dont get a job they blame obama. They want a min pay of 15/hr. It seems like to no one wants to put in hardwork. May be thats just me idk. -BoJo4

In the USA, the size of the paycheck you get from your job indicates the amount of respect you are able to expect from the general public. If fast food workers began to get nice homes and fancy cars and pay for their kids to go to private school, then people would WANT to have fast food jobs. To keep up with that, the job you have would have to raise your wage, or else theyd be worried youd go hustle fries at Burger Shack. You can work hard and get paid $7.25/hr. You can be a lazy ass making $50k/year. Working hard doesnt necessarily equate to more money and you sound like an idiot doing so.

Sushi is unnecessarily expensive for little bits of uncooked fish and rice.  Total scam.  Even when you get a hot meal (say salmon teriyaki, which is what I usually go for), they give you a woefully small portion of salmon.  The only thing I like is miso soup. -BritaniaPrevials

Choosing the ingredients in sushi is so much more important because everything is served raw. The higher the quality in fresh meats, sauces, fruits and vegetables is of ultimate importance since so very little is being done to them before service. Saying nothing of the techniques possibly showcased inknife skills, rice making and nori rolling by a skilled experienced chef can be really noticed when nothing is being done to anything else. They have sushi available in the big grocery stores if you cant tell the difference. No sense in paying for it.


Its ugly, yes. I mean, Hamilton wants like $10M a year, and the Bruins dont want to pay him that. I feel like Chiarelli was booted because he invested too much in his own draft picks at the expense of other talent. So Sweeney doesnt want to do that, by starting to invest heavily in Chiarellis young talent. I mean, this is awful. Theres no way around it. Okay, we have picks. Don Sweeney better turn them into fucking gold because right now our defense consists of an ailing olding Zdeno Chara and a half a dozen ice cream cones on fucking skates.  We wont see the playoffs until 2018, if were lucky. 

I’m not sure I want to live in a country where gay marriage is legalized.  -TAV0R

Im not sure I want to live in a world in which The Shaggy Dog has 2 stars, while Whos Harry Crumb? has 1.  So, we should totally get an apartment together somewhere.