The What’s What, Volume 108

Thanks to everyone who sent me recommendations on a new blog service.  Special thanks to CanadiAnne for creating a WordPress account for the specific purpose of troubleshooting the issue, and finding the fix by adding a specific combination of apps and filters to my browser.   We’ll remain here until the next thumbs-down.  Or maybe earlier, I’ve heard very good things about blogspot.

LOL that ESPN 30 for 30 special on the Red Sox 3-0 series comeback is so epic.  The best part so far was when the butthurt Yankees fans were throwing shit on the field because A-Rod got caught cheating. -shyguy5676

MLB Productions did a great job. I expected them to gloss over or not mention the dubious parts of that series, but they showed the warts and all.

Should I start watching Prison Break or Deadwood? I’ve already seen The Sopranos, 24, Lost, Heroes and Nip Tuck. I’m already into Dexter and following this season. And I’m up to season 4 of The Wire.  -Jeremeier

Only the first season of Prison Break is worth watching.  The Deadwood catalog is boss. Get you some.

if you were granted one request by god to change the world, what would you ask him for? -roastinglikeever

I’d need a lot of consideration.  Id wish for him to “become a little more involved in the people of Earths well being” or even “Set everyone straight on which religion is accurate.”

Do you consider yourself different from other people? -aeyxes

I’m unique, just like everyone else.  Doesn’t make me better in any way, though.

Louis CK > George Carlin.  After his latest stand up, he officially moved to the number 1 spot. He’s a hit and no miss comedian. -VandRandV

Carlin did a lot for the prestige of comedy. He ended his career a pompous, bitter, social commentator more than a comedian. Louis CK hasn’t even come close to the level of traditional success of Carlin. He’s being edgier in a time that’s much more difficult to be so, but if Henny Youngman opened the doors of edgy comedy, Carlin opened it up with an axe and a crazed look, Shining style.  In short, if your argument is Louis CK > Carlin, best comedian ever, you’re going to come off sounding arrogant because of the levels of esteem and success Carlin was able to achieve. if our argument is Louis > Carlin for your comedy enjoyment, personally, then that’s cool, I’m right there with you.

Do you consider it wrong for people to “fall in love” with “fictional” characters?  It’s something that’s become somewhat accepted in the anime community. I know the majority of you here think it’s weird but I want to hear your perspective. “Love” meaning going beyond simply being attracted to someone, but feeling deeply emotionally attached to.  Is the fact that you can’t actually interact with someone a significant enough barrier to where you shouldn’t be able to “love” them or the qualities that they represent? Do you think I’m just a socially-deprived loser who lacks the ability to find “real love” so turned to anime instead?  -Azu-Nyan

Love is a mutual concept. It’s a two way street. It’s impossible to love something that doesn’t know you exist. That’s called lust. And knock yourself out with lust. All day long. Fine by me. But when you compare what you have vs people who have to put effort into making a loving relationship worthy, then you are an embarrassment to humans, and a failure to yourself.

A man can beat his wife and kids as long as he leaves no physical marks, the United Arab Emirates’ highest court has found.  Reaction? -NeedInput

I bet theres still way more domestic violence in America.

SCENARIO:Your GF steps on Christian Bales shoes in public and he starts yelling at her.  What do you do, hotshot? -codmohcommander

We turn our back on him and walk away.  I bet that would piss him off more than anything we could say.

Should immigrants be forced to learn the language of the nation they move to? -ZombieImplants

No. People should choose to do it because communication could be necessary to saving your life and the lives of people you love, among one of the many obvious examples of how to use society to your benefit.  But no one should be forced to do anything, in a free country. That’s kind of the point, and makes you just as retarded as the people who choose not to.

Do you buy a lot of dvds/blurays? I personally buy tons of dvds and they really stack up. Pickin up predator along with Fallout later. Just wondering as I know lots of people just download them nowadays. I have been buying lots of blurays lately too.  -sgilatapus

I have like my top 5-10 movies or so on Blu-ray/DVD. The only time I watch them is with friends who haven’t seen the movie.  When the movie is on TV, I’ll watch until the first commercial to catch a vibe and if I want to see it, I play the DVD, if not, I turn the channel. I absolutely refuse to watch a movie on TV (unless its on HBO or Showtime) that I have on DVD. Makes me feel like I’m a retard, watching the edited, commercial filled version.

The What’s What, Volume 62

If you jerk off and work out at the same time you will work out more as theres more adrenaline, you will orgasm alot harder from the sudden relaxation and you only need to clean yourself up once for two activities. -Dirty_Pants

Way ahead of you, I installed a fleshlight into my rowing machine. One of my greatest achievements.

Your opinion on Mopeds? -mayobacon

A buddy of mine had a few decked out as mini dirtbikes and we used to ride them around his families trails when we were kids.   I certainly wish they were more accepted. Cheap, safe, easy on the environment.

If you live in a small town, I say yes. Otherwise, no. Probably to dangerous to ride on the roads. Something you laugh about and don’t change any insurance information for in a car will kill someone on a moped.

Slumdog Millionaire’s story was just terrible. The movie was very well made, but the story just blew. -AuburnU99

Note to directors; just because you have a low budget does not make chases on foot as exciting as car chases. There’s less explosions. Thank you.  The first time I saw it, I was on a plane and didn’t have the sound. I thought it was a movie about marathons, there was so much god damned running.

Which is worse: Anime or wrestling? -CleanHarry

First off, I’m giving anyone 18 years or younger a pass on either of them. Kids can be into these without losing respect from me.

But for adults? Anime. Unfortunately, the stereotypes associated with anime are far worse than the stereotypes associated with watching wrestling. Plus, I know fans of wrestling who don’t take it seriously at all. The only people who claim to really enjoy anime without suspending disbelief or the “I’m just watching the technical aspects of the animation crowd” comes off as a horrible excuse to get off on tentacle porn.

If Jesus Christ offered you a hug right now, would you accept, Atheist? -NeoSkywalker

Passing up a hug from Jesus is like passing up a blow job from Isabella Soprano; you just don’t do those kinds of things.

See Watchmen yet?  Waiting for your take. -DJKwan&TheBiz

1.) Why are all these people caring about the death of an asshole? They show the Comedian just being a douchebag the entire movie. And everyone is sad when he dies. They show one little scene where he is drunk and presumably is regretful. I just don’t get it.

2.) How is Rorshach able to claim that “someone is killing off costumed heroes” after the Comedians death? It’s only one murder, not a serial killing. Also, if there was one Watchmen that made enemies, it looked like the Comedian was that guy. What as asshole he was. He deserved to be murdered by other Watchmen because he was giving them a bad name.

Good movie, but long. Needed more Ozymandias.

Hey, Elitist Atheist – How does it  make you feel to know that it was a Roman Catholic Priest who first proposed what we now call the “Big Bang” theory? -SmallPerformance36

I would wager that he was trying to prove God exists somehow.  But, why would finding truth bother someone, dependent on how they were trying to find it?   That’s doesn’t make any sense to me, personally.

Why does everyone from Boston think it is the greatest city ever? -AmandaHuggenkiss

It’s a beautiful coastal city where college aged girls are the number one demographic. Thanks to the dozens of gigantic colleges and half dozen or so girls only colleges. If you have never been, then I suggest you go before wondering why 99% of the people who have been there, loves it.

Would you agree that if someone is a High School Football coach, they’re a failure? -HomoforRomo

Depends on their ambitions. If they had dreams of coaching in the NCAA or NFL, then yes, they are failures.  If they just want to be a leader to young people and a pillar of the community, then they are not.  By my method, you would only know he’s a failure if he admitted it to you.

I miss the XFL. -TKornheisersbaldspot

That scramble at the beginning of the game for the ball instead of the coin toss was fucking BOSS.

If you don’t think Michael Vick has (more than) paid his debt to society then you’re just a racist.-LockBlock

If I (white) get sent to jail for 2 years on racketeering charges, you think my job is gonna let me back?

Rate Minnie Driver out of 10. -Barrelryder

She moderately cute. Nice boobies. In interviews her personality and accent makes her more attractive. Also, I was surprised how well she can sing. 8/10

Did you watch alot of TV when you were a kid?Imnotalf

I watched Saturday morning cartoons and live sports with my Dad up until we got cable and Nickelodeon when I was 8, I think, then I watched that alot.  My sister and I watched A-Team and Dukes of Hazzard on Fridays too. But that was it. Couple hours a week.  Granted, there wasn’t much for kids on TV all day when I was a kid.  I wasn’t really into the Reagan/Mondale debates.

A Unicorn with a dildo on its head instead of a horn.  Dildocorn?  Uniporn?  Thoughts? -Sizzlean15

My thoughts are to call animal control.