The What’s What, Volume 154

Is jaywalking actually a crime anywhere except the fucking nation of America? America is one of the most backwards places on the face of this earth and has one of the most retarded police forces of all time. -KnoYoRole

Im guessing by your content that you are not an American. Let me tell you something. It’s a problem here in the NorthEast. I dont have an issue with considerate jaywalkers. People who, when jaywalking, do so when both lanes are clear for a long as they need. However, as an American-hater, you are well aware that we have our share of self-important assholes. Some people are just blindly walking in the street expecting cars to stop for them. They think that “Right of Way” means “I CAN GO NOW BECAUSE IM ME” That’s bullshit, and its fucking dangerous for everyone. They wont even pick up their pace when lines of cars are waiting for them. Ticket these fucking assholes. All day long.

Another Gun Safety Teacher shot in the head by Student. 9 is way too young for an Uzi. I didn’t learn how to shoot a gun until I was 13. Long arms only. And that was after a number of years of pellet rifles. A pistol. I think I was 15 or 16. -Atomik

Im sure that girl woke up this morning looking forward to a long life of being comfortable around guns and news stories about guns. Good job, EVERYONE IN CHARGE.

wtf? Conspiracy Theory that ISIS was created by the US? From NY Times, too, so this doesn’t seem to be just some random conspiracy theory. Knowing what the CIA has done in the past I wouldn’t really be surprised, but srsly? -Mythix

Does the United States have a history of provoking small militarized unstable civilizations half a world away to benefit their own superior military industrial complex? Most certainly. Does it do so DELIBERATELY? I mean, c’mon. We’re only sort of fucking retards here.

The CEO of the ALS ice bucket charity makes $339k / year. -OcciferWilson

I hope these people are paying for Pete Frates’ dick getting sucked on the reg. He’ll die in 3 years, and they’ll be spending his money for DECADES. The Ice bucket shit will never end. They will trademark it or whatever. It’s the Susan G Komen of ALS. Lou Gehrig isnt the face of his own disease anymore. These people hit the viral jackpot, and it looks like they did something. These salaries are only going up. They did their jobs here, dude.

Doing anything to mourn Joan Rivers? -Gr8Escape

Yes. Im going to watch Jumanji a second time this month. Seriously. She sucks.

What was life like back in the year 1997? -SgtSnowball

Sit right down, Sonny, and let me educate you on the ways of the 20th Century. Everything was available to be eaten in “wrap” form. Simpsons ruled the TV. Titanic and Jurassic Park handled the big screens. Grunge was on the cusp of fading out, and country music was getting a bump. China killed every chicken in their country to avoid a BirdFlu pandemic. A clear Mountain Dew-esque alcoholic offering named Zima was still available. This, of course, before Y2K came and claimed the most magical beverage on Earth back for the Gods in heaven. And this was all in the internets infancy, so it’s pretty much all we had. Yes, kid, ’97 was everything the history books taught you, but yet SO MUCH MORE.

Watchmen would be a GOAT movie if it didn’t have the sex scene. I’m down for nudity and sex and shit but it wasn’t that type of movie. They could have easily implied that they were going to have sex and it would have been much better than the 2 minutes of slow song love making that ruined the pace of the movie. -Rackhem

Now that you bring it up, the golf course in Caddyshack 2 was not regulation and the climax event couldn’t have been considered a good faith wager by any reputable gambling association. Really ruined the movie for me.

What do you think about the company Electronic Arts? -ForgotTheQuestion

If people want to pay $60 every year for new rosters, or cheating DLC, Im okay with them selling them. I’m still playing NHL 12, and The Masters Edition of Tiger Woods, whatever year that was. I might buy the last College Football game for like $5 bucks, at some point. The games are entertaining and have vast replayability for me. People seem to have extensive complex gripes with them, but I am not one of those people.

why is it that the democrats have a monopoly on the funny news shows? Bill Maher Stephen Colbert Jon Stewart John Oliver. Idk, i’d think there’d be one alternative. I don’t think there is, right? -lippiti

You cant motivate with fear AND laughter. You have to pick one. That’s not even a punchline. If I was smarter, maybe Id think it was by design.