The What’s What, Volume 1o7

WMC: I apologize for the uneditable spacing issues.  I’m officially looking for a free blog service to transfer mine too.  Currently accepting nominations.
Luke Skywalker only knew Obi-Wan for like, half a day. They meet in the morning when Luke almost gets captured, talk for a bit, then Luke finds his dead parents, so they decide to hire Han Solo. A little later in the day Han and them leave Tatooine and get abducted by the Death Star, where Obi-Wan dies.  -StealthyMission
I assumed that Obi Wan was there to protect Luke from harm. Luke just had a crap ass boring existence, which includes the sole highlight of blasting swamp rats when he’s not harvesting blue milk from the desert, and he never needed anyone to do anything to protect him. So, Obi Wan knew Luke a lot more than Luke knew ObiWan. Do you know the scale of hours between Earth and Tatooine? They could have spent 4 days in constant sunlight there. Also, I imagine the space travel was a little more than a few hours. I’m not an apologist or anything, you might be right. Just what I come out with. The relationship didn’t really strike me as a hoax when I was a toddler in 1980.
create the ultimate super group band with living or dead band mates -ballin06
Guitar and lyrics – John Lennon & Bob Dylan
Piano – Ben Folds
Vocals – Eddie Vedder
Drums – Carl Palmer
Horns, accordion, and accompaniment – They Might Be Giants

I immediately think less of someone if I find out they smoke.  To the extent that I wouldn’t secks them if I found out. -jamdlw
That’s cool. I can relate. Kind of like the way I immediately think less of you for thinking less of people based on one decision they’ve made.

Will you raise your KIDS with a religion? -hottubmimemachine
No.  And it’s unlikely they’ll see a baptism, which is likely to bring about issues with my Dad.  He’s a good guy and everything.  He just like-a da Jesus.

Jon Hamm is typecast. His voice + anytime he wears a suit = Don Draper for the rest of his life -GreyFocks15
I could not disagree more.  I’m going to wager you have never seen him on 30 Rock, SNL or the Emmy’s.  Hes been getting a shitload of credit for his comedy work, recently.  It seems that way to me, anyway.

if black ppl dont like mayo, what do they put on their sandwiches?  -DuSheauwnDre
White women, obviously.

What is something your penis can’t do that, that you wish it could? -LVWINRAR
Either laser beams or free HBO.

Have you ever pooped in the oven?  -Homey65
Not my own oven, of course not.  That would be a mistake.

Congrats on your first platinum trophy.  Can I get a review?  -Glocktypus
LoL.  Afrika?  It was just okay.  I just kept completing missions, and some seemingly super easy mission would pop up, so I would do that one. Then it told me that I did all the missions. I looked to see what I was missing and it was the 20th item. So, I went to get that and it went all “Platinum Trophy”.   I put 30-40 hours into it, I guess. 3 of those hours hunting for the ever elusive Kori Bustard in the Kiwanja Plain.  I got the from Gamefly, and am pleased I did. Once you platinum it there is absolutely nothing left to do but goof off. It looks pretty, that’s for sure. The music is awesome.  I’m still humming it, weeks later.  If you like photography, it’s definitely worth a go round.  But I’ve spent way more hours on other games that I haven’t platinumed.

The What’s What, Volume 66

Hints for kicking a soda addiction, Should I go with one soda a day then go cold turkey, or just go cold turkey? -LamentaBill

I did it in stages. First, only certain sodas like Sprite and Ginger Ale. Then Kool-Aid and Gatorade, then more water. I was only kicking my habit of drinking soda all the time, I still have soda with a meal now.

Fill in the blank: The two best shows on television right now are _____.  Mine are Burn Notice and Dexter. -Styphillin

Never seen either one of those two.  I would put Mad Men and 30 Rock in there.  Maybe Weeds.  Tough call.

Why does GT:IV get so much hate from fans of the series? -PetrifiedGood

Because many people want many different things. Hype promises they get what they want. They raise the bar for the game for themselves so high, it’s impossible to meet. The only thing left is disappointment from outrageous expectations.

Why do some Christians disapprove of metal music? I’ve read through the Bible quite a few times and I don’t think it says anywhere that metal music is bad or not allowed. -GingerBomb

I think its funny how you reference the Bible as being devoid of adverse opinions to metal music like its some sort of validation.   Tell me, good sir, why is there no mention in the Bible of Jesus doing the macarena? Or commandments against attending a Mets game?

Campers suck. Not those who snipe people, that’s fine with me. Just the people who hide in a corner with a shotgun for the whole game, getting about 6 kills and never moving. I don’t know why it bothers me, but the fact they play the game in this way for some reason just pisses me off. -BlooRayGamin

If you know where they are, get a sniper rifle and make them move with bullets. Or chuck some explosives their way.  That’s how you deal with people that have a favorite spot, and you know where it is.

Thanks for the restaurant job recommendation.  It’s pretty much how you said it was going to be.  Maybe its because the restaurant I work at is chill as shit and full of hippies, but its actually a lot of fun. All the girls are good looking (at least 7 and up, minus 2 or 3 of them), I get free food, free beer…and the day goes by really fast since we’re so busy.  Not only that, but it only took 4 days on the job before someone invited me to smoke up on break – and it was one of my supervisors.  Thanks again!  -Vito_Dat_ass

Holy shit!  I’m actually an influence of some sort?  Shocking.  But yeah, I loved restaurants. Working nights, weekends, and holidays was a serious drawback. I miss those days, but I’m thankful I found a good office job to settle into. A lot less stress, too. But less fun, for sure.

There’s this girl I’m kind of into and I want to start talking to her, I’m just not sure what to say. We were kind of acquaintances awhile ago, but we don’t talk any more.   I really do want to say something though, strike up a conversation, I just don’t know what to begin with. -TCP1189

I always broke the ice by telling a funny story like I have known them forever. Something that shows a fault of yours but ultimately has you looking good at the end. Or an insightful question that lets you see how she thinks, and if shes smart, she gets to show that off.

Whats brown and rhymes with Snoop? Dr Dre. -Benjimanly

LoL.  I get it.  You are supposed to say poop, but its really a joke that makes you think, because Dr Dre writes rhymes with Snoop.  That’s actually quite clever.

Who’s going to win NFL Rookie of the Year? Sanchez?  Crabtree? -DeadRising

Percy Harvin.  Sanchez has looked like hot garbage in two games. And the Jets have a tough schedule this year. He’s gonna get smoked.  Crabtree needs to sign before I can consider him.  I won’t take him without seeing him play against NFL talent.  Percy Harvin is going to start for a Hall of Fame QB, with a solid running game established.  Looks like an ideal situation.

You ever fry bread/eggs like in V For Vendetta?-Admiral_Purina

Eggs in a basket? Yeah, my mom made these for breakfast all the time.  Haven’t had them in years though.

What console would hurt the most if you threw it at someone’s face?-Innocentsual

Last gen Xbox. Thing was angular and weighed as much as a dorm refrigerator.  There is some consideration to the Gamecube, because it has the handle.

Are apologies after the fact meaningless? Considering you knew that the apology is just a consequence of the act? It’s only meaningful if you apologize before you get caught. That’s really the only time you are able to tell someone is truly remorseful.  -TheeAnswer

Yes, and in addition, apologizing before the act takes place. I can really respect someone who fesses up to a difficult decision thats going to screw me and alerts me ahead of time, that it’s going to screw me.

The What’s What, Volume 53

I just saw that Eddie House video from the semifinals.  What a bitch he is, he got hoe slapped upside the head, and didn’t do nothing about it. What a pussy, but he is a Celtic, and they’re a team full of pussies. -Jijcore

Really? Eddie House is the bitch? Not Rafer Alston, who SLAPPED a dude in the BACK of the head? He SLAPPED him. In the BACK of the head, and Eddie House is the bitch? With an open hand, Alston hit House where he cant see it coming, and Eddie is the bitch?  You sure about this?

did they really have to show that guy’s cock so much in ‘forgetting sarah marshall?’ -jbillz

They should have traded off with some Mila Kunis or Kirsten Bell boobies.  And don’t give me “They did, the snapshot…” I mean REAL boobies.

If you were starting an MLB franchise right now, who would you take with the first pick? -hamashummus

Either Pujols, Longoria, or Hanley Ramirez.  Pitchers are too sporadic.

I’m skipping church this Wednesday to watch Lost -SoljahofGawd

This just means when you need a miracle, God will be watching 30 Rock.

Do you think it’s completely retarded that global warming/climate change is a political issue? I don’t think something as important as the future of Man and the Earth should be hinged on which side you lean towards the most. -IluvHaydenP

If the government shouldn’t be the one to fix it, then no one will. Corporations? Theres no profit margin. God? He’s the one who’s causing it. Your Mom? Shes busy causing my glacier to melt, if you know what I’m saying.

Ever had a drug deal go bad?  N3w_Y0rk3r

After a drug dealer sold my friend blunt shavings, he approaches the dealer who says to him, “You best not press, lest you gots a vest fo yo chest.”  We laughed in his face and left. He got our twenty dollars, but we bought one hell of an incident for it.

If you were grilling a pork tenderloin, What would you flavor it with? -ObesityLite

Dry rubs work really well on grilled pork. Creates a textured crust that seals in natural juices.  I would suggest either cajun, lemon pepper or cinnamon chipotle.

Pericings or Tattoos? -HighOnLifeandDrugs

Piercings are usually immediately distinguishable and when you notice them, it’s because some retard put them in a place to garner attention and shock value.   Tattoos can only be seen if you want them to. It’s like finding out a secret when someone shows you one.  Tattoos by 15 lengths.

I wonder what it’s like to be in a swimming pool during a big earthquake.  -Hammeroidrage

I went SCUBA diving in the caribbean and asked the instructor what happens if theres a tsunami.  He said “You wouldn’t feel a thing, we’d come up to the surface and wonder what the fuck happened to the beach and parking lot.”. Pretty cool.

how much of your life has changed since Barack Obama was elected President?-Mototype12

Other than the copious amounts of lulz from butthurt Republicans, very little.

How much did you spend on your sunglasses? -BishDin

$250 They’re prescription so I only get one pair, and I buy high quality so they last a while.

Who do you love more wife or your parents? -Czechlist

Well, they are different types of love. My love for my parents is based on respect and gratitude. My love for my wife is different because I chose her based on her inherent qualities, of which I fell in love with. You don’t get to really choose to love your parents. But if they werent my parents, I probably wouldn’t have had the chance to meet them.

Jim Rome is a bitch about Pot Use. Mind you this is a dude that grew up in So. Cal and went to college at UCSB. Can’t believe that guy is wound so tight. Maybe pot touched him in a bad place when he was a kid? -Large_Soprano

I wager his girlfriend started to smoke and dumped him for a dealer or something.

Do you think Christian Bale is a prick? -RRODDaily

Dunno, never met him. But from what I have assembled from people who do know him or overheard by reading the news, he’s a class A douchebag.

The What’s What, Volume 22

My sister gets high every day and she keeps eating all the food in the house.  -FinalConsideration

Start making a stash in your room. Thats what I did when I heard my sisters were bringing over their mooch friends.

What’s the worst food to burp back up? For me, it’s hot dogs. -GhostofEllisBurks

I would say Orange Juice.  That shit hurts.

Does it make me a BITCH for playing Madden on ROOKIE level? -Papayawarrior

No, you are only a bitch if you go 19-0 beating the computer by 50 every game.  If you are competing on Rookie, you are just bad at the game.  Which is better than being a bitch, in my opinion.

Let’s face it, our world will never be progressive until our parents dieTheir generation is still filled with stupid backwards ideas. -Klassyk

90% true, they’ll be alive long enough to feel powerless as they watch their antiquated ideals crumble into society right before their death.  Unfortunately, they won’t last to realize they are wrong and wasted years of resources and effort on petty bullshit.

Decided on who you are voting for? -jbauer4545

I always vote third party, because I’ve never lived in a swing state.  I’m a registered Republican, just so I can vote in the primaries.  Theres never small government for people candidates anymore, though.  It’s all small government for business.

I can’t believe people are reading The Watchmen now, 20 years too late. -Megsboyee

How else will they be able to complain about the movie?  Being sheeple takes work.

We agree that House is the best TV character correct? -Stankz

Oh, hes right up there.  I’d throw him into the mix with both Tracy Morgan and Alec Baldwin from 30 Rock.  My female lead goes to the redhead leader of the steno pool from MadMen.  Shes got everyone on lock-down.

Have you ever bent someone over a kitchen counter? That’s what they’re for. -Target0007

No, kitchen counters are way to tall. You can’t bend any girl over them unless your humping Bigfoot.  Any seasoned gentleman knows the back of a dining chair or the kitchen table is the best place to really lay down some kitchen punishment.

How much is an ounce of pot in your area?  -rillumrt

Same as in your area, 1/16th of a pound.  Lettuce head.

It’s funny throughout this 8 years I’ve found that there have been many criticisms of President Bush, but the main criticisms of Bush have painted two vastly different pictures of our president…either he’s a complete idiot that’s 2 IQ points above an ice cream cone….or, an evil mastermind capable of turning a legitimate war on terror into a revenge mission against Saddam and Iraq.  So, WMC, which is it?

My opinion of him has changed many times since he took office. Now, I think hes just an average guy, who was excited to learn that he could become president, was elected, found himself in over his head and relied on bad advice from people he trusted, and helped get him into office.  I don’t think he’s as dumb as everyone else thinks. I just think hes trusting people who have their own agendas at heart, and is too deep to either recognize this or too embarrassed to do anything about it.

I’ve never been to red robin and my familys going there I know its like the starbucks one but seriously what should I get?

The first time I went to Red Robin, I got the Banzai burger.  I’ve been there dozens of times since, and never looked at the menu. The Banzai Burger is that good.

Favorite alcoholic beverage? -21cccp

Double shot of Jamesons, and a Ginger Ale.  Though, I barely drink anymore, I can put three of these down before I feel a hint of unlightenment.

At what age do you think a guy should get the **** out of their parents house? -kerby414

The fact that you don’t want to leave makes you a loser, the complacency.  If you are broke and just waiting for a check to move out, or whatever, you’re good.  Doesn’t matter what number is on your license.