The What’s What, Volume 174

News sites are reporting that Caitlyn Jenner is experiencing regret and will transition back to Bruce slowly over the next couple years.  -Go_Spartans

My theory is that he fell in love with a lesbian. He changed genders for her, she shot him down for an actual future vagina.  Now they’re heartbroken, going back to manhood in order to find the right woman. Which means someone who wont feel squicky when he wants to wear skirts and scissor with them bi-monthly.

Did you ever read instruction books when they came with every game? -BlinkingLion

Damn right I did.  Back in the day when games came with manuals, you read the manual while Mom drove you home from Caldor.  Games didnt even have tutorials back then, so youd have to read them in order to know the controls and basics before you started playing.

Why aren’t more people upset over the 07-08 Financial Crisis?  Our economy was royally fucked when Glass-Steagall was repealed, but hardly anyone cares. Banks got a slap on the wrist after the housing bubble, yet are continuing to pull the same shit as last time. They engaged in predatory, morally questionable practices because they knew U.S. would bail them out. It’s infuriating there was no retribution or at the very least, stricter regulation to prevent this in the future. Reports indicate we’re bound for another financial crisis in spite of the regulations Obama passed in 09. -ArmeggeddonTroop

Dude, that shit is so complicated.  Why would people take effort to be upset when getting cranky because Tom Brady is a cheater, the Kardashians exist and gay people being squicky is so much easier?

Cracker Barrel is not that good.  I don’t understand why everyone gets hard over it. -MonsieurLegume

They use legitimate ingredients. The potatoes are real potatoes, the chicken came off the bone and not out of a bag, they use real butter and milk, and not lard/dairy substitute.  The hams are Smithfield. But there are no bells and whistles, either. There are cooks, not a chef. They use salt, pepper, garlic and parsley; that’s it.

So, if you’re looking for flavor country, you might as well get some sesame Jack Daniels frozen wood pulp at TGIFs. But if you’ve been subsisting on nothing but Doritos, snickers and Mountain Dew for days or miles at a time, and want something real at a reasonable value, then sit yourself down.

Why Would Straight Men Become Gynecologists for Any Reason Other Than Getting Paid to Grope Women? -Hystericalifornia

I, for one, would have loved to deliver babies. Earth Ambassador to thousands of tiny humans. I mean after you see a dozen vaginas in a week, I’m sure it becomes something of a blur. If anything it would probably hamper my sex life. Couldn’t warm up that blonde without thinking “Oh, shes got that puffy left labia like Mrs Gunderson.”

Why do people think buying a house is always better than renting?  You’re paying the bank… You’re making a little money but you gotta work for it.  -Rainman1988

By your own reasoning, if you rent you’re just paying a guy to pay his bank for you. You’re making nothing, no matter how much work you do.

The vegan woman who was proving that vegans can do anything died summiting Mt everest.  Thoughts?  -MilkyYay

I’d be surprised if she wasn’t even the first vegan to do it. Just the one who tried to make the most noise about it.

Have you seen the video of Arya from Game of Thrones masturbating? -BananaScissors

My favorite part of these popular hoaxy lookalikes is that some guy from St Paul Minnesota is gonna be all “Ooooh Arya”, get his dick in his hand, press play and see his daughter knuckle deep in herself in the next room over.

New girl at work was checking me out on the elevator.Noticed her glance over and look me over twice. -hushedcasket

She was probably just estimating her chances of getting out of there without being raped, murdered, and her eyeballs replaced with elevator buttons.