The What’s What, Volume 145

A foodie? Let me get this straight, you enjoy things that taste good?  NEWSFLASH: so does everybody else. What a stupid label to bestow upon oneself.-MimaiSong

Its about recognizing and appreciating techniques and talents.You keep considering freezer meat and boxed noodles “gourmet”. Im not going to criticize you. To your face.

Long story short, one of my best friend’s wedding is coming up … I’ve known this guy and his wife to be since freshman year in college, he was my roommate throughout college, they’re among my very close group of friends. I’m even a groomsman at their wedding, and all my friends want to meet her since we’ve been going strong for 2 years almost. Anyway, I’ve told the gf about this wedding a long time ago, but now she says she can’t attend because she’s going camping and horse riding that weekend with her friend in some cabin and that her friend has already paid for the cabin. I mean, I’ll be fair she told me about this trip too, and even invited me, but at the time they hadn’t set a date. I told her about this wedding (and the date) before she brought the cabin up (imo it doesn’t even matter, it’s a bloody camping trip, they can do this anytime). I mean, am I unreasonable in expecting that a camping trip is nowhere near as important as one of my best friend’s wedding? I couldn’t even argue with her last night because I was tired and she seems completely okay with the fact that going camping is okay that weekend. -AbnormalYetFormal

Relationships arent about having things in common, they are about supporting each others happiness. That being said, your best friends wedding would be the one of those things were Id expect a compromise for your needs. I mean, if the first impression of her from your friends is one of abandonment, then thats not a good start. My honest feeling from this is that shes not serious about you, and you should leave her before she leaves you.

I’ve been in a year and half long relationship and I’d be lying if I said my ex (pretty much the girl of my dreams at the time.) didn’t cross my mind and we broke up about 3 years ago. I found out last week that my old best friend and her are now going out and I’ve tried to keep a smile on my face but it’s really cut me deep even though I know I’d never go back to her. -IDeservedThat

You are looking at this the wrong way. You might have fucked the wife of some dude who betrayed you. You have the upper hand here, focus on that.

It bugs me when people know so little about other countries and their people. I am particularly annoyed by it because my family was originally Iranian immigrants to Lebanon. Basically no one in America has any idea where either of these countries are. Then when I tell people they will be like “hmm, thats weird that you are from the middle east. You look just like a white person.” -LateTangdon

My favorite part was when you lumped an entire region of people together and called them all out for generalizing an entire region of people.

Would my son hate me if I name him Bjorn? -Luthiel

That depends. Is your last name Tooride?

Would you have blown an Orangutang to prevent the Holocaust from happening? -snacksnacksnacks

“Give my regards to the Nusbaums.”  *salutes orangutang*  *leaves*

If I see a person with ear gauges of any size (stretched ear hole things), I immediately judge them as fucking dumb.-ZezetheZ

I just think they look uncomfortable. I pity them they way I pity some girl walking in ridiculous heels. An exchange in uncomfortability for vanity never made sense to me.

Great point about Star Trek/Star Wars games.  (WW 144) What are your 3 favorite Star Wars games? -kinderfrau

1. Galaxies 2. The old X-Wing game for PC 486’s 3. The Battlefront series

So, your mom and your wife switch bodies… and you have to bang one or they both die slow, painful, torturous deaths.  So you can either bang your mom’s body, who is actually your wife. Or, you can bang your wifes body, but actually be banging your fucking mom. Choose. -Razkizzle

Good God, this is awful.  What a great question. I guess it would be best for everyone if I could just shut my eyes and fuck my Moms body/girl brain. But the least worst for me would be have sex with wifes body, yet traumatizing my Mom.  I mean, how am I going to enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner knowing my Mom is thinking about the time I stuffed HER like a turkey? Id have to man up and do my Moms body. I like Thanksgivng too much.  That shit cant happen.  I choose wifes mind, because I cant choose Moms body.

Why do people put caps on things that don’t need caps?  shaving cream, why does that need a cap? It’s an aerosol can, its never going to dry out.I take the cap off, someone puts it back on. God dammit. I’m tossing the cap in the garbage, this is the last straw. -heymomimonyoutube

That’s not what the cap is for, it’s to repvent accidental discharge in transit or at home.  Like you lift it off the shelf and bump the top on the above shelf, you wont give yourself a Barbasol bukake.