The What’s What, Volume 134

Are u legit bothered by those facebook statuses? Or are u just poking fun at them? It’s just people saying what’s on their mind.  But it’s not like you have to read it – TobaccoMoats

Oh, you know a better way of recognizing what the subject matter of 1 line of content, other than reading it? People think they are way too important. No one outside that situation cares, and further more it imprints a negative perception to everyone else. People consistently making bad decisions in public invokes my pity.  I mean, if people came up to you in conversation and talked to you about what their grandkids and dogs are doing and showed you pictures, there might be some assemblance of interest there.   But if someone is involved in some ignorant political discussion, or complaining about some cheap restaurant, in conversation, then I find my way out.  Same thing on Facebook.  However, I just can’t not read it.  I cant stop you from yelling something retarded at a party.  I cant unhear that.  I cant determine what worth the statement has until I read it.

Name your penis after a video game. -Troylololo

Tomb Raider.

People who say they have no regrets in life are BSing and are in denial. -Tripz

Everyone wishes they reacted better in a past situation.  It’s why you are able to react better to future ones. It’s not that they don’t have regrets, it’s just that shouldnt dwell on them, and learn from them instead.

Is there a breakfast combo better than bacon & eggs? -DellsKitchen

Eggs Benedict is my god tier breakfast. Bacon and Eggs is right below it, if I’m making my own maple bacon. I usually order sausage when I’m out, because its a safer bet.  Bacon is one of those things where everyone likes it done their own way.  Furthermore, I feel like if you dont have a preferred way of requesting your bacon cooked, then you have never properly enjoyed bacon.  Sure, bacon over or under cooked to your liking will make do on a sandwich or at camp.  But, you have to know how you LOVE it.  Add this to the list of reasons that sex is like food.

Post the last enemy that defeated you in a videogame.  -ProudXBot

It was either the Tampa Bay Lightning or the Boston Bruins.

Which group do you kill? 10 babies: self-explanatory, it’s 10 newborn babies; 100 senior citizens: These are all people over the age of 65. They are an assortment of firefighters, teachers, veterans, steel workers, plumbers, business owners and petty thieves; 50 handicapped people: These people have varying handicaps. Some are paraplegics while others have mental handicaps;  30 gay/straight adults: This is a mix of 15 straight and gay healthy, 30-something adults.  Go.

Okay, well say an alien has given me the choice, or he blows up the planet?  I’d give the choice to the group.  I imagine the group would decide that the 100 seniors would decide that it was their time.  I imagine the 100 seniors would volunteer.  And if they couldnt figure it out, and time was running out, I’d give up the seniors.  I mean if I had lived a long life and someone said my time to die would save the planet?  My last event on Earth could be meaningful?  People who I had never heard of thanking my memory?  I’m in.

Is Penn States reputation forever ruined??? -JWeber619

When I hear the name “Penn State” now, some many months later, I no longer associate it with Nittany Lion football or Joe Paterno.  I think of peepee touching elderly nut jugglers, And the factory atmosphere that turned a blind eye.  So, for me, it certainly is.

Happy Holidays!  What’s the most worthless American Holiday? -CanadiAnne

I understand it’s the Army’s birthday and while important to show respect for the colours, I know military people who yawn at Flag Day. It’s right between Memorial Day and Independance Day, the two most patriotic events on the calendar are already 2 months apart. What bad holiday planning. Not to mention respect should be shown to the flag all year.  But if veterans want another event to get together, sell raffle tickets, have dinner and have a memorial ceremony, then I’m not going to grumble.  That all being said, I’ve never planned or attended an event or service in celebration on Flag Day in my life.  You want me to give a shit?  Give me a day off of work.  I’ll be as festive and shit as you want.