The What’s What, Volume 15

Do they make machines that suck your penis, a male equivalent to the sybians females have? -Clitorious

I wouldn’t go so far as to call your Mom “a machine”. But shes good. *Zing*

why do republicans support israel anyway? what has israel ever done for us? -CrunchyGoings

AIPAC gives lots of money to American Democracy. Plus, we need a friend over there in the Octagon they call the Middle East. Also, Christians preparing for the rapture need Jerusalem to be under friendly control for when Jesus comes back.

Have you ever seen someone get hit by a car? I haven’t, but my dad told me that when he was a kid, he saw a guy get hit by a trolley and he exploded. The guy’s head landed right next to my dad. -RazinBrand

I watched a girl who sat next to me in English class absolutely DECIMATE this 5 year old girl at a busy intersection near the school. The little girl just ran out in the road of a 45MPH zone. The little girl went FLYING, like 20 feet up in the air and like 50 feet down the street.

I never saw the girl driving the car again. She didn’t go to jail or anything. I know she quit school because she was so affected by the incident. She doesnt drive anymore either. I don’t know if thats a punishment given by the state or anything.

Why are Juggalos Hated On So Much? This is coming from a Juggalo. It seems I been getting more crap then ever… -Paymaster

Its like they ripped off the Kiss army. A gimmick that was cheesy in the 70s has a place with rapping chuckleheads today, somehow. You put on matching make-up to claim individuality. A ridiculous, hypocritical act of attempted shock value. A friend of mine is a juggalo, he’s cool, so I can’t bash too much. Clowns aren’t cool, lets just leave it at that for now.

Would you rather be deaf, or be a mute? -DitShip

Its difficult to understand a word deaf people are saying anyway. Ill go with mute.

Fact: Some girls with boyfriends sometimes try their best to avoid good looking guys. Those that don’t are usually sluts… -JillytheKid

I chased all the hot I could in college. The majority of those relationships ended in “cheating”. I then found a girl who treats me like a king and would make a great mother. I married her, and regret nothing. It’s tough to get anything meaningful other than an ego boost from sex with an attractive person.

Don’t you hate when people try to shove philosophy down your throat? Especially when there philosophies come from books by guys who have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about and are only known because their book was featured on Oprah. -Saladify

Some people let “brain gum” take up far too much of their time. Being a realist can have similar spiritual recognitions. But, I like the occasional philosophy discussion, metacognition mostly.

Do people really not care enough to pick up after their dog? I swear to god, I just saw this huge pile of dookey in my lawn that was the bigger than my dog’s entire head when walking him this morning. Absolutely ridiculous. For Chirst’s sake, I wouldn’t even have minded if the guy would’ve come up to my front door, rang the door bell and asked for a sheet (or 10) of toilet paper so he could pick his own **** (lol) up. -GaryQueen

You think people should care enough about YOUR lawn that they should pick up their dog shit? I couldn’t blame anyone for not caring about your lawn. Even you. People should be picking up after their dog because its the right thing to do, not because your majesties pristine lawn demands it.

I met a live crack dealer today. He’s our new maintenance man at work. I talked to him on break and he told me that he sells crack. Though he claims to have never touch the stuff, he said people are fiends. He even claimed selling it to his own mother. He seems like a nice guy too. He has a wife and three kids, and is some trainer at a local karate center. He also told me his wife is a stripper. -GrainusMax

You should ask him where you can find $5 BJ’s and be the hit of your friends.

Nice get, though, seriously. Its important to have a network that dabbles in all sorts of areas. You can get a lot of things done for yourself or others, along with helping out causes you feel for. As long as you don’t show judgement or, in this case, get hooked on crack, it’s a great catch. Maintain the friendship, or at least leave on good terms.