The What’s What, Volume 83

If you order pizza in a snow storm and don’t tip more than usual, you’re a bad person. -MaxRushmore

I completely agree. I give much more in crappy weather, because it would be more of a hassle to get it myself than normal.

Better show: Weeds or Breaking Bad? Forget the fact that Weeds has a MILF as the main character. Which show is better? -RobinStoddard

I have only seen Weeds, so I can’t make an accurate comparison.  But Breaking Bad is basic cable right? When in doubt as a tiebreaker, I go with the cussing, violence and boobies.  Just for realism sake.  But that’s just me.

What did you do for New Years Eve? -LostinMasturbation

I did the adult New Years.  Fancy dinner with wife, played the games we got for Christmas with her uncle and cousin, watched some Stooges, some Twilight Zone, and the ball drop and then went to bed.  I don’t believe I had a drink all night.  I had a new phone to get the next morning.  Didn’t want to be hung over for that.

Why do ALL the non-religious people feel so superior to religious users? -SuperChaos

Because they believe they are right, just like the religious.  Only the religious superiority is more of pity towards atheists because they won’t get into heaven.  While the atheists feel superior in a different way, kind of like the way you would feel upon meeting a 35 year old who still believed in Santa Claus.  Like eye-rolling at a precocious scamp.

I got to know, why do people go on facebook,myspace,twitter,etc? SDownVRaw09

It takes less than ten minutes a day to find out what everyone you care about is up to.  It’s on your own time, terms, and great to not get bogged down in phone call after phone call.  I know what my moms sister is doing every day, and I haven’t seen her since my wedding 5 years ago.  I tell my Mom what her sisters up to and she still doesn’t get it.

‘Denise’ from the new Taco Bell commercial is gorgeous -Gameridian55

I’d like to Chimi her Changa.  But yeah, both those girls are cute. And I like the way the other girl gets pissed when she has to get Denise. I actually believe that shes pissed her service isn’t good enough. Quite the acting from her.

Should the drinking age in the United States be lowered to 18? -DatAzkhaban

Yes, I do.  At the least.  I think that we should follow a more European model and let kids get drunk.  Seriously. I feel drunk people are better when supervised.  Kids are more likely to get bored of getting drunk if its no big deal to anyone else.  But for America?  A great start is letting enlisted men and women have a drink, legally.  It’s ludicrous that an 18 year old solider  can shoot someone in the face from point blank rage or take a bomb in the crotch but having a beer or two to deal with it is a no-no.

You watch Bret Hart’s return on Raw? -zeitghost

I did, actually, thanks to a text from a friend.  Just the beginning.  Wasn’t impressed, really.  HD is not kind to the Hitman.  I thought they would spruce up an angle or something, but was pretty much the same tried and true forced heat recipe.

The What’s What, Volume 66

Hints for kicking a soda addiction, Should I go with one soda a day then go cold turkey, or just go cold turkey? -LamentaBill

I did it in stages. First, only certain sodas like Sprite and Ginger Ale. Then Kool-Aid and Gatorade, then more water. I was only kicking my habit of drinking soda all the time, I still have soda with a meal now.

Fill in the blank: The two best shows on television right now are _____.  Mine are Burn Notice and Dexter. -Styphillin

Never seen either one of those two.  I would put Mad Men and 30 Rock in there.  Maybe Weeds.  Tough call.

Why does GT:IV get so much hate from fans of the series? -PetrifiedGood

Because many people want many different things. Hype promises they get what they want. They raise the bar for the game for themselves so high, it’s impossible to meet. The only thing left is disappointment from outrageous expectations.

Why do some Christians disapprove of metal music? I’ve read through the Bible quite a few times and I don’t think it says anywhere that metal music is bad or not allowed. -GingerBomb

I think its funny how you reference the Bible as being devoid of adverse opinions to metal music like its some sort of validation.   Tell me, good sir, why is there no mention in the Bible of Jesus doing the macarena? Or commandments against attending a Mets game?

Campers suck. Not those who snipe people, that’s fine with me. Just the people who hide in a corner with a shotgun for the whole game, getting about 6 kills and never moving. I don’t know why it bothers me, but the fact they play the game in this way for some reason just pisses me off. -BlooRayGamin

If you know where they are, get a sniper rifle and make them move with bullets. Or chuck some explosives their way.  That’s how you deal with people that have a favorite spot, and you know where it is.

Thanks for the restaurant job recommendation.  It’s pretty much how you said it was going to be.  Maybe its because the restaurant I work at is chill as shit and full of hippies, but its actually a lot of fun. All the girls are good looking (at least 7 and up, minus 2 or 3 of them), I get free food, free beer…and the day goes by really fast since we’re so busy.  Not only that, but it only took 4 days on the job before someone invited me to smoke up on break – and it was one of my supervisors.  Thanks again!  -Vito_Dat_ass

Holy shit!  I’m actually an influence of some sort?  Shocking.  But yeah, I loved restaurants. Working nights, weekends, and holidays was a serious drawback. I miss those days, but I’m thankful I found a good office job to settle into. A lot less stress, too. But less fun, for sure.

There’s this girl I’m kind of into and I want to start talking to her, I’m just not sure what to say. We were kind of acquaintances awhile ago, but we don’t talk any more.   I really do want to say something though, strike up a conversation, I just don’t know what to begin with. -TCP1189

I always broke the ice by telling a funny story like I have known them forever. Something that shows a fault of yours but ultimately has you looking good at the end. Or an insightful question that lets you see how she thinks, and if shes smart, she gets to show that off.

Whats brown and rhymes with Snoop? Dr Dre. -Benjimanly

LoL.  I get it.  You are supposed to say poop, but its really a joke that makes you think, because Dr Dre writes rhymes with Snoop.  That’s actually quite clever.

Who’s going to win NFL Rookie of the Year? Sanchez?  Crabtree? -DeadRising

Percy Harvin.  Sanchez has looked like hot garbage in two games. And the Jets have a tough schedule this year. He’s gonna get smoked.  Crabtree needs to sign before I can consider him.  I won’t take him without seeing him play against NFL talent.  Percy Harvin is going to start for a Hall of Fame QB, with a solid running game established.  Looks like an ideal situation.

You ever fry bread/eggs like in V For Vendetta?-Admiral_Purina

Eggs in a basket? Yeah, my mom made these for breakfast all the time.  Haven’t had them in years though.

What console would hurt the most if you threw it at someone’s face?-Innocentsual

Last gen Xbox. Thing was angular and weighed as much as a dorm refrigerator.  There is some consideration to the Gamecube, because it has the handle.

Are apologies after the fact meaningless? Considering you knew that the apology is just a consequence of the act? It’s only meaningful if you apologize before you get caught. That’s really the only time you are able to tell someone is truly remorseful.  -TheeAnswer

Yes, and in addition, apologizing before the act takes place. I can really respect someone who fesses up to a difficult decision thats going to screw me and alerts me ahead of time, that it’s going to screw me.