The What’s What, Volume 73

Dude, Chad Ochocinco not only reads your blog but he’s been stealing your pick-up tips.  He claimed to invent the “borrow a girls cell phone and call your own number” routine that you had published months before Hard Knocks was taped. -Maleman

I’m sure other people get good ideas, too. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.  I posted my successful pick-up techniques so others could reap the benefits now that I am married.  I won’t take an issue with the situation until he tweets that he invented “wingman goes first” or tells the story about how he kicked a little kid in the face for peeping on his lady in a dressing room.

Rush Limbaugh dropped by group trying to buy American Football team, thoughts? -Czechlist

I thought that his defense that he was an entertainer and just saying divisive things simply to fill a void in the market and garner ratings wasn’t much of an excuse.  I certainly would respect him more if he believed in the things he’s talking about.  Like saying hateful divisive things is okay, if you are doing it for the money.  What kind of reasoning is that?

Poor Meghan McCain, I just saw her “controversial” pic. People are SOO lame. People are calling her a slut and stuff on her twitter because of this picture of her in a tank top. -loverslayer

I’ll be sure to feel sorry for an attention whore who’s just now finding out that all attention is not pleasant.  Shes getting what shes asking for, and making herself feel better by blaming others.  Up hers.

What movie monster/villain would you have sex with? -Triggah2K8

Mystique, hands down.   She could be any woman you wanted for the evening, including any other villan you could come up with.

so do gay people get off by looking at their gay parts? -nivekkevin

Only the narcissistic ones.

I hate when someone is playing video games on TV or in movies.  Can you possibly overact more? Who plays video games like that?  Jesus.  -Otaku21

And then they stop playing to have a conversation and the game is still being played by an invisible entity.  That’s what kills me.

Who ya got on Top Chef Las Vegas? -phkb33

I still can’t believe they dumped Ash for cat food maker.  I mean, obviously they kept Robin in because she breeds drama and she’s the only one giving it to them.  So, she’ll stick around until the shows credibility is completely used up, which already might have happened in everyones eyes but the producers.

I take issue with Tom Colicchio giving Ash flak for complimenting the older twin, saying it was an honour to wash Picasso’s paint brushes.   At least he’s honest. All the Italian Mike guy does is pump himself up and shit on everyone else, and he’s not better a better cook than Ash.

No one knew who the competition was until they got there. Is everyone who realizes someone is better than them supposed to drop out of the competition on the first day?  Its Tom Colicchios biggest mistake in 6 years, if you ask me.

But to answer the question,  Jennifer, Kevin and the twins, with Kevin and the older brother in the finale.  Kevin wins it all.  He’s awesome.

Hey Heene Family, awesome parenting. Be sure to leave a mysterious flying machine within arms length of your kids. -CanadiAnne

Questionable parenting, but legitimate engineering.

If you like Vice City more than San Andreas, it’s only because you are racist. -SkullandCrown

VC had better story and voice acting. But, that small advantage completely pales in comparison to the epic awesomeness that SA offered.  If you prefer gameplay to storylines and voice acting, and claim VC is a better game, then you are likely a racist.

How much is the Roman Catholic Church including the Vatican worth? -infodeleted

In what currency? US Dollars? Italian Lira? 11 year-old penises? Blood of the non-believers?

whats your favorite film made before 1970?  Mine is the Manchurian Candidate. -hezzbowler

Easy Rider,  North by Northwest, Reefer Madness, The Sting? Was that pre 70? Or is the Black and White throwing me off?

The Whats What, Volume 7

Did you hear about the milf mayor that posted lingerie pics of herself on her myspace? -hreddum

I’m baffled this is news.  She also had pictures of her and her family in bathing suits on some family vacation.  Wheres the fucking news story?

What percentage of Americans do you think are idiots? -yodasteve

25%-33%.  Thats my estimation.  Did you know that 98% of Americans think that they are smarter than 50% of Americans?  Just thought Id throw that stat out there, I find it fascinating.

Why the new site? -Adamizer421

The old site said I was too popular to be there for free.  So, I left. I heard that this site, though less flashy,  would prefer popularity, hoping people coming here to read my blog, stay and make their own.  I’ve lost a serious amount of readership though.  Thanks to the few who made the jump with me.

Will Christianity still be as predominant in 2000 years as it is now? -jonezbones

Interesting question. If humans last to 4008, I think they’d evolve into more spiritual beings then religious ones.  If humans don’t make it to 4008, chances are, religion had something to do with it.

You shouldn’t do drugs.  I did ecstasy with my girlfriend last night and because of my highness and feeling of well-being I mentioned that we should have a threesome with one of our mutual friends. she got extremely upset and we might break up because of it. -Blackhole105

It doesn’t sound like drugs are the problem.  It sounds like your idiot mouth is.  If you were drinking beer, your girlfriend would have just laughed it off?  Ecstasy is a designer drug anyway.  Go with what the Earth offers.  Pills only bring trouble.

What’s the most important part of a movie? -Gh0stII

Writing, specifically character development.  If I dont care for the people or their stories, no amount of acting or special effects will cover that up.Did you brag about losing your virginity? -Black-Sailz

No.  I probably should have, seeing as I lost my virginity years before my friends did.  I didn’t see much of them when my high school girlfriends were open for business, anyway.  Im not regretful, though.  If I had to do it all over again, very little would change.

The Vatican made up “new sins”. It is now a sin to pollute. It is also a sin to support genetic advancements. Here’s  a Vatican official talking about it, because who better to consult about science than the Vatican, amirite? -CrandallWeathers

This is obviously a measured move by the vatican to gain back some of the sheep they lost from the flock.  Because nothing gets kids interested in religion more then additional rules to follow.  Funny line you got there about science, though.

My roommate found a wallet today on the ground, took the money out and threw it back down There was $101 in it. Now we have Brawl.  That is all. -HeyGrazer

At least throw the wallet in a post box.  The guy gets his cards and numbers and pictures back, anyway. I certainly have no issue with you taking the money, but at least earn it by providing the guy a solid service by returning the stuff you cant use.  Nice of your buddy to spend that money on a videogame for you both.  I went to a casino with friends and we agreed whoever won the most money would buy breakfast.  Two guys won over $1,000 and immediately started complaining about how broke they were and how this money was going to bail them out.  No breakfast.  Jerks.  One guy actually spent all the money on a date with a girl who didn’t want him.  She sure took that fancy date though.  Turns out, both of them came out losers.