The What’s What, Volume 78

The Chinese have devised a way to eat a fish while it’s still alive, not raw, alive.  The video shows a fish on a plate gasping for air while 2 Asian couples giggle while peeling out his sliced insides with chopsticks.  It’s the most disturbing video I have ever seen.   -Awesomo3k

I found a video like you described on LiveLeak, though I will not link it.  I can’t help but feel apathetic to the fish there, struggling to suffocate, wishing someone would eat his brain.  If anything positive comes from this video, it’s knowing that when fish evolve legs, guns, lungs, and language; they will gladly push me and my family aside to peel apart some Chinese family and eat them alive while giggling in front of me.

What’s your opinion of Kristen Stewart? -CryYoung

Until this recent Twilight mayhem, I thought her and Jena Malone were the same person.  Both are attractive, one is outrageously richer than the other.  I don’t know either of them personally, so I can’t really offer any personality observations.

Is the Catholic Church full of perverts and molestors? -wool21

Of course not. It’s Gods plan that his servants enjoy some tiny nut juggling.  If He did not, then why did God create such handsome and easily manipulated little boys?

I’m thinking about becoming a chef, tell me more about the kitchen industry. -AllenBro

It’s complete hell. You work 10 hour days in wool jackets in front of 500 degree ovens and stoves in summertime with no air conditioning. You work when everyone else you know is having fun; nights, holidays and weekends. It’s a thankless job that deals with hungry people, not the most patient kind of human. You come home smelling like sweat and raw fish, only if you are doing it right.

Otherwise, you do end up with an amazing amount of respect from people. Everyone likes to eat good food. Waitresses are easy, likely college aged, and are usually hot and/or super nice, because they make their money from tips. If you work at a place that doesn’t promote you working either while high or drunk, then you have found the exception. It’s a job that’s ALWAYS available, in any city, state or country.

And you know all the inside tricks to a Restaurant. You learn to avoid restaurants on Mondays, because thats the day off for a vast majority of head chefs, and the specials are just leftovers from whatever didn’t sell on the weekend. That’s just one of the useful 50 tips I gleamed from being a chef.

Do you really answer every e-mail?Carmelodious

Yup.  Either in the blog or via reply e-mail.  Sometimes, I haven’t formulated and opinion on something because of lack of information.  A lot of music questions go this route, I’m not up on a lot of bands.  A couple times people have asked they I do not blog their letter for whatever reason, and I’ll send a personal reply.  Other than that, everything is run through the blog.

Why don’t you ever talk about Metacognition? -CanadiAnne

Judging from my failed novel sales, no one is interested.  Also, people use the words for a lot of different meanings.  My experience with metacognition is figuring out how you interpret information to manufacture new opinions, and improving your outlook by regulating your feelings.  I simply think about an issue, and then disregard the first few obvious reactions to get through the knee-jerk reactions everyone else seems to stop thinking at.  Whatever notions are left are to be consolidated into an original thought.  Just a way of being sure you are able to see situations in a unique way.

If you are interested in regulating your feelings, I suggest renting or purchasing the movie “What the *Bleep* Do We Know?”  It explains much better than I could about how your mind works and how you can remove guilt and other unwanted feelings from your life.  Once you figure out that “venting” is about the most destructive thing you can do for yourself, the rest seems to all make sense.  At least, that was my experience.

Ever been to CiCi’s pizza? -rex1440

Yeah, I went when I was in Florida. It wasn’t the best of atmosphere, bunch of red neck kids running around half naked, blowing water at each other through straws with parents who were too interested in stuffing another dozen bread sticks into their purse.  But if you can eat with white trash around, the mac n cheese pizza was aces.

Why exactly do a vampire and a werewolf wanna bang a teenager? -glidemonkey

If you were immortal, you are saying you could find something else better to do then spend your eternity in HIGH SCHOOL?  I think not, sir.

Whats your favorite food to eat while playing video games? -thecheezythree

Nothing. I try to keep my controller free of oil and crumbs at all times. Even the slightest hint of tactile distraction on the controller forces me to wash it or use another one.

The What’s What, Volume 31

Think Fast!!!! First five words that come to your mind when you hear the word…….’Mormon’ -jt6667_usa

I only need 2, cause its the two I only ever think about; Magical Underpants.

Bukake is sexy? I have no idea why I’m watching this.  Also, Blacks on Asian, oh yes. -.Served.

I don’t get it either.  Doesn’t look very personal.   I didn’t even know Blacks on Asians was something to be down with, either.  So, thanks for the knowledge drop, I guess.

Have you ever cussed out your employer? I did but in a jokingly manner. Otherwise no. I would get fired obviously. -DaNagotiatior43

When I worked in a kitchen this happened from every employee on a daily basis, to their face and everything, sometimes while working during a busy rush.  It hasn’t happened yet in my office job.

And after telling yourself you won’t go back, you give in and she really convinces you she messed up and it won’t happen again. But then, a few days later, she says she needs time to think about the relationship, because she doesn’t want to “hurt your feelings like that ever again.” You do what? -Rambo9914

I like how her re-leaving you is actually a sign of her maturity.  Dump the drama.

You like your girls with heels?  Or do you want someone who can run fast if a gunshot breaks out and who you don’t have to carry?  -DairyReam

Sneakers or flip-flops, 90% of the time. Heels don’t do it for me at all, they just look too uncomfortable, and I don’t find discomfort sexy.

Which do you believe has the highest probability of actually existing: Aliens or God? -HisPrezzence

If God exists, he probably created aliens.  Even a test planet Earth, at the least.  Aliens cannot create God, unless you consider him a human creation to begin with.  I’m gonna say aliens, just based on the math.

What’s with all the Twilight hate?  Some nerds went to see the Bond movie without girls, then you saw all the couples and hot girls in line for twilight and you got jealous, right?  -supervamp

It couldn’t possibly be that the author re-wrote 400 documented years of some of the greatest villains of all time to make her teenage girl drama fest, could it? No, of course not, its because people are jealous of others being in happy relationships, as always.

but a bunch of the seniors think it is hilarious to roofie pledges and just see how f***ed up they are. I think it’s f***ed up but as a sophomore I don’t have alot of say in what goes on. I mean some of these kids are literally on the ground. Oh well all in good fun, hazing ftw.  -HEY_NICE_SHOES

This forum wasn’t created so you could try out excuses for why there is a cabinet full of the date rape drug in your frat house.  I’m sure none of those pills make their way into girls drinks, its just to give to other guys, of course.  As long as we can agree that it’s okay to drug someone without their permission as long as theres no penis smuggling involved, we’re all clear here, shitcaker.

Are you Atheist to any notion of a God or Creator or just Theist God’s? -DelcarmenAce

Though I don’t believe there is any God, I don’t have a problem with people who choose to do so.  If someone believes they had a spiritual experience in their lives, who am I to disagree with them?  I do have a problem with a lot of religions, in particular, the problems that are caused or perceived as solved FOR a God.  I think if God had a problem with a situation he could solve it himself, and doesn’t need humans talking for him.