The What’s What, Volume 77

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 or Uncharted 2? -RattlensnakeStyle

Full disclousre.  I haven’t played MW2 yet.  In fact, I just started the franchise last weekend by renting World at War.   Which is a great FPS.  But theres a few of those around and they all kind of have the same thing going on.  Uncharted 2 is like nothing I have ever played before.  It truly was an experience for me.   Puzzles, platforming, shooting, great story, amazing visuals.  It wins GOTY hands down for me this year, personally.

How long could you make it on a deserted island?  Let’s say there are coconuts and rats. -MysterySolver

Islands mean fish.   I’m smart and relatively outdoors savvy. If I had a knife and a fire, I’d be alive for a while. Just bored out of my skull.

Do you play videogames as much as you did in the past? -EllisTurks

Im playing way more video games now than I did when I was a kid. I might have played Tecmo Bowl or Baseball Stars few games a week.  There was a lot of swimming, bike riding, and random fun in the woods when I was a kid.  Now I’m hitting the sticks every day for hours at a time.  I blame the shift on marriage, a 9-5 job, and marijuana.

There needs to be a political party solely dedicated to destroying the two party system. -OpinionBoxer

There needs to be a rich, charismatic, moderate to run as an Independant.   That’s really all it would take.  Ross Perot had a shot, but then he did that retarded drop-out/re-run thing and destroyed his own credibility and damaged future candidates.  What an amazingly asshole move there.

Why is TMZ being a bitch and not releasing the Carrie Prejean masturbation video? -DeathReception

Now that’s it been proven that she wasn’t 17 in the video like she originally claimed and tried to have her boyfriend lie for her, which he wouldn’t do for some reason, it will likely be released.  I mean, who wouldn’t go to jail on CHILD PORNOGRAPHY CHARGES for an exgirlfriend who dumped you because she decided she was going to have better prospects to date as Miss California.  If TMZ doesn’t release it, they will sell it someone who will.   It does them no good clogging up their archives.

Full house would be a much beter show if it werent for the leftist subtext; it was all about 3 polyamoros gay men raising kids  it was really a disgusting topic that that’s why i couldn’t watch it for more than a few minutes at a time -Panthertopdog

Let’s not forget Kimmy Gibblers horrible penchant for Communism.

You getting the Levi Johnston Playgirl? -XSessRage

Nah, I already read the article and I’m all set on seeing his junk.  I particularly enjoyed how in that interview, Levi seems to insinuate that knocking up a high school girl is experience that gets his foot in the door of the entertainment industry. And then they tell him that the majority of PlayGirl readers are gay men and he’s all “Yeah whatever, they say that, but theres a lot of cougars too.” And tries to play it off like its okay that men are sticking up his pages.

Can everyone shut up about Michael Jordan?  He’s the most overrated player in any sport, all time.  He was only good because his level of competition was so poor.  -CrestFightStrips

I’m open minded, but your argument doesn’t start off well when your position is that he’s overrated because he was too dominant.   Seriously. It’s a different game now, I’ll give you that. But, you couldn’t consider Tiger Woods overrated and he’s been just as dominant.  To a certain extent, Jordans experience changed the game of basketball to the way it is now. He showed how one person can take over a league, so now teams and the league build stars.  I’d like to hear more on this, because apparently, he was a real asshole. But, I never met him or anything.

I wasn’t given a middle name at birth, so Im going to legally add one on my 18th birthday.  Thoughts? -Navybound88

How else would you be a viable serial killer without one?  I’m gonna go ahead an offer “Vesuvius”.  Seriously.  Consider it.

Merril Hoge agrees with Belicheck’s 4th down decision, I think he’s had too many head injuries.  – somerandomguy

I had the opposite reaction everyone else seems to be having.  At first, I thought it was a mistake, but after it failed I started to come around to Belichicks thinking.  First off, he gets to make that decision because he has supreme job security.    Other coaches don’t have that luxury because they are on the hot seat and their teams suck. They punt that ball because it gives their team the team the best chance of not losing.  With the game on the line, he would rather Tom Brady have the ball in his hands to get 2 yards than Peyton Manning to get 50.  I think that’s reasonable.  Theres a big difference between playing to win and playing to not lose.

Roseanne was an awesome show. I watched it all the time.  Sure, the last season sucked, but I think that the last episode made up for that. -DaveKevin45

It was a culturally impactful show in the 80s. Before RoseAnn, being white trash was something to be embarrassed about.  It allowed a generation of worthless degenerates to actually STRIVE to become white trash, instead of allowing everyone else to consider them who they actually are, homeless people who happen to have homes at the moment.  Thanks RoseAnne.