The What’s What, Volume 47

Allison Iraheta from American Idol is very cute. Agree? -ztuntz

I couldn’t disagree any more.  She looks like Miss Piggy to me.

Is it just me, or is the intro to Pineapple Express trying to send a message to people? Although I cannot agree more, I think the herb makes everything so much better, for me its like the ultimate anti-depressant. But, the problem with feeling good all the time is that it tends to have the effect of making people take down their defenses. Smoking weed gives me the mindset of opening up to people and having the urge to want to help others. That’s what the entire hippie generation was all about. But, the problem is, when we take down our defenses and all we try to talk about is a peaceful Utopian society, it can get us killed. Enemies would completely ignore our plea for a peace, and they will do what every dominating species does, try to control us.  -psychicnewt

Great example of the other issue of smoking pot, “Over-thinking comedy movies”. Well illustrated, sir.

Freedom Tower renamed “One World Trade Center”.  Thoughts? -DZDeere

Good. Crashing those planes into the towers was just saving us having to tear them down to improve the lot. Let them think that.

Should “Under God” be removed from the pledge? -DonFlamenc0

I think it should be removed because it gives terrorists the impression that we are fighting Holy Wars with them. If you have ever seen terrorist propaganda, they reference the Pledge, the inauguration, and are court system of using bibles to uphold truth as evidence that we hate Muslims and the Islamic religion.

“I love you. I just thought I’d throw that out there.”
We’ve only been together for about 6 months.
I just replied being like “You can’t say that through a text! You’re drunk anyway. Tell me again when you’re sober.”
To which I was asked whether it would even be accepted anyway or is it too early to be saying such things.
I haven’t replied. How awkward. -Polishgnocci

Text back; “Love has no minimum time requirement.” You want to allay her fears of bringing it up, without giving away your hand.

Is it ever appropriate to kiss a girl on the cheek? Seems kinda gay. -Gargantuwon

The majority of women in my life I kiss on the cheek; my wifes friends, my friends that happen to be girls, my friends girlfriends and every family member. How is kissing a girl in anyway shape or form gay anyway?

Seriously, you’ve got the son of freaking god at your dinner table and you sell him out for a few shiny coins? Coins that Jesus could conjure up from thin air? Was Judas retarded? -Albatross_Beach

Didn’t the Gospel of Judas claims that Jesus asked him to betray him? I remember having a pretty elaborate theory tying the removal of his Gospel with the basic fundamentalism of Faith. I might have been stoned, also, though.

I gotta be honest. I don’t like it in movies or magazines when girls just show one boob at first. It’s stupid and annoying. I don’t want to see just one. I want to see all of them and I want to see them now! -LGRaver

Like that one tit-tease, Kristen Davis. My favortie part was when you said “all of them” and not “both” just in case someone has a half dozen under there.

Corn Pops: Yay or Nay? -Crow754

They get soggy too quick. I eat them all the time as a snack out of the box, but with milk? That’s a big nay.

I couldn’t get it up yesterday when I was about to have sex. -dagupe

It was your golden retrievers lucky night, I guess.

My friend told me he was thinking of hurting himself because is Fiancee, girlfriend for three years, broke up with him. I told him a bitch isn’t worth your life, here’s what you got to do. Go out, fuck a bunch of random bitches, live your life, your 19 years old, you don’t need to settle down right now. He just looked at me and said he’s not like that and that nothing could fix the way he felt. I got up and said well good luck then, and left him with one finaly quote amongst everyone in my group of friends “Bitches be crazy, you never know what they gonna do, all you know is what comes when you stick your dick in them.”  Buddy_Christ

A simple “I’ve had my heart broken too. It sucks, but time will fix it.” would have been way more helpful then telling him the way he is feeling is wrong.

Your opinion on they might be giants? -Lamerooster

Ive been down with them for like 20 years. Never have an accordion and horns sounded so consistently bad-ass. I really wish they were able to release their DuDo commercials.

What would happen if a college team put on tv sanctions makes it to the national championship game? -Minumus

The NCAA would never allow a situation where they couldn’t make money off of volunteers.