As it Turns Out, I have a Tagalong Problem

Seriously.  I have eaten two boxes this season, have an open one on my desk, own two more in the freezer, and have at least 4 more boxes coming from different sets of girl scouts.  Tiny green bitches and their chocolate crack.  God help me if those Samoas solicitors are hanging around the front of any building I have to go into.  I can’t walk by without buying two boxes.  Remember that old Tootsie Roll song, “Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a Tootsie Roll to me”.  Thats me, only with orange boxes.  Those tiny little delicious disks, they’re well worth a quarter a piece.  Which, coincidentally, is about the cost of each cigarette.   Just as addicting, but if I was still smoking, Id be losing weight.  Keep your eyes on the news in June.  Ill be the one arrested for shaking the shit out of a little girl wearing a green dress, begging her for my fix.  Will I care shes not even a girl scout?  Probably after I spend a few hours in the detox tank.