The What’s What, Volume 33

How do you like your eggs? -CowPlow

Benedict > McMuffin > Scrambled

Should I sue my company for only giving me 2 days off every month? The pay is good, but this is rediculous…
My spine can’t take much more. -samurai_ninja

You won’t find a lawyer, your effort would be better rewarded finding a new job.

Seriously, WTF @ Puerto Rico, wtf is it’s purpose? What does the U.S. get from PR? Why is it still “part” of the U.S.? I honestly don’t know besides moderately hot bitches, what the **** does puerto rico do besides use their government benefits? -MannequinPenis

I had an excellent time in my three hour layover to Saint Thomas. I gambled and got drunk with pleasant friendly people. It didn’t dawn on me to ask them their purpose as Americans.

This chaffing is unbelievable. I just went running and my thighs are killing me. Do you know how to stop this? -Gabriel_Vagoda

Corn starch, an old kitchen trick, for summer days over the oven. Works like a charm. Don’t let someone trick you into using flour unless you want a nut slurry thing happening. It’s turns your nuts into dumplings.

It’s funny when people look down on college students who have their tuition paid for by their parents. There is nothing wrong with it. tons of parents save up to pay for their kids schooling. you wouldnt turn it down if offered -WendyMcDonalds-King

While there is nothing wrong with it, I think its very fair to say that if you work to pay for your own college tuition, you’ll get more out of schooling. Im my experience, you could say this about 99% of college students. People who get their college paid for by Mommy and Daddy are more likely to slack, I guarantee.

How would you survive in prison? i would either go the “crazy man” route and eat as much as my cellmate’s face as i could before being sent to solitary OR would use my devilishly good looks and become the biggest black dude in the joint’s moll cuz what happens in prison stays in prison amirite? -remembertheheroes

Kill them with kindness. Instead of rapings, offer alternatives, like “snuggle time”.

Better Black Star Wars character? Lando owned a city in clouds, rescued Han Solo and destroyed a Death Star.
Mace killed Jango Fett, but got killed by Palpatine. Lando wins. -CloudyRoddyPiper

Lando was a traitor though, can’t omit that. He turned Han in, so at least rescuing him is a wash. And technically, you could say that it took the Emporer AND Darth Vader to bring down Mace. Its closer than you think.

do you get depressed when it rains? normally im in a good mood around this time of day, but today i just feel like shit. -HazyTrain

I enjoy rainy days, and thunderstorms make me feel spiritual. So, no, I don’t get depressed because of the rain at all.

Are there any nude scenes in The Shawshank Redemption? I plan on watching it on the plane when I go back home.
I’d rather avoid awkward moments with the people next to me. -Ericle556

It’s only the greatest movie of all time. Make sure your hang-ups prevent you from seeing it, though.

Can I get a haiku on the Sox new uniforms? -Tammyqube

New threads for Red Sox,

Though the conflict continues,

Red Sox clothes are blue.

had an interview last week and I was just called back today and asked to come in for a second interview. I am just wondering what to expect in this second interview, what is generally talked about or asked. In the first interview they just explained to me about what I would do, asked why I thought i would be a good candidate, and if i was comfortable with certain tasks. -Poggingfuriously

You should learn what you can about the company. That shows that you are serious about the job.
Plan to ask your own questions about the company, not too cheesy. “I noticed you have been in business for 40 years. Has it all been in this building?” Try to come in with knowledge of the job you would be filling. They might want to know how easy your assimilation will be. Also, there might be tricks. “What colour tie was I wearing on Monday?” Was someone there that isn’t for the second round of interview? “Where is Tracy? I hope shes okay.” Good luck.