The What’s What, Volume 147

Do you watch Girls?  Sundays episode was solid.  Shoshanna goin nuts -XeXetheZ

I watched the first couple episodes, as I do most every HBO, but I quickly determined that I was not the targeted demographic. You might say it’s hip, I found it banal and self-indulgent.   Weeks later I found out that the entire cast are children of rich and famous people.  That pretty much soured me on any hope of redemption with this show.  No thanks, and instinctively, I’ll think a little less of you in the future.   Can I recommend True Detective to you?  It’s also on HBO Sunday Nights, and it contains original writing of people doing things that outsiders may find interesting.  We can talk about that show for DAYS.  

lol @ watching sports.  the fuck is wrong with you?-whorehey

Live competition of any kind is awesome. Ill watch pretty much any sports, even if I dont know the rules.  The Olympics are among my favorite spectacles.  There random sports on 5 channels at any time of the day.  Insomnia?  Fencing!  Feeling sick all day?  There’s people on skis firing guns followed by curling!  It’s fucking shufflepuck on ice!  ON TV!  And you complain?  Kids, today.

Favorite cars to drive in Gran Tourismo?  I like the 1969 Toyota 2000GT. After a light tune (tires, cams + intake/exhaust) and some suspension and brake work) the car is a dream to drive. The car feels mechanical and connected, enters/exit corners at high speeds, and the engine just sounds phenomenal. The car is just fun to drive.

Runner-up is probably the 69 Nissan Fairlady Z for the same reasons. I like fast cars but there is something fun about a light, front engine/rear drive car w/ a manual transmission. Especially when they are older because they have a mechanical, basic feeling nature to them.

I’m more of an agility car fan.  Particularly your Subaru Impreza’s for Off-Road action, or the RUFs…is that what they are?  The fictional brand they included to house the Porsche cars when Porsche didnt want to be included in the game?  It’s been a while, I think that was them.

Your ranking of films Quentin Tarantino has directed, go.  -DontEatDaFoods

I can obviously only rank the ones I have seen.

1. Pulp Fiction
1a. Four Rooms
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. Inglorious Basterds
4. Django Unchained
5. Kill Bill Vol. 1
6. Jackie Brown

Four Rooms gets a subset because he directed a quarter of the movie.  His portion was FANTASTIC, though.  The Top 3 are in my Top 20 movies of all time.  3 and 4 are movies Id watch again.  5 was worth watching once.  Jackie Brown is among my least favorite movies of all time.

What do you think of people that go through a Starbucks drive-thru for a cup of coffee. is that being lazy or is it whatever? I kind of feel like it’s weird but then again how is it any different from going through any other drive-thru? thoughts? -AsianGuy92

Lazy?  It’s LESS retarded than going to any other drive-thru because drinking a cup of coffee is something that can easily be done while you drive.  Why would you sit down and drink just a coffee? I need a paper cup, anyway, I have shit to do. Drinking a coffee takes a time for me. I have to wait for it to cool a bit, and then you just dont drink it, you sip occasionally to keep the taste in your face for a while.  I am not gonna sit in a restaurant booth to have a coffee like a doofus.  Its a drink.  You have to fucking sit down in order to drink a coffee?  Makes sense with food.  It’s what a table is for.  

lol so why is every american team called after an animal or pants? new york knicks? Bear, seagulls, tigers. lol what are we, 6?  Come on just the name of the place will suffice.

The Fresno Trousers? Grand Rapids Chinos?  What the hell teams are named after pants?  Are you talking about the Knickerbockers?  I think they were people first.  And rather than list the DOZENS of team names that do not include animal nor pants, including 3 out of 4 of the professional sports teams of Boston, the area from which I hail, I’ll choose to kind of see your point.  I mean “Location Football Club” is a little boring, but its more professional than some cartoony sea animal.  (I’m looking at YOU, Miami Dolphins.)  Still, I think I prefer variety and marketing availabilities that the current American system favours.

Do you consider yourself more considerate than an average person? -CanadiAnne

I do, because I’m all “WHAM BAM You’re Welcome Maa’m”.  Case closed.

So the ex of a girl I know has hacked her facebook, posting a text conversation they had where she admits to cheating on him with  7 guys, including a two guy threesome, and tagging her father.  Why she gave her ex her password, and didnt change it after the broke up is really stupid. -UMEagles

Its far more likely that he knew the answers to her password reset questions.  Some girl I knew got her email hacked because her security question was “What was my high school mascot?” which the other girl looked up on Google in like 10 fucking seconds.  Which is why the answers to my security questions are not actual answers at all. Whats my Moms maiden name? Flintstone Chewables.  My first kiss was with?  The Hudson River Valley.