The What’s What, Volume 76

My mom watches Dr. Oz to get healthier.  She has irritable bowel syndrome, and on one of the shows he says what foods can cause problems. Which is basically carbonated drinks and fried foods. That’s pretty much all my mom eats/drinks. Now she refuses to stop eating/drinking those things.  Basically, my mom wants to get healthier but doesn’t want to take the proper steps to get there.  -jeenyus1

Apparently, because of him there has been a serious influx of women mistaking indegestion for a heart attack because he claimed that 200 women died last year from misdiagnosing themselves.   Unfortunately, now my ER doctor buddy has like 2 women a day coming in thinking they are having a heart attack after a pizza lunch or something.  What an asshole. The only thing he’s offering is fear.

How would YOU describe the taste of Bubble Gum to someone who has never tasted it before? -CalvinClimb

Sweet, like a combination of fruits you’ve never tasted.

When you think about it, there’s not a huge difference between a PS3 and a 360 controller. -floridan18

The XBox controller just feels like a toaster oven in my hands. It’s bulky, heavy and requires batteries.   There’s a huge difference for my needs, personally. Doesn’t make it better, just makes it my preference.

Are there any commercials on TV you can’t stand?  I hate that Trident Layers commercial.  No one accepts gum as form of compensation.  No one.   -ceilingcatyay

Thanks to my DVR, I don’t have the problem of watching commercials very much.  But some might sneak in during live sporting events.  The new Snuggie one with the synthesizer theme song and they’re raising the roof throughout the commercial is pretty ridiculous.  “Raising the roof” hasn’t been appropriate since 1998. And they’ve got it all over this commercial like it’s the new dance craze.

Know what pisses me off? Telemarketers that call you and put you on HOLD.  Seriously? You’re going to call me with some annoying sales pitch, and you want me to hold the line while you find someone to give it to me? -andyiceberg

Are you kidding? This is where you hang up. Never has there been a greater invitation to disconnect the line, return the phone to its dock and go about your day. Either that, or get a cell phone.

So it’s been nearly a decade and I still have not seen a valid explanation for World Trade Center 7 collapsing days after the attacks. -Argentiny

And you will continue to not get a valid explanation because you have already invalidated the truth.

Mad Men is just a soap opera for elitist douchebags.  -mnstip

It’s really about romanticizing the era. Theres a lot of nostalgia to be had on that show for us older folks. Not only all the accounts that the agency collects (whom all but a handful are companies bankrupted long ago, like Martinsons coffee, the Dumont network, and stuff like that) but in the way people treated each other, how men treated women. Also, how you could slap some strangers kid in public and it was okay because the kid was being a douchebag, or how you went on a picnic and left your trash piled up and drove away. It’s a window to a different time in the world that some people view as a better time.

Do fat bitches make you rage? -tombstonedave

Only when they are upset at people for finding them unattractive and they get all high and mighty about how everyone is beautiful on the inside or some garbage.  Hey fat people, you are not entitled to other peoples infatuation because Oprah or any equally powerful fat/ugly person says you are pretty when they’ve never met you.  Additionally, some people think Melissa Joan Hart is unattractive, and she’s not fat, so it might just be the way you look, not just your fatness.  Thanks.

Do you hold your penis while urinating? -Crow754

At a urinal or outside, no. Otherwise, yeah.