The What’s What, Volume 51

-Had a great night with friends girlfriend
-I tell her my friend really doesn’t want to be with her
-The next day she makes moves on me
How should this situation be dealt with?  -The_Coon

If you friend is mad at you, you fucked up, and you’re a traitor.
If he’s happy cause she’s gone, then the pain is temporary, you did them both a favour, you get to feel her boobies, shes your problem now, and you’re a traitor.
Unless he told you to do it, which you claim he didn’t, then you threw him under the bus for your own perceived gain, regardless of the situation now. You were considerate of your own selfish feelings over your friends, you should have consulted him first. But whats done is done, good luck.

THE HAPPENING IS SUCH A GARBAGE MOVIE. how could you like it? The acting was terrible and it rivals Gran Torino. The plot was DECENT but overall it was completely stupid. Marky Mark sucked ass in this movie. -.Munnkee

I don’t blame the acting as much as I blame the writing. That dialog was embarrassing and, ultimately, distracting. And I think the actors took the heat for that. The stunts were cool. I really didn’t think it was that much of a stretch to think that plants could evolve a defense mechanism against their greatest natural enemy.  But people are all LoL about it, so I guess I’m wrong.

Do you consider yourself to be racist? -TK420

You tell me. I notice tendencies in races, but never judge one for them. Also, I intentionally never bring race into a conversation, though I see people doing it all the time. It embarrasses me, as a white person.

Why do spiders need eight eyes and eight legs? That’s just being greedy tbh. -UnpredictablePenguin

Are you saying we should be investing in research to transplant spider appendages to other animals, or is this a profound theological rhetoric aimed at an imperfect designer?

damnit, my roommate has been in the tv room with his date all fucking night. i want to play some fucking resident evil, why can’t they just go sit in his room and talk? they were in there when i went out, they were there when i got back, and they’re still there, wtffffffffffffff -Dashoon

“I want to play some FPS, but my roommate is trying to get some. He is so selfish!”  Just so we’re on the same page. This is what you are claiming, in a nutshell?

WTF, why can my Ps3 play Ps1 games but not Ps2 ones? -Archetype66

Because the PS2 is still selling. Once it goes away, in a couple more years, they’ll be a firmware update and we’ll be set.

Have you ever been adiccted to a drug? -UncleSkar

I’ve definitely abused drugs, but I don’t think I have ever become addicted. That is to say if I experienced withdrawal symptoms, I blamed the cause on something else.

So what happened in history around this time last week that made google go all morse code? -Oysterfarmer

Samuel Morse’s Birthday. But, they really should not be honouring him.  Sure it was important then, but its completely irrelevant today. It’s not like he even invented the telegraph or anything. He just made up an alphabet. Okay, so an American perfected an antiquated technique for a fossilized piece of equipment.  That deserves recognition? Who wrote the owners manual for the cotton gin? Shouldn’t his birthday be recognized too?

favorite underrated combination? mine is fritos and salsa – gasmaskedcasket

Watermelon sherbet with chocolate chips is my favorite.

so how long until Twitter goes away? I give it another 3 months, tops. -CharlieStone75

Until the ad revenues make it unprofitable, which at this point will never occur.  The “buzz” surrounding it will die soon, its pretty much jumping the shark now.

I want to see every high school/college whore burn. I want to see them drown in the flames of disgust and torment, let them see what happens when you unleash filth and promiscuity upon the young world.  -InternetDick

Why would you want to kill the practice girls? They’re doing your future wife a solid by teaching how to please women. Of course I’m using the term “teaching you” loosely because it’s obvious you’re only upset that the girls who will spread their legs for 95% of men have included you in the “no-dice” 5%.