The What’s What, Volume 85

You got a new phone?  What kind, whos your provider?  Any good? -Navybound88

Sprint’s HTC Hero.  Totally boss.  It does tend to lag occasionally, but nothing a reboot doesnt fix. It takes forever to boot up, thats really my main issue.  Which likely won’t matter if a firmware update fixes the lagging issues.    I was really worried about the touch keyboard, I have always have a physical one.  But, after a calibration and a few minutes it totally picks up what I’m going for.  The Android Applications are awesome.  I do have some disappointment in the Google Calendar function, but that’s on Google, and likely will be fixed with a couple applications over time.  I am remarkably happy with it, overall.

Mark McGwire admitted using steroids when he broke baseball’s single-season home run record in 1998. Your thoughts? -Bronzemonkey

He’s going to follow-up with a press conference that the sun is hot, tomorrow.  Seriously, though, his admittance is still full of lies.  How he didn’t take them for performance is just one.  Because everyone injects themselves with something every day because it does nothing, right?  He’s an ass thats still lying.  The worst part is, none of this was illegal, so I continue to blame the MLB Administration for the whole fiasco.

Do you flash your lights to warn oncoming traffic of cops? And how many people do you think are aware of this signal? -zappattammann

Yeah, I do it.  Not sure how many people think I’m trying to tell them to turn their lights on.  One time it happened to us in Ireland, and we slowed down to avoid foreign law and it turns out a biker got hit by car and was lying in the middle of the road around a sharp corner. We would have ran the bastard over again if no one had been coming our way. Apparently, thats the way they do it over there. Flashing lights means shit got real up ahead.

Sarah Palin is joining Fox News.  She’ll fit right in. -HarvardBroad

So, she quit her job as Governor to pimp her book and get a TV show?  Apparently, the only thing she’s going rogue on is responsibility.

I just really wasn’t in the mood for being in the office but then my boss requested a doctor’s note but I wasn’t sick so getting one wouldn’t have been possible.   So I just printed some stuff on a piece of paper like “patient number 0444” and “symptoms” on a piece of a paper, cut it so it looked like a small note and not a full sheet of paper and then I told my friend to fill in the blanks with his handwriting and then he signed it at the bottom. My boss totally bought it.  Owned. -MrGoodmanBar

You could have saved yourself the anxiety and just gone to a doctor.  Every time I have asked a doctor for a legitimate or illegitimate doctors note, they have asked me what I wanted it to say.   Seems like a waste of time for everyone involved to request one.

Seriously, every other day on the news I hear about group X being disapointed because Obama did not legalize gay marriage (gays), did not end racism (minorities), did not legalize marijuana (pot advocates), did not end both wars right away (bleeding hearts – just kidding, I’m against both wars), did not do more against global warming (tree huggers – again, kidding), etc. No wonder so many are disapointed, its like they expected him to be a messiah on all of these issues after 1 year in office. It`s not Obama that is the problem, its the political system that he is part of that makes passing any kind of significant legislation take years. Anyway, I`ll fully judge his presidency when its over, not after less than a year. -the_wire44

While true, he did kind of sell himself on hope and change, so you can’t really blame voters  for choosing to support him.  Not that you are totally the victim when your chosen political candidate turns out to be just another corporate puppet, if you can’t see that coming a mile away to begin with,  than politics is not your thing.

What’s the worst book you have ever read?  -kbrace8240

Either Lord of the Flies, or Bridge to Terabithia.  Both pretty much turned me off of reading for a few years, when the point was to get kids interested in reading.  You mean a bunch of adults agreed on books that kids would be interested in, put a fancy gold sticker on them, and completely failed in every aspect of the decisions?  Shocking.

Ron Jeremy says violent video games ‘worse’ than porn.-drama11

I agree. I find the glorification of violence far more offensive than the glorification of sex, though I have a high tolerance for both.  I think violence is wrong in all cases, while sex is wrong in very few.  It’s retarded that parents who would be offended at buying their kids porn at 18 would be so easily talked into God of War at 10 years old.

Sources close to former ‘Tonight Show’ host Jay Leno tell me he is furious with the way NBC has treated him and Conan O’Brien and is considering walking away from the entire mess.  How screwed is NBC? -OGBobbsonn

It’s just some PR trying to spin Leno’s disappointment that everyone is reacting to his treachery negatively.  I don’t buy any of Leno’s reasons for leaving in that article. It’s nice to say now, to try to save some face, but Jay will eventually come through with the “too many people, from the props guy to the wardrobe lady, and their families, rely on me for their livelihood.” or such preconsidered nonsense and have no qualms stealing back the show he retired from when the time comes.

When you’re down and out, do you have any friends you can count on? -4emlock

I do, but I try to  figure out my own problems. My friends are for fun.  I don’t see any reason to burden anyone else with my troubles, and I have friends who treat me the same way.  I might ask advice or their thoughts on a situation. But I try very hard to not complain about things that don’t really concern them.