The What’s What, Volume 88

I don’t understand how people can actually LIKE cocktail sauce. -pen_island

Its horseradish and ketchup. Two condiments can sometimes go great together.  Relish and mayo, honey and mustard, etc.  I suggest saving your disdain for more important things, though.

Why is there so much hate on Lent?  I feel bad for people that have such a simple message of self discipline and sacrifice fly right over their head.   -teaboxer

Because others feel bad for people whos views of self discipline and sacrifice begin and end at giving up chocolate for a month.

Lol My dad thought that you made Oreo milkshakes using Oreo ice cream.  The other night after we were done eating dinner he said “Well, if you want to make an Oreo milkshake we have some Oreo ice cream in the fridge”. Me and my Mom both laughed at him.  -LastTopModel

You are completely wrong. You want the Oreo Ice Cream because the cookies are moister and break apart easier and fit through the straw. To this you add chocolate sauce, extra cookies and milk. I feel bad for your Dad that he got ridiculed for being right.

So, what’s the consensus on MAG? Good? Bad? Worth a purchase? -ZippahHead

My brother in law is really into it. Pretty good too. I liked playing the demo.  I like how they force you to push for an objective rather than every game turning into a deathmatch.  Pretty innovative scoring, revival, and activity systems.  I would suggest renting before purchase, as I would most any game you’ve never played.

So this disabled lady that my mom buys groceries for passed away… How long before I can drink her A&W Root beer?  -SOCommander

Im assuming you can’t just drink one and claim you didn’t know?  If she does, pour two glasses and bring one to your Mom. Raise a glass to the fallen disabled lady and toast in her honour.  She can’t really feel guilty if you have good intentions, and you shouldn’t either if you thank her memory for it.  Bonus points: Make floats.

Who deserves more credit for the success of a movie?Director or Writer? -Sicileen

Tough call. Essentially, movie ideas don’t happen from nothing, so I would have to go with writers. I’d be interested to hear what a successful writer/director like Tarantino would have to say about it.

The problem with you potheads is that it doesnt matter if you are factually wrong if people believe you.  Its kind of a big problem, given the amount of stupid people out there… -IEnjoiRayden

The problem with everyone (Christians/Atheists, Reps/Dems, Hershey/Nestle) is that it doesn’t matter if you are factually wrong as long as people believe you.

A friend BLOCKED all time wasting sites at work, now the 20 somethings are upset! LOL  he has many 20 somethings under him. They spend time on sites like facebook, twitter, myspace, etc. …. everyday! So my friend talked to the tech guy and had him block all those sites. Now the 20 somethings are crying! WTF? Your at work to work, not surf the net. Here and there, surfing is no biggie, but several times a day, each and every day is pushing it. So my friend was pro active. -MortalityDeadbolt

Now, all the 20-somethings are checking these sites on their much, much slower phones wasting much, much more time.

I don’t get why people like you.  This blog is about nothing, and it’s not even funny.  -ShawneeL91

I don’t get why if I throw a paper clip or aluminum foil sheet into the air, it’s doesn’t float down slightly North.  Shouldn’t this happen?  Life is full of mysteries.