The What’s What, Volume 43

Is society itself getting less and less intelligent? I mean, schools have lowered their standards, English classes have put books away because they would be “too difficult” for students, and most people I asked have no idea what the Iron Curtain was. WTF? -Assprin91

I believe that the divide between the smart and stupid is getting farther apart.  Todays instant gratification society is becoming a great tool for the clever and urbane, while becoming a seriously problematic distraction for the simple and easy manipulated.

Did you hear about the new GranSlam breakfast at Denny’s inspired by OCTOMOM? 8 eggs, no sausage and the man at the next table pays for it! -EliteWeaponry

Funny confirmed.

South Park or Family Guy? -Skinsfan09

I’m giving the edge to Family Guy only because they don’t make South Park jokes, and I find attacks like that petty and embarrassing.

I always have to force myself to try and forget Ocean’s 12 is part of the Ocean’s trilogy. It’s such a shame because Ocean’s 11 is so amazing, and Ocean’s 13 is really not a bad movie, but MAN… Ocean’s 12 is terrible. -PrizzonWurrker

I really enjoyed 13. Though, 11 is rightfully the flagship. I can see where they were going with 12, and it is watchable, but it pails in comparison to the other 2.

I’ve been watching Family Feud since the Louie Anderson era and I’ve seen maybe one family ever pass on a question. No one ever sweeps the board if there are more than 4 answers, and usually the questions are weird and you need time to think outside the box to figure out one of the more obscure answers up there. -GlideMonkey

Basically you have to have one of the top two answers on the board to make the decision, and one of the bottom two answers on the board to consider passing.  And then, if the other family takes your answer, you could be pretty much screwed.

I have a program that generates a random number between 1 and infinity. If you guess the number I have right now I will sponsor your blog. -Shamuvon

Aren’t you worried that by starting the program you risk your computer just spouting out numbers to eternity?

What happened to the rumored XBOX Live price drop? -LTomHubbard

They realized you have no choice but to pay what they are asking for?  That’s my guess.

Favorite Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode? I havent seen that many episodes, but the best one ive seen so far is Space Mutiny. Every 1 liner the robots deliver is pure gold.  You?  -SeanandGina

The old 50s short educational films are my favorites. Full length? I’d go for “Mitchell” just for the 2 hours of Joe Don Baker cracks.

Seen this commercial? – These authentic Italians loved Pizza Hut’s Tusconi Lasagna. They loved it cause it was fucking free food you idiots. -DeltaForceB

My favorite part is when they cheer at the end, like “Yay! I got scammed! Awesome!”

Good writing = LOTS OF SYMBOLISM -YellowHint45

Some people find good writing to be the ability to say complex things in a simple manner.  Like lots of things, it’s all a matter of taste.

Hey recession, eat my balls! I just found a job! Store clerk, selling beer and cigarettes 32 hours a week. That’s $242 every week, or damn near $500 every paycheck. -JerryJones4Pres

You are living proof the stimulus package is working. Thanks Obama!

I need two days off work, and a medical certificate stating that I’m unable to attend work due to illness is the only option of getting out.  Obviously I’m not sick, so what are some good symptoms to say to the doctor to make them believe that I’m sick and need a couple of days off work? I was thinking of stomach virus, but I think I’ve used that one a while ago. -BigKoronado

Just go to a walk-in clinic and pay the diagnostic fee. They’ll ask you what you want the form to say. I would suggest asking for it to say three days, so when you go back to work in 2 days, you can shut them up about forms next time.

Japanese Food>Chinese Food -CoolStoryHansel

Japanese cooking is very simple, which has benefits and drawbacks. If they didn’t have a hibachi table to spice up the situation, a majority of Americans wouldnt care because the food is bland to the open palate. Frankly, if sushi wasn’t as popular, they would never stand a chance, even with WWII. Tempura is good, though.

American chinese food is versatile enough, if you get Hunan or Szechwuan, or pretty much anything not fried can be healthy too. But pure chinese food is very complex and dynamic. It’s not surprising its flavours became popular. Spicy and sweet has been doing great things for everywhere but Europe (Where savory dominates) for thousands of years.

Ok, my school is about to purchase a mobile cell phone jammer. This jams all cell phone signals within a 25 meter radius. Now there has to be a way around this, I just need to know what one is. Have any ideas? -VadersRealSon

Sounds complex and expensive. I suggest heavily vandalizing it until it doesnt work anymore. Maybe they won’t buy another.

You ever notice how a woman having a 9 year olds voice is sexy? why? Like Lyla Garrity from Friday Night Lights, sexy voice, but my little cousin has that same voice, it’s strange.  -MatteFinnish

My wife has a tiny voice, I don’t find it sexy, but it’s cute. Especially when shes complaining. But she gets a lot of flack about others for it, so I don’t really mention it. She doesn’t need it from everywhere, all day.  Wait…. Did you just say your cousin was sexy?

How do you get a girls number? -XLIIIWasAwesome

I ask a girl to use her cellphone. Then I call my phone, leave a voicemail to myself, and then give her phone back. I then return my phone call to myself (her phone) and ask her if I can buy her a drink since I already have her phone number, and thats usually the tough part.