The What’s What, Volume 40

A-Rod should get no respect for admitting he used steroids, he only confessed because he was caught. -SoggyBoot

I agree. He had plenty of chances to some clean if he truly was regretful.  But, this certainly does make things easier for him in the long run.  I really enjoyed how he kept talking about why HOF voters should still vote for him, but that he doesnt really caare he just wants a championship. Plus, he tried to scapegoat his cousin.  Does anyone blame A-Rod less now that his cousin was involved?  He should have said “They were my mistakes, it doesn’t matter where I got them.” He really is fraudulent.

9/11 was made for TV.  If the attacks occurred on June 24th no one would refer to them as 6/24 but some ultra clever TV personality realized that 9/11 is like 911 and 911 is the # you call for emergency services. Plus the 11 can represent the towers on T shirts, bumper stickers, collectable coins etc… -Koleizzshun

Who knew terrorists had marketing degrees?

America wants the Middle East to have democracy, but when they do and elect Hamas, we kill them. -God_Foley11

It certainly is true we were hoping they didn’t elect people that would want to kill us.  But now that they have chosen who to represent them, we have to deal with them.

thoughts of salma hayek breastfeeding random african baby during recent trip? -billswillwin23

*Googles “African baby costume”*

Would you let Oscar the Grouch give you a BJ for $40? -Furnituremishandled

Sounds kind of rough.  Couldn’t I just jerk-off with a mitten, get the same effect, and keep my $40?

high school dropouts still screwd even with stimulas package, Id love to go to school but I dont have a gang.

I laughed out loud when I was forced to consider that high school dropouts care about the stimulus package. They chose their economic threshold way before the stimulus package dropped.

If you could go back in time to witness history, where would you go? -DoughBoy911

Jesus’ miracles, no other option even comes close.

How old were you when you played your first video game? -MeltsinMouth

Arcade game? I can’t remember.  Home console? I was 7 when the Atari came out, My dad brought one home with Bowling and combat. I played forever.

My Grandma just learned how to use the internet, and she keeps e-mailing me nudes of herself. I think she’s a member of senior swingers. -Hazytrain

Can I have her screen name? I’ll bring my bingo marker and some Sanka, it’s about to get nasty.