As it turns out, gay people aren’t so happy.

Proposition 8 passed in California, which essentially is the legalized discrimination of a group of peoples. I can marry a woman, but a woman can not. Full disclosure, I don’t really care all that much. I don’t care about gays, or black people, or religious people, because I am none of those. There are two groups of people in the world; those who say “Do whatever you choose, as long as it doesn’t hurt me, I have no issue”. And the rest have the “What you are doing is wrong, and I’m going to stop you.” mentality. Thats what I care about. I care about stopping people who take themselves too seriously, that somehow they matter enough to be able to force their beliefs into my home.

So, to Homosexuals, I offer this solution. Get married. “I/They can’t,” you say, “that’s the whole problem.” Hear me out. I think Homosexuals people should protest with gay couples finding lesbian couples, pairing up men/women and having a double wedding. In a church.  After the ceremony, you go off with your original partner and live happy lives.  Maybe you call the lesbians twice a year; once to celebrate your anniversary, another dinner party to fill out your taxes. Maybe exchange Christmas gifts for laughs. But, the whole point, is that homosexuals are getting married. Just to each other. Confused? Good, thats the point. Confusing the issue makes the opposing argument lose weight. How could a conservative Christian be angry with a man and a woman marrying each other? Because they are gay? They can’t be gay, they just got married! See the fun that can be had?

The end game; Homosexuals get the same rights as married couples because they are married. And Christians are pissed off because gay people are getting married in their churches and making a circus of the institution that already has a 50% failure rate, and a joke of their beliefs.

Gay men, help your cause, marry a lesbian.